Chapter 95 True and False Dragon Right!

When I saw Long You again.

Nan Yu finally understood why this guy had known that he had come in for a long time, but delayed coming to find him until now.

The so-called strong recycling.

Not only to create a zombie brother army for Long You, but also to provide Long You with the genes and blood essence of the strong men, so that he can complete his transformation and evolution.

Now, Long You's aura is strong and full of vitality. He is sitting on the throne like an emperor, surrounded by his Corpse Brothers.

Previously, Nan Yu had to go around to find the earth-level corpse brothers. There were a lot of them here, but there was not one at the heaven level, and there were a few at the peak of the earth level.

It seems that even if it is Longyou, it is not easy to create a heaven-level corpse brother.

Behind this group of corpse brothers are the remaining survivors in the corpse nest.

Nan Yu took a glance and roughly calculated that there were 78 people in total.

This is the number of survivors left in the corpse nest, including the survivors who escaped from the breeding area just now, and they are all here.

Just like in the breeding area, there were blood-colored tubes inserted behind them now, and the other end was connected to Long You's back, constantly providing him with fresh blood.

Among them, Nan Yu did not see Zhao Rihua.

But in the corpse brother army, he saw a mutated female corpse brother who looked very similar to Zhao Ritian, was tall and extremely fat.

Seeing this, Nan Yu stopped looking.

The sister that Zhao Ritian longed for has been transformed into a corpse brother, and his strength is barely at the earth level.

"I hope that Dr. Fish's vaccine can be useful to you."

Nan Yu shook his head secretly.

But this is all a thing for another day. Who knows if such a weak corpse brother will be able to survive for a while. If she is shocked to death by the aftermath, there is nothing she can do. Nan Yu will not shrink back just because she is alone.

As for Long You?

"The pinnacle of the sky."

Nan Yu focused his attention on Long You and easily judged his current strength.

His strength is easy to judge, but he still can't tell whether the Long You in front of him is real or fake.

Because this Longyou not only has the same aura as the Longyou that Nan Yu met before, but also is much stronger than when he fought Nan Yu in the library before.

As for the cultivation atmosphere of Blood Lotus Dafa.

Long You was originally the founder of the Blood Lotus Dharma. From this point of view, it was also impossible to judge.

While Nan Yu was looking around, Long You on the throne spoke: "Nan Yu boy, actually we don't have to fight and kill."

When he said this, Long was leaning on the throne with his right hand, leaning on his chin with his right hand, and holding a copy of "One Hundred Thousand Whys" in his left hand. He did not have the violent expression in the past, and looked casual and plain. He also had two body shapes. The strong corpse brother moved a chair and placed it behind Nan Yu.

Nan Yu was not polite. After sitting down, he crossed his legs and said, "What should I say?"

Long You put down the book in his hand, first glanced at Jin Hua, who was standing behind Nan Yu like a bodyguard, and then turned his head: "Since you are the same non-human being as me, wouldn't it be wonderful for us to join forces to conquer this world? Isn't it wonderful? I will give you my immortal blood, and you will give me your blood. If we trade fairly and cooperate together, wouldn't this world be at your fingertips?"

These words are extremely sincere.

Nan Yu almost believed it.

Who is Long You?

People in this world have little contact with him, so they may not be very clear about it.

But Nan Yu is different.

He knows Long You's style very well.

This guy was betrayed and deceived too much back then, coupled with a series of coincidental misunderstandings that followed, his character has long been distorted to a very extreme direction.

Long You’s so-called cooperation.

In fact, the prerequisite is to let him enslave you first.

This is also a necessary condition.

There were so many of his subordinates in the original plot, and the only exception was the little Gourd King Kong who didn't know how developed he was now.

But this guy is different from other zombie brothers.

He had already escaped Long You's control before he reached the prefectural level, and later he evolved a method to restrain the control of Long You's virus.

To sum up, Long You's so-called cooperation is actually not sincere at all. Once he finds that he cannot control himself, he will definitely fall out.

Moreover, Nan Yu would never give him his own blood.

Although his blood is very heterogeneous, it still has the essence of Hanba in it after all. If Longyou eats this, it will [-]% directly evolve into a real descendant of Hanba. At that time, let alone himself, the whole Yanhuang might not even have the strength to fight back.

So cooperation is impossible, and it is impossible to cooperate with Longyou in this life.


After thinking about this, Nan Yu grinned: "Give me your undead blood first, and I will trust you."

"sure, no problem."

Regarding this request, Long You agreed readily without bargaining. Then he cut open his chest and generously took out a ball of extremely red blood from his heart. After displaying it at will, he The blood was thrown to Nan Yu.

This kind of "heart-out" behavior can be described as full of sincerity.

Nan Yu took the blood and did not swallow it in a hurry. Instead, he turned it over and over carefully. Long You was not in a hurry and just looked at him calmly.

"The real thing."

Soon, Nan Yu was sure that this was indeed immortal blood.

However, he knew with his eyes closed that this mass of undead blood was definitely filled with the latest Brother Corpse virus, and it was very likely that it was a virus that even god-level viruses could control.

"What? Boy Nanyu, are you afraid that I will cheat in there?"

Seeing that Nan Yu hadn't taken the undead blood for a long time, Long You laughed strangely, and there were countless mocking meanings in his voice.


Nan Yu snorted coldly, raised his hand and swallowed the easily obtained immortal blood in one gulp.

He has the essence and blood of Hanba, so there is nothing to be afraid of, anyone who dares to assimilate himself is provoking the power of Hanba.

However, as soon as the undead blood entered his stomach, Nan Yu realized something was wrong.

This group of undead blood was the same as the one obtained in the library before, and there was no new type of virus he imagined at all.

Of course.

This is not to say that Longyou's undead blood is clean.

There are viruses in this too.

It's just that this most basic corpse brother virus was burned to ashes without any resistance in the face of Hanbao's essence and blood, and by the way, Nan Yu's final seal was completely broken.

The blazing golden flames soared into the sky again, and the terrifying high temperature instantly melted the stone chair Nan Yu was sitting on. Even Jinhua with his bloodline could not bear the high temperature and had to retreat continuously to avoid the range of the golden flames.

Compared with the changes in the previous heaven level.

After Nan Yu's body's inner strength was absorbed, the effect of the immortal blood was obviously much worse, but compared to other corpse brothers, it was still a very obvious improvement.

"Hey hey hey-"

"As expected, you are fascinated!!!"

Just when Nan Yu closed his eyes and realized the changes brought about by the immortal blood, Long You's voice tore through the golden flames, and suddenly sounded behind him, followed by a sharp strong wind, heading straight towards the back of Nan Yu's heart. Stab away.

at the same time.

The 'Long You' on the throne also stood up with open arms, Jie Jie smiled strangely and charged towards Nan Yu's direction.

(End of this chapter)

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