Chapter 96


Jinhua, who realized something was wrong, immediately faced the 'Long You' who was galloping down from the throne with a knife.

But she, who was only at the early stage of the Heaven Level, was no match for the Peak Heaven Level 'Long You'. As soon as the two of them fought, Jin Hua was slapped by him and flew out.

This 'Longyou' didn't continue to entangle with Jin Hua, and laughed wildly and rushed towards Nan Yu in the golden flame.


Nan Yu, who was pinched back and forth, did not panic, calmly urged his mana, and used a spell that had not been used for a long time.


With himself as the center, a high temperature that can burn all things explodes to the surroundings in an instant.

Long You's Xuanwu armor is afraid of fire, which Nan Yu still knows.

As the sound of the word 'explosion' fell, the golden flames surrounding his body suddenly shrank, and then exploded outwards with lightning speed.

The golden flames soaring into the sky reflected Nan Yu like a small sun, blazing and dazzling.

The two dragons who attacked him were immediately forced back by the power of the Pyroblast Technique.

Especially the heavenly peak 'Longyou' on the throne, his basalt armor was completely vaporized under the burning of the golden flames, if he hadn't run fast, he would have disappeared just now.

But he was still a step late after all. Under the attack of Pyroblast, half of his body had been melted, and he was currently working hard to rebuild his body and regenerate it.


At this moment, several rays of golden light flashed in front of him, and Fake Long You only had time to let out a cry of surprise before his body was suddenly chopped into a pile of minced meat.

This is not finished.

Where the golden thread flashed, golden-red flames burst out. These pieces of meat had no chance to be reborn, so they were burned in the golden flames, letting out shrill wails.

Divine weapon, dragon and phoenix ring.

Nan Yu originally chose it because he took a fancy to the dragon and phoenix industry fire.

Sure enough, with the blessing of the Hanba Golden Flame, the power of Longfeng Yehuo surged several times, even stronger than Nan Yu's pure use of the Hanba Golden Flame.

"Hey Hey--"

"That's it, that's it. You really didn't disappoint me -"

Long You's voice followed Nan Yu like a ghost, and his sharp claws came straight to Nan Yu's head with a harsh sound of breaking through the air.

Nan Yu raised his sword to block, the moment Ju Que came into contact with Long You's sharp claws, sparks flew all over the place, and the golden flame of drought that the fake Long You couldn't resist even for a moment had no effect on Long You.

"First entry into the divine level."

Nan Yu's eyes narrowed slightly, he increased his strength on his hands, swung his sword with his sharp claws, and then fought with him again.

He was already certain in his heart that the person in front of him was the real Long You.

And Long You was really in a trance.

Commander Yanhuang really gave him a good gift bag!

In the current situation, there is no doubt that Long You deliberately made a fake person here and gave Nan Yu a ball of immortal blood, just to wait for Nan Yu's energy and energy to become absorbed, so that he could eat him and strengthen himself.

"Hey Hey--"

Just as Nan Yu and Zhen Long You were fighting, another strange smile similar to Long You came from the ground.

Immediately afterwards, a strange corpse brother with a giant arm on the upper body, a giant corpse baby on the lower body, and a long tail sprang out from the ground. The aura on his body returned to the peak of the heaven level again, and it was better than the fake one before. Long You's energy and blood are many times stronger.

Sons of the Corpse Nest.

This is the fake Longyou guarding the corpse lair in the original plot.

As soon as the son of the corpse nest, who was only one step away from the god level, appeared, he came straight to Nan Yu, forming a pincer attack with Long You again.


Taking advantage of the situation, Long You grabbed Ju Que tightly and took a blow against Nan Yu, using the ability he had obtained from the electric eel.

Purple-white electric light flashed on Nan Yu's body, and violent electric current flowed around Nan Yu's body, trying his best to destroy Nan Yu's body from the inside.

However, Nan Yu was unmoved, pointed his free hand and sword at the son of the corpse nest, and said lightly: "Shoot people first, shoot horses!"

The voice just fell.

The bloody internal force turned into a sharp arrow with a length of more than three meters. As if someone was pulling a string, the sharp arrow retreated a little, and then it shot out quickly with a terrifying sharp aura and ferocious murderous aura.

