Chapter 94 Invitation from Longyou(?)

"What happened to that corpse nest?"

"It swallowed up all the corpses in this city. What is it doing?"

"Report, the third special team was attacked and no one survived."

"Report, the Sixth Special Forces Team was attacked and there were no survivors."


In a temporary military base.

The continuous reports made Su Po Mao a little anxious. He was seen giving orders one by one while constantly reporting the situation to his superiors.

After arranging the affairs of the special team, he connected the other two members of the Special Forces [-] team who were arranged outside the corpse nest: "Shuiyin, Xiaolin, is there anything wrong with you?"

"Zizizi—we have also been attacked!"

The voice from the other side of the receiver was a bit noisy, but the news they sent back really surprised Su Pomao.

According to previous reports, all the corpse brothers outside the corpse nest have been swallowed up by the corpse nest. Who is it that has been attacking everywhere.

His first thought.

It is the Japanese people and the dark council of the European country. These two forces have clearly attacked the withdrawal point. It is not surprising that they are now attacking the Yanhuang troops.

Especially the Dongying people, their ninja team was killed by Nan Yu a lot, even Fumo Huitaro died in Nan Yu's hands, so it is very likely that they came to find Yanhuang to vent their anger while Nan Yu was away.

Then there are the people from the Blood Lotus Sect.

These scumbags are now wreaking havoc everywhere in H City. Just as far as they have been discovered, there are more than [-] banks and gold shops that have been looted by them.

Thinking of this, Su Pomao asked again.

"How many enemies and how strong are they? Do you need reinforcements?"

"No reinforcements are needed, the enemy has left."


Hearing this, Supomao heaved a sigh of relief, and said with peace of mind: "Where is the enemy from, can you recognize them? Have you left any video data?"

"I can recognize it, Blood Lotus Sect."

Speaking of this, the voice on the other end of the walkie-talkie was also a little puzzled: "That man is very powerful. Xiao Lin and I are no match for each other, but he didn't entangle us. He defeated us and left. In addition, the attacker who attacked the special forces People are not him!"


After receiving the news, Su Po Mao's head hurt immediately.

Both Xiaolin and Mercury are late-stage prefecture-level players, and they can only easily win at the prefecture-level peak.

The pinnacle master of the Blood Lotus Sect.

Even if he has no intention of becoming an enemy of the Yanhuang troops, he is still a time bomb.

As for the latter message, it made his head hurt even more.

There are other attackers!
And there is still no attacker found! ! !
Just when Su Pomao was about to continue giving orders, the intercom suddenly rang again.

"who is it?"


"Give my teammates their lives!"

"Die to me! Cross cut plums!"

"S7 Polymerized Mercury Cannon!"

The hurried voice on the intercom undoubtedly indicated that Shuiyin and Xiaolin over there had found the attacker who secretly attacked the special team, and they had already fought him.

Su Pomao didn't interrupt them, but just quietly listened to the voice from the walkie-talkie. However, under his seemingly calm appearance, there were tightly clenched fists and cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

After a moment.

The walkie-talkie finally fell silent.

Su Po Mao quickly grabbed the microphone of the walkie-talkie and asked anxiously: "Shuiyin, Xiaolin, how is the situation?"

"Damn it."

"The one who attacked us was a corpse brother."

"I've never seen such a weird corpse brother."

The voice was Xiao Lin. Judging from his steady breathing, it seemed that he hadn't encountered any major troubles.

Su Po Mao's anxious heart finally relaxed and continued to ask: "Have you killed that corpse brother?"


Xiao Lin changed the subject, and his voice was full of dignity: "That guy is different from the dead brother we met before. He has a very high IQ and can talk to us normally. He has a big gourd on his back, and he cosplays like a gourd baby. It is very fast and has a layer of extremely strong red scale armor. My knife can't cut through that layer of armor at all. Mercury's shelling is also not good. It can spray water, fire and fly. Get him down, and in the end he ran by himself."

"A new form of corpse brother?"

Su Po Cat frowned slightly, murmured, and then called out: "Did the mercury leave an image?"

"Leave it, it has been uploaded to the headquarters."

"Are there any other abnormalities outside the corpse nest?"

"Not found yet."

"Okay, after you have rested, continue to be vigilant and be ready to respond to the survivors and Mr. Nanyu who come out at any time."


Putting down the walkie-talkie, Su Pomao first reported the situation in H City, then looked at the increasingly weird corpse nest with a heavy face, and sighed heavily: "I don't know what the situation is inside."

Then he saw a familiar crimson sword energy coming out of the corpse nest, forcibly cutting a huge gap in the corpse nest, and then two blurred figures jumped out of the corpse nest.

"Mr. Nanyu!?"

Surprised, Su Pomao hurriedly picked up the intercom again and shouted: "Shuiyin, Xiaolin, hurry up, go to the gap just now to check the situation."


Inside the corpse nest.

Nan Yu looked at the gap in front of him and clicked his tongue: "It's a good thing I'm here for the early god-level defense, otherwise no one would be able to get out."

"Father, is that kid the human being with super-god potential?"

Looking at Bai Xiaofei jumping on the rooftop, Jin Hua's expression was a bit in disbelief.

From her point of view, Bai Xiaofei is very weak now, a half-candidate at this age, has super god potential?
"Well, let's take a look, it should be okay."

Nan Yu withdrew his gaze and said as he walked: "I hope this kid can listen to my words and go find the immortal master to help him improve his god."

Actually, whether to let Bai Xiaofei go or stay, Nan Yu himself struggled for a while.

In the original plot, after Bai Xiaofei's clone completely awakened his killing potential in the corpse lair, he also obtained the black gold heart from the corpse brother, the bloodline from the vampire, and all the holy blood of the blood demon from the last fake dragon right.

These things made the clone named Hei Xiaofei jump directly from the earth level to the middle and late stage of the sky level. The cultivation base of the peak level.

in other words.

This is where Bai Xiaofei can improve his strength the fastest.

However, the idea of ​​letting him stay was quickly dismissed by Nan Yu.

Isn't it good to keep these good things for yourself?Do you have to wait for Bai Xiaofei to post it slowly?
Bah, it's purely because at the beginning, there was nothing in H City that could improve his strength. He kept thinking about cultivating a heavenly level by himself, but in the end he got himself into a good position instead.

After figuring this out, Nan Yu made a big hole in the corpse nest on the spot without saying a word, and let Bai Xiaofei leave with Xiaomeng and Ham.

And what he will do next.

Just continue to search for the benefits of the corpse nest, and if it hits the sky level that Longyou piled up with resources again, it will be too much fun.

at this time.

The fleshy wall of the corpse nest around Nan Yu and Jin Hua suddenly opened their eyes, and dozens of eyes were fixed on Nan Yu and Jin Hua, and then, a gloomy voice came over: "Boy Nan Yu, since you are here When you come to my place, what are you doing evasively? Come, tell me."

This voice is Longyou.

Nan Yu paused in his steps and looked at the open door on the flesh wall with a frown.

Just when he was thinking about whether it was the real Longyou or the fake Longyou, the voice came again with a strange voice: "What? You dare not come?"

"Ha ha."

Weighing the Blood Bodhi in his pocket, Nan Yu said nothing nonsense and walked into the dark door with a sneer.

(End of this chapter)

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