Chapter 92 Oh, Long You is such a good man

Looking at the direction in which Zhao Ritian and Mo Xuan disappeared, Jin Hua's expression that had been laughing and joking just now suddenly turned cold. She walked to Nan Yu and asked in confusion: "Father, is there anything special about this human being?"

Nan Yu didn't have any habit of rescuing people easily, but he suddenly wasted the blood coagulation pill in his hand and spent all his strength to heal Zhao Ritian, and also promised to save an ordinary person who had no power to restrain a chicken. Apart from Zhao Ritian, there was nothing strange about him. Jinhua couldn't think of any other reason.

"Hehe, this kid is indeed a bit special."

Nan Yu laughed, turned around and said, "Who wants me to have a good master?"

"Good master?"

Jinhua didn't understand what it meant and followed him confused.

But after that, Nan Yu didn't explain to her, but just said that this kid will be of great use in the future.

Walking out of the insect den, the breeding area outside has completely changed.

I said it before.

This place was supposed to provide blood for the corpse nest, but the insect mother cut off the blood privately and used it to cultivate her own army of ants.

After its death, the blood vessels that bound the survivors were no longer able to absorb the blood of the survivors and fell off dryly.

The sudden relief made these survivors overjoyed, they climbed out of the tree hole one after another, and ran outside in a hurry.


Not every survivor thinks so.

Since they were stripped of their clothes when their blood was drawn, when they climbed out of the tree hole, everyone saw each other sincerely.

Among them, there are some hooligans who are gangsters.

When they saw those young women with good figure and appearance but no hair, these gangsters didn't think about running for their lives. Instead, relying on their strength and strength, they chased those women around with lewd smiles.

"A bunch of scum!"

Seeing this scene, Jin Hua gritted her teeth and squeezed out a few words.

"Go ahead and do whatever you want."

As soon as Nan Yu finished speaking, Jin Hua rushed out full of murderous aura.

She didn't even use Sakura. She caught a gangster who was acting hooligan and separated them in a physical sense.

Blood splattered.

Jin Hua held the head with half of the spine in her hand, her face was covered with blood splattered, she stood there like a ghost crawling out of hell.

Now let alone those daring hooligans, even the women who were rescued by Jin Hua ran away screaming.

Jin Hua was not affected by this, but continued to use the most brutal method to pull out the heads of these gangsters one by one.

Done with this.

She didn't care about the survivors who had run away to nowhere, and followed Nan Yu out of this disgusting breeding area with a gloomy look on her face.

There are four breeding areas in total.

Nan Yu and Jin Hua cleaned up one by one, and dealt with all the prefecture-level corpse brothers here, and then they didn't care where they went, anyway, they just walked along the road.


They met another group of earth-level corpse brothers, and there were a few old acquaintances of Nan Yu.

Poison Fairy, Jack the Clown, and an unfamiliar blond female zombie brother, behind the three of them, there are more than a dozen corpse brothers whose strength is in the middle and late prefecture level, including ninjas, pig-headed men, and some strange things. species.

When we met them, they were chasing a man, a woman, and a dog.


When he saw the scene in front of him clearly, Nan Yu frowned.

All are acquaintances.

The one who was hunted down by Poisonous Girl and the others was Bai Xiaofei, who had lost contact long ago. The woman in his arms was the saint of the Blood Lotus Sect, the Hamm who had been thrown away to nowhere. He was also running desperately with his tongue out.

"It's you!!"

"Damn Yanhuang people, I will pay back ten times and a hundred times the pain you caused me back then!!!"

"Yanhuang people? Seeing that you are carrying a sword on your back, you must be a master of swordsmanship. I wonder how many times you can block my swords?"

"Master! Master! Help!! I am your most loyal slave Ham!!!"

"Brother Nan, you are really a bitch, Brother Nan, help me!!"

When they first saw Nan Yu's figure, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they started shouting. Poison Queen and Clown Jack, who turned into corpses, immediately turned their guns to kill Nan Yu, while Bai Xiaofei and Ham were screaming. Shouting for help.

Someone made insulting remarks and openly provoked Nan Yu, Jin Hua naturally couldn't bear it, she pulled out her cherry fire and rushed forward.

This time, she was very serious, before approaching, she used sword energy to open the way, and then her figure was like lightning, relying on the agility of the heavenly body to entangle with the poisonous concubine and the others.


Looking at Du Ji and Clown Jack, who were on par with Jin Hua and even slightly suppressed Jin Hua, Nan Yu was a little surprised, and then showed a hint of joy.

This Longyou really spent a lot of money.

The Corpse Left Guardian is still at the peak of the earth level, and the poisonous concubine and the clown Jack were forced to be fed to the early days of the sky level by him, which requires more resources than 01:30 points.

Nan Yu secretly thought, did he kill too many of Long You's men?Force this guy to create a few powerful ones to defend the corpse nest?

No wonder Bai Xiaofei's breath was so sluggish, and his body was cut so many wounds.

But this is still considered good, being hunted down by two early days of heaven and one peak of earth, it is not easy for him, a semi-crippled sky, to persist like this.

"Hoo-ho-Brother Nan, don't just look at it, save me!!!"

Bai Xiaofei panted violently, and did not forget to dodge a few times, narrowly dodging the attack of the blond female corpse brother.

Hearing his call for help, Nan Yu appeared between Bai Xiaofei and the female corpse brother as if teleporting, allowing the female corpse brother to slash at him, and then grabbed her head without changing his expression, sucking her blood alive. Almost all the time was taken, leaving only a little blood for her to barely survive.

"Blood Lotus Technique?"

When the green-haired woman held in Bai Xiaofei's arms saw Nan Yu skillfully drawing blood to make the Blood Bodhi, she couldn't help but exclaimed: "Are you a senior of our Blood Lotus Sect?"

Nan Yu did not answer her, but suddenly disappeared in front of them.

When he appeared again, Poison Lady and Clown Jack, who had been arrogant just now, were helplessly captured in his hands, and Jinhua, who was defeated by them, finally got a chance to breathe, leaning on Sakura. He said ashamedly: "Yes, I'm sorry, father."

"It's not bad for you to deal with two heaven-level corpse brothers alone."

Nan Yu praised them, then looked at Poison Girl and Clown Jack who were so frightened that they were helpless. He grinned and showed four sharp fangs: "Your master is really a good man."

After saying that, he unceremoniously began to enjoy the heaven-level essence and blood from Poison Queen and Clown Jack.

(End of this chapter)

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