Export into chapter.

This is one of the magical skills that Nan Yu asked for from Yanhuang.

The principle is to transform the inner force into the artistic conception of ancient poems and lyrics. The peak heaven-level person named Sheng in the capital is practicing this technique.

As for the specific moves that can be used, it all depends on the user's attainments.

Under the attack of this stance of 'shoot the man first, shoot the horse', the huge body of the Corpse Nest Son was cut into two in an instant, and the upper and lower parts flew to the two sides.


Seeing that Nan Yu was not affected by thunder and lightning, Long You was a little surprised.

He had used this move on Master Immortal before, if it wasn't for the fact that the old man's physical body was still at the level of a god, he would have been shocked on the spot so that his skin would be crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

And now he has absorbed the power of the entire power plant, and the power of lightning used is hundreds of times stronger than before. As a result, this Nan Yu not only ignored the impact of lightning, but also managed to use a magical skill by the way.

"Blood Transforming Palm."

Distraction is the worst thing to avoid when mastering tricks.

When the two of them fought before, Nan Yu was able to recover from Long You who had been severely injured in a single moment of concentration.

Taking advantage of Long You's distracted moment, Nan Yu slapped Long You's chest hard with his palm.

Under the blessing of the internal force of the Blood Lotus Dafa, under this palm, all the bones and tendons in Longyou's chest were shattered, and he flew backwards tens of meters away.

"Tathagata blood palm."

Nan Yu was unyielding when he gained the upper hand. He raised his hand and used the strongest killing move of the Blood Transformation Palm to catch it.

Under the urging of the god-level internal force, a large blood-colored handprint bearing the Buddha's seal descended from the sky, and directly patted Long You into a giant handprint pit.

Tathagata's blood palm.

The strongest ultimate move of Huaxue Palm is not only amazingly powerful, but also adds a move called Blood Buddha Seal to the enemy, which can temporarily seal the enemy's internal power.

Seizing this opportunity, Nan Yu moved his right hand and wielded the Blood Flame Tyrannical Sword one after another. At the same time, he made a secret with his left hand and unleashed the Fire Dragon Curse with all his strength.

a time.

The bloody sword energy and the golden flame dragon all roared and struck at Long You, who was unable to use it.

"Don't hurt my patriarch."

A loud shout rang out, it was the son of the corpse nest whose body was split into two halves.

Nan Yu's previous move of 'shooting people first, shooting horses' had severely damaged his energy and blood. He had to eat his own upper body to recover from the injury. As soon as the injury healed, he rushed forward again, trying to use his own body to interrupt Nan Yu. An attack on Long You.

"A lingering thing."

Although the strength of this son of the corpse nest was not worth mentioning in Nan Yu's eyes, his attack still made Nan Yu have to stop the giant que in his right hand and swung his sword to split it in half again.

But just like that, a burst of wild laughter came from the handprint pit.


"Your attack! Is it only this level!!!"

"The eight layers of Tiangang Qi merge into one, the ninth layer of Tiangang Qi: God!"

With the reverberation of the word "God" in the corpse nest, Long You, whose inner strength was blocked, rushed out against Nan Yu's ultimate move blockade, while the blood flame Ba Dao Zhan and the five-clawed Golden Dragon who had been boosted by Ju Que Under the intensive attack, his body was almost completely destroyed.

But even so, Long You's laughter never stopped.

Even though his body was only left with a head and half of his body in such an attack, he still grinned and appeared in front of Nan Yu, delaying Nan Yu's timing by the attack of the son of the corpse nest for a second, and spat out a A black spike.

The sharp thorn was so fast that Nan Yu was pierced through the chest without even having time to react.

After this sharp thorn penetrated his body, it quickly grew in his body. If Nan Yu hadn't reacted quickly and broken it in time, his heart would have been pierced at this time.

In just such a short period of time, half of Long You's body recovered completely, and Jie Jie stood in front of Nan Yu with a strange smile. .

I haven't seen you in just a few days.

Not only did his strength reach the god level, but his recovery ability was even stronger than before.

This also means.

He's more difficult than ever.

And this was the reason why he gave Nan Yu his immortal blood for free and was confident that he could hunt down the god-level ones.

(End of this chapter)

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