People are dead brothers, single-handedly challenge the dragon to the right

Chapter 91 The Old Ancestor and Grandma of the Blood Lotus Sect

Chapter 91 The Old Ancestor and Grandma of the Blood Lotus Sect

In the process of treating Zhao Ritian's injuries, Nan Yu also learned why this lunatic broke into the corpse nest and was tortured like this by the insect mother.

Zhao Ritian's sister Zhao Rihua was caught by the corpse brother and taken to the corpse nest.

In order to save his sister, he broke in.

Relying on the Blood Lotus Sect's secret treasure Tiangang Key and his internal strength cultivation at the peak of the earth level, he finally reached the survivor's cage, which is the breeding area.

As a result, before he had time to start looking for someone, he provoked the most powerful zombie brother here, the worm mother.

Originally, Zhao Ritian's ability was enough to deal with the insect mother. Even with the addition of bullets, Brother Ant Corpse, he could still run away if he couldn't defeat her.

But the problem is that his maid Mo Xuan was beaten by Brother Bullet Ant Corpse to the point where her life or death is unknown.

This time Zhao Ritian was completely angered.

Who is Mo Xuan?

Moxuan was the blood servant given to him by the leader after he joined the Blood Lotus Sect, and she was also a personal maid who took care of his daily life. In Zhao Ritian's heart, Moxuan was no different from his own sister.

So when Mo Xuan was beaten away, he became furious and even burned his life, vowing to kill Brother Ant Corpse to avenge Mo Xuan.

Then he hit it like this.

But it's not because he couldn't beat these two oversized corpses after burning his life.

It was simply because he had a two-second dissipation of energy when he was burning his life, and the bullet ant caught up with his opportunity to dissipate his energy by accident, and crippled him with one blow.

After listening to him babbling about how he was beaten, even Jin Hua couldn't help but touch his forehead.

This Zhao Ritian's strength cannot be said to be weak.

The physical body and internal strength cultivation of the peak of the earth level can burn life at least to the level of the early stage of the sky level.

In the end, because of such a problem with Sangong, he was beaten into the miserable appearance he is now.

This is the case.

Should I say other dishes?Or should he be called unlucky?
"You still know that burning your life will dissipate your power? Then you still burn your life in front of them, afraid that they won't beat you?"

Nan Yu, who was treating Zhao Ritian's wounds, also asked with a strange expression.

Zhao Ritian's answer was also very quintessential: "I know, but so what, a man like me who is domineering, cool, and a dick, as long as I use my domineering aura, who would dare to come up and beat me!"

This said.

If he didn't know that this guy is a psychopath, and he probably hasn't taken the medicine yet, Nan Yu would have an unbearable urge to hit someone.

"You've been beaten up like this, how can you still be arrogant? I think you are more or less like a bully!"

On the other hand, Jin Hua began to sneer.

Even a rookie like her knows not to expose her weaknesses to the enemy during battle.

This Zhao Ritian, who claims to have studied martial arts for three years and has to live every day, doesn't even have this common sense.

This kind of ridicule naturally touched Zhao Ritian's bottom line, and he immediately shouted at the top of his voice: "What do you know!? Does a person like you know what is a domineering spirit? You don't know the domineering posture of your master at all." Maybe—oh, it hurts, it hurts—grandfather, please take it easy."

In the middle of what Zhao Ritian was saying, he was interrupted by a sudden sharp pain, and he screamed in agony.

"It's okay. I know it hurts, which means the injury is healed."

Nan Yu continued to cut Zhao Ritian's bones disapprovingly, completely ignoring the guy's screams like he was killing a pig.

Zhao Ritian was seriously injured. Most of the bones were comminuted fractures. Some bone fragments penetrated into the internal organs. The spine was broken into three sections. The internal organs were also ruptured and bleeding in many places. The only good news may be that the internal organs were not displaced. The internal injuries were slightly less severe.

Fortunately, Zhao Ritian practiced the Blood Lotus Dafa, which has a much stronger energy and blood than his peers. Otherwise, this kind of injury would not be cured, but if he was replaced by other prefecture-level peaks, he would die directly.

But even so.

