Chapter 90 I am your ancestor


"Another human came to disturb my laying eggs, hmph, you bastards!"

The insect mother who was beating Zhao Ritian caught a glimpse of Nan Yu and Jin Hua walking in from the corner of her eye. She became furious and beat Zhao Ritian a little harder with her hands, causing Zhao Ritian, who was already losing more air than taking in, to feel pain again. The monster screamed.


I saw a crimson arm sticking out of the insect head on the mother insect's head, pointing at Nan Yu and Jin Hua and roaring: "Little cubs, bite them to death!!!"

Following the worm mother's order.

Countless crimson ant corpses as tall as a person surged out of the surrounding caves like red clouds.

at the same time.

Another black cloud also screamed out of the cave, headed by an oversized black bullet ant corpse brother who was about the same height as the insect mother.

Seeing the swarm of worms surrounding Nan Yu and the others, the worm mother picked up Zhao Ritian upside down, let him stick it on her huge face, and said with a strange smile: "Look, the human beings who came to save you will all become like you. How wonderful to be immortal like us."

Zhao Ritian, whose bones had been broken long ago, managed to open his eyes, spit weakly at the worm mother, and then grinned reluctantly: "When I recover, I must use your dog's head to pay homage to Moxuan and Ritian. The spirit of the flower is in the sky."

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Hearing this, the insect mother suddenly laughed wildly, and then slammed Zhao Ritian to the ground. Zhao Ritian, who was holding on for a breath, suddenly fell unconscious again.

But the torment of the bug mother is far from over.

Seeing that Zhao Ritian was unconscious, it spit out a poisonous needle from its mouth and stabbed Zhao Ritian. The mixed toxins from bullet ants and fire ants were injected into Zhao Ritian's body. In an instant, the burning sensation coming from the internal organs was the same as the body being shot by a machine gun. The pain forced the unconscious Zhao Ritian to wake up, and he was wailing in pain miserably.

This time the worm mother didn't continue to torture him, but carried him upside down, forcing his eyes to look forward, and sneered.

"You damn human beasts."

"When we were little, didn't you giants like to play with and humiliate us the most?"

"Hmph, even though we were so weak back then, we could still make you feel pain like burning flames and bullets."

"But now, we have become giants, and you have become small. I don't know how much pain you can bear when you are so weak?"

"a ha ha ha--"

However, with a smile and a smile, the crazy expression of the worm mother was replaced by shock.

It only tormented Zhao Ritian for a short period of one or two minutes, but when he turned around, his army of ants was almost killed by those two humans that he looked down upon.

"This! This is impossible!!!"

The worm mother, who was full of confidence just now, couldn't help screaming.

This army of bullet ants and army of red fire ants was carefully cultivated by it, and it is the offspring of a completely different concept from the insect breeders outside.

Especially the giant bullet ant, which was cultivated by cutting off a lot of energy and blood sent to the corpse nest. In terms of strength, it is almost the same as himself.

In such a short while, he was killed by those two humans?

The worm mother, who was still full of confidence, made a quick decision and ran away with Zhao Ritian in her arms.

Being able to quickly kill his own army of ants in such a short period of time, these two people are undoubtedly heaven-level humans, and this kind of strong man is not something he can afford.


As soon as the insect mother moved over there, Jin Hua noticed its movement and immediately chased after it with Sakura in hand.

Seeing that the worm mother had run away, the ant army, whose morale had already collapsed, also dispersed in a hurry. They had no intention of helping the worm mother, nor did they intend to continue attacking Nan Yu. They all ran for their lives on their own. Gone, only Nan Yu was left here to take the blood of that earth-level peak bullet ant in a leisurely manner.

This kind of silence didn't last long, and the sound of fierce fighting came from the depths of the insect nest.


Jinhua looked like a winner and dragged the insect mother's body back.

As for that Zhao Ritian, he was still howling miserably in the hands of the worm mother.

It seems that even if he died, the worm mother did not intend to let him go, and even clenched her hands even tighter, Zhao Ritian's spine was forcibly broken by the naked eye.

"Tsk, it's really miserable."

Nan Yu put away the blood bodhi that the bullet ant had transformed into, walked up to Zhao Ritian with his hands behind his back, and cut off the fingers of the insect mother with two hand knives. Only then did Zhao Ritian feel free, and he slid weakly as if all the bones in his body had been pulled out. on the ground.

Nan Yu was not in a hurry to draw the blood of the worm mother, but quickly tapped Zhao Ritian's big acupoint a few times in a row, cutting off his pain nerves, then squeezed his mouth open, and stuffed in a pill full of ground level Blood coagulation pill for mid-term qi and blood.

After doing this, he drew out the blood essence of the worm mother and condensed it into six blood bodhisattvas.

Plus the bullet ant just now.

During this trip, Nan Yu harvested a total of eleven Blood Bodhisattva.

But there aren’t many other blood-coagulating pills.

Most of the ant army of the worm mother is some human-level ants, at most they are the early prefecture-level ants. On the super giant bullet ant.

Therefore, only the giant bullet ant is of some use, and the other small ants can only replenish the golden flower's body, and are not even enough to make blood pills.

Not long after taking the blood coagulation pill, Zhao Ritian woke up faintly.

With the supplement of Congealing Blood Pill, his aura is obviously much stronger. Although he is still a little weak, it is much better than his previous state.

"Much, thank you, big brother, for your life-saving grace. Zhao Ritian will definitely repay you in the future."

Zhao Ritian tried several times, but was still unable to stand up, so he had to hold his fists and say thank you to Nan Yu.

Judging by his appearance, he still has the posture of a chic knight.

"Big brother?"

Nan Yu glanced at him sideways, and said coldly, "It's called Zuzu."


Zhao Ritian was stunned for a moment, then became angry: "Hey, even if you save me, don't try to ask me to call you ancestor! I, Zhao Ritian, was born to be a man in Ritian, how can I let others call me my ancestor casually? .”

When Jin Hua heard this, she immediately pulled out her cherry fire, and was about to chop up this rude guy.

Nan Yu stretched out his hand to stop her movement, and immediately without making a sound, he simply swung Ju Que and slashed at the insect nest.

In an instant, a huge red sword energy flew out, using god-level internal power to activate the blood-flame tyrant sword slash. Coupled with the amplification of the giant palace, this solid insect hole was split into two halves without even being able to withstand it.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Ritian immediately opened his mouth wide and couldn't speak for a long time. He didn't even know that his saliva was flowing out.

As a direct disciple of the leader of the Blood Lotus Sect, how could he not recognize the unique skills in the Blood Lotus Dafa?

Moreover, this power.

He had only seen it in his master.

In other words, the person in front of me is a god-level master who practices Blood Lotus. Doesn’t that mean
"Are you the ancestor of our Blood Lotus Sect?" Zhao Ritian asked.

And the answer he got.

Yes for sure.

(End of this chapter)

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