Chapter 93 Mutation of Corpse Nest
"Master! My master!! Your loyal slave Ham has been looking for you for a long time!!!"

Nan Yu had just finished sucking the essence and blood of the two heaven-level corpse brothers, and when he was in a good mood, Ham rushed over, hugged Nan Yu tightly with his short legs, and cried and howled.

Looking at its appearance, it is as pitiful and wronged as a dead father and mother.

The corner of Nan Yu's mouth twitched, and he subconsciously wanted to kick it away, but then he thought about it, it seemed that he had left this dog among the corpses for several days, and it was fate to see him again, so he took it back Feet, let it cry there.

Then, he turned to Bai Xiaofei and asked, "Why are you here?"


Bai Xiaofei scratched his head: "I, I came in with people from the Blood Lotus Sect."

"Blood Lotus Sect?"

Nan Yu's eyes showed doubts, and he glanced at Xiaomeng, the Saint of the Blood Lotus Sect, who was huddled behind Bai Xiaofei and seemed to be hesitant to speak.

How did these two groups get together?

Nan Yu suddenly became interested.

You must know that the young leader of the Blood Lotus Sect has done worse things than the Zuo Guardian who was killed by him. To say that this guy is a beast is to insult the beast.

How did a person with a perverse and violent personality and a group of people who were also not good people get together with Bai Xiaofei, a pure little white flower?

"Xiao, Xiao Fei was chased by these monsters because he was trying to save me."

Xiaomeng stammered an explanation, and then shrank back behind Bai Xiaofei, it seemed that the way Nan Yu sucked blood just now might have frightened her.

Hearing this, Nan Yu frowned, and his face became more curious: "What's going on here?"

"Is such that."

Bai Xiaofei glanced at Jin Hua, who was grabbing the blood of the earth-level zombie brother, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, then turned around and told him exactly what happened after he and Nan Yu separated.

It's not complicated at all.

It was simply that Bai Xiaofei had been waiting for Nan Yu in the ruins for a long time but did not see him coming back, so he simply walked around and happened to bump into a group of Blood Lotus cultists who had captured Ham.

Judging from their appearance, it seems that after Nan Yu killed Dr. Tian at the Crazy Horse Club, he took advantage of the chaos inside the Black Fire Line to rob him. Even Ham, who was left there, was treated as a rare object. Caught back.

After meeting each other, Bai Xiaofei naturally couldn't watch Ham being taken away, so he yelled and rushed forward.

That group of Blood Lotus cultists only had one person who they called the Altar Master, and they were not very strong. Facing Bai Xiaofei, who had been promoted to Heaven level, they had no power to fight back, and were beaten away in a few blows.

I thought it was over.

However, what Bai Xiaofei didn't expect was that immediately after the group was beaten away by him, a red-haired man came to seek revenge.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't defeat this person who claimed to be the young leader of the Blood Lotus Sect.

The most important thing is that the young leader is not yet a sky-level, but a peak of the earth-level.

At the early stage of the sky level, they can't beat the peak of the earth level single-handedly.

This sounds pretty funny.

But these situations correspond to Nan Yu's previous evaluation of Bai Xiaofei.

Shenqiang is physically weak and has no internal strength. He has three legs and two of them are lame.

And that young leader is not an ordinary prefecture-level peak.

His father is the leader of the Blood Lotus Sect, that is, the middle-stage god-level strongman who knocked down the immortal master from the middle-stage god-level to the peak of the heaven-level.

With such a father and the resources of the Blood Lotus Sect, this young cult leader not only reached the peak of earth level in cultivation, but also had many and complicated methods. After a duel, Bai Xiaofei was no match for him. He could only take Ham and run away.

The young leader didn't mean to let him go, and the people with the Blood Lotus Sect kept chasing after him.

Until the corpse-turned Zuo Guardian appeared, relying on his strong energy and blood as the corpse brother, he forcibly exhausted the young leader until he was unable to fight anymore, and then took him to the corpse nest.

The other members of the Blood Lotus Sect were also killed by Guardian Zuo. Only the saint Xiaomeng, who was not there at the time, escaped by chance and got acquainted with Bai Xiaofei who returned to the scene to check the situation.

After that.

As soon as the corpse nest appeared, the follow-up reinforcements of the Blood Lotus Sect also arrived.

Bai Xiaofei wanted to go into the corpse nest to see if he could rescue the survivors, and the members of the Blood Lotus Sect were going to rescue their own young master, and this group of reinforcements didn't know Bai Xiaofei, so they, who had just been beaten to death, formed a A new team entered the corpse lair.

At the beginning, the exploration in the corpse nest was relatively smooth.

But then they met Poison Lady and Clown Jack, and after a fierce battle, Bai Xiaofei and the Blood Lotus Sect were defeated. In the process of escaping in a hurry, they didn't care whether they were saints or not, and just used their strongest strength. The poor Xiaomeng was left behind and used her to attract the attention of Poison Queen and Jack the Clown.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't understand what they were doing, so he simply parted ways with them and ran away with Xiaomeng alone.

Speaking of which.

Xiaomeng's mood became even lower, and he lowered his head in grievance, looking like he was about to cry.

After Shun understood the context of the matter, Nan Yu nodded and asked again: "Then what are you going to do next?"

He asked this towards Xiaomeng.

Ask Bai Xiaofei if it's any use, this guy is very smart, he won't look back until he hits the wall on what he's determined to do, and he has to hit his head and get bleeding before he can think about whether to turn back.

"I don't know either."

Xiaomeng murmured softly.

"do not know?"

"That's easy, just go. Staying here will also hold us back."

This is not Nan Yu talking, but Jin Hua who finally drank all the blood of those prefecture-level corpse brothers.

She was wiping the blood stains from the corner of her mouth and imitating Nan Yu's tone as she walked over.

As she spoke, she still had an unfinished expression on her face.

There seems to be a lot of earth-level blood here, but in fact it is not enough for her to digest.

Seeing her terrifying appearance, Xiaomeng's courage that he had just mustered up was knocked back again. He hesitated for a long time and couldn't explain why.

"Who is this?"

Bai Xiaofei had never seen Jinhua before, so he couldn't help being curious when he first saw such a blood-sucking monster like Nan Yu.

"My daughter."

Nan Yu replied, but he didn't tell Bai Xiaofei to leave like Jin Hua did.

"Your daughter?"

Bai Xiaofei was a little dazed, his mouth was open enough to stuff an egg in.

He boasts that he has known Nan Yu for a long time. Basically, they got to know each other not long after the Brother Corpse virus broke out, but he has never heard Nan Yu say that he has a daughter.

Is it?

Seeing that Bai Xiaofei started to think divergently again, Nan Yu frowned, and just as he was about to speak, the ground under his feet suddenly began to shake violently. Countless long and extremely long bloody tentacles suddenly stretched out from the surrounding walls, and some of them were grabbed to the ground and sucked dry. Brother Zhi's corpse, and part of it was grabbed towards Nan Yu and the others.


Jinhua snorted coldly and cut off all the tentacles with a swing of her knife.

However, after these tentacles were cut off, they did not continue to form. They picked up the corpse on the ground and disappeared in a hurry.

at the same time.

Outside where Nan Yu and the others couldn't see, the corpse nest that was originally like a round mountain of meat underwent drastic changes. Not only did it extend a large number of tentacles to capture all the corpse brothers wandering outside, it also rapidly shrank and transformed into a full body. The body is covered with sarcoma and looks like a giant tree of flesh and blood. The giant eyes that were previously closed are all widened at this time. Just one look at it will make people get goosebumps.

(End of this chapter)

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