It took Nan Yu a lot of effort to heal his injury completely. The most troublesome thing was to pick out the bone fragments from the internal organs and put them back together, and his broken spine in three sections, and replace it with someone else. It's really not certain that he can be cured so quickly.


"Okay! It's all over!"

"I'll go, ancestor, you're so awesome!"

Zhao Ritian, who had recovered from his injuries, didn't mention Moxuan and Zhao Rihua anymore. He jumped up and down and started screaming, stretching his arms for a while, kicking his legs for a while, and even came at the shriveled corpse of the worm mother. With one punch, the corpse was smashed into pieces.

"Nonsense, my father is still capable."

Jin Hua said unhappily from the side.


"So it's your relationship."

Zhao Ritian scratched his head, but this time he didn't say any more nonsense.

People who practice the Blood Lotus Dafa have one characteristic.

That is young.

His master is 104 years old, and his appearance is even more handsome than his son. Standing together, no one can tell that this is a father and son.

So Jin Hua called Nan Yu's father, in Zhao Ritian's view, this was considered normal.


This made him even more confused.

Nan Yu is the ancestor of their Blood Lotus Sect who did not know how many generations ago. In his own words, he is much senior than the current leader, and he left the Blood Lotus Sect voluntarily in order to seek a breakthrough to the god level.

This kind of thing is very common in the Blood Lotus Sect.

No, it's common all over the world.

After all, the god level does not mean that a breakthrough can be broken through.

The simple-minded Zhao Ritian did not doubt him.

What he really struggled with was that Jin Hua was the ancestor's daughter, so what did he call Jin Hua?Grandma? ? ?
Looking at Jinhua who was smiling but not smiling again, Zhao Ritian felt dizzy. He had never had such a headache when he was beaten by the insect mother before.

After a long time, he made up his mind and called out awkwardly: "Zu, Grandma Zu."

Hearing this, Jin Hua became even happier, swept away the haze of the past, and said with a smile: "Speak louder, I can't hear you."


Zhao Ritian's face instantly became as suffocated as an eggplant, turning purple and black. After taking a few deep breaths, he shouted with a desperate look: "Grandma!!!"


"Good grandson~~~"

Jinhua was very happy and smiled from ear to ear.

Looking at this pair of live treasures, Nan Yu shook his head and didn't get involved.

Just when Jinhua patted Zhao Ritian on the head, pretending to be an elder, a timid voice came in from outside.

"Master, son, it's great that you are fine, woo woo woo—"

"Mo Xuan!!"

Hearing this voice, Zhao Ritian, who was still a little depressed, was instantly overjoyed and rushed towards the direction where the voice came from.

Follow the direction he rushed towards.

You can see a pure and beautiful girl wearing a pair of rabbit decorations on her head. Now she is naked, covering her chest with her hand, and is carefully hiding behind the passage of the wormhole, with the help of a stone wall to block it. own body.

"Damn stinky man, get lost!"

Seeing this scene, Jin Hua moved faster than Zhao Ritian. Before Zhao Ritian could reach Mo Xuan, she kicked him dozens of meters away and then rushed to Mo Xuan. She didn't know where to start. Na took out a piece of clothing and covered her body, and looked at Zhao Ritian who climbed out of the rubble with a wary look.

They continued to fight like this for a while.

Only then did Mo Xuan put on his clothes and came to Nan Yu, and saluted according to the rules of the Blood Lotus Sect: "Mo Xuan has seen the old ancestor."


Nan Yu nodded, put his hands behind his back and asked, "Is there anyone else from the Blood Lotus Sect here?"


Speaking of this, Mo Xuan said bitterly: "The young leader was captured by the traitor Zuo Zuo. The first mission of my son and I here is to rescue the young leader."

"Let me go save it, it's too dangerous here, you guys leave first."

"But, Sunflower is still there."

"Then do you know where she is?"

"do not know."

"It's over, you don't know this, you don't know that, why don't you run around like a headless chicken, go out, if I find her, I will save you."


"Huh? What? Don't trust me?"

"No, no, with our ancestors and grandma around, we must be at ease."

"That's alright, let's go, junior, this is not a place for you to get involved. Leave me your contact information and I will find you when I get out."

".Yes, old ancestor."

Mo Xuan leaned over, saluted respectfully, then forcibly pulled Zhao Ritian who had something to say and left quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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