King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 153 Tevalin is studying

Chapter 153 Tevalin is studying
"Hey..., a little bit!" Lance Shanks briefly told Twalin the story of the Dragon Clan, and then let out a few strange screams.

This damn place was full of green, and she didn't even know how long she had been talking.And every time she opened her mouth, countless wind elements penetrated into her mouth and corroded her body.

Even an ancient dragon can't stand this kind of construction!Lance Shanks put his claws into his mouth and buckled it in a very inconspicuous way, and soon a layer of dragon skin as thin as a cicada's wings was pulled out.

Although the new skin grew back the moment the dragon skin fell off, it was always uncomfortable to have a layer of dead skin drooping in the mouth.

In order to ensure the fluency and sense of substitution of the story, she endured it for a long time.Now that the story is over, I can finally deal with this layer of dead skin.

"What's wrong with you?" Tvarin asked with some confusion when he saw Lance Sanks acting strangely.

Lance Shanks shook his head, shaking out the groggyness in his mind.Then she looked around and complained, "Don't you feel uncomfortable staying here?"

There is nothing in this ghost place, only endless wind.Even if the good dragon stays here for a long time, he will become mentally unhealthy.

It was only then that Tewarin realized that Lance Shanks was different from him.He is the spirit of the wind, and the trade wind will only be his aid.

But for Lance Sanks, the endless wind here is a sharp blade, and they are cutting at her dragon scales all the time.

"I'm leaving." Lance Shanks let out a deep blue breath, which was the raging wind element in her body.

Although she can't control these elemental forces, it's not a problem to force them out of her body.

"Yeah." Twalin looked at the black and blue ink spewing out of Lance Shanks' mouth, and said nothing to persuade him to stay.

He has never experienced the feeling of being eroded by elements.But it should be as painful as the poisonous blood on his back.

If Lance Sanks knew about it, he would definitely say that Tvarin was overthinking.The wind element entered her body and tried to corrode it, but it couldn't corrode it.

In the feeling of Lance Shanks, it was a lot of things that could not be digested and moved around in his stomach, which made her uncomfortable.

Just as Twalin was moved by how much Lance Shanks had done to himself, several books about the size of his dragon's head appeared in front of him.

Unlike human books made of paper or leather, these huge books seem to be carved out of rock.

Incomparably thick, just like the things recorded in the book.

"Are you interested in reading it yourself?" Lance Sanksang looked at these enlightenment books on dragons and said to Twalin.

Historical stories leaning toward poetry, carefully concise prayer techniques, and artistic dragon patterns with different styles.

No matter in any aspect, these are most suitable for a beginner to understand all aspects of the Dragon Clan, both externally and internally.

"But I can't read it." Tevalin opened the huge book, and the text engraved like a dragon's claw on it was twisted and twisted, which was different from any kind of text on Tewat.

Lance Sanks patted his head, careless.I was just thinking about finding a book for Tvarin and forgot to translate it.

But this is not a difficult task. Anyway, the words of Teyvat and the words of the junction have been penetrated by the embers.The common language of Teyvat she now speaks was translated by Ember.

The big deal is to let Ember work overtime.

"You keep it first. Even if you can't understand it, it's still very interesting." There are illustrations in these books. Even if you can't understand the text, you can still look at the pictures.

"I'll go and translate it for you!" As he spoke, Lance Shanks vibrated his wings and flew out of the secret realm.

After hearing what Lance Shanks said, Twalin couldn't help but shake the dragon's tail behind him.What did she mean just now, will she come again in the future?


The pure white dragon left the high tower of the Wind Dragon Ruins, attracting side glances from the creatures on the ground below.

The ruins of the wind dragon are full of elemental power and strong wind, and there are very few monsters.But now is an exception.

Countless Qiuqiu people from all over wandered in the ruins of Fenglong.Only the mysterious Abyss Cult can do this.

"What was that just now? A dragon?"

"How is it possible! Isn't Mond the only dragon that is the Wind Demon Dragon? Where did it come from?" "It seems to have escaped from the Wind Demon Dragon just now, isn't anything wrong?"

In front of a burning bonfire, several abyss mages were chattering about Lance Shanks who had just left.

A new dragon appeared in Mond, and it just flew out of the tower where the wind dragon was.These abnormal phenomena cast a shadow over the hearts of the abyss mages.

So difficult that the plan is about to change again?
As for why?Of course, all the monsters prepared by the church for a long time were unexpectedly cleaned up, and even the newly dispatched apostles were never heard from.

Mond seems to be stronger than they thought.

"Let's go! Go to Fengmolong to have a look." Huofa looked at the towering tower, feeling a little uneasy.

There is no room for error in the Order's plan!
Several other abyss mages had no objections. Even if the fire magic was not mentioned, they would go and see it themselves.

"&" A burst of chaotic-sounding spells spat out from the mouth of the Abyss Mage.They quickly disappeared from the campfire.

When they reappeared, they had already arrived in the tower.However, the high tower is not only tall, but also has the seal of ancient civilization on it, so the teleportation distance of the abyss mage here will be much shorter.

After a brief breath adjustment, the abyss mages teleported to the top of the tower again.Fortunately, they can teleport, otherwise, if they walk alone, they may have to unseal the seal first, and then climb up little by little.

Soon, with the unremitting efforts of the abyss mages, they finally reached the edge of the eye of the storm.

The wind elemental force spewed out from the eye of the wind, causing the abyss mages to feel a sharp pain.

"&◎#!" It was another spell unique to the abyss mages, and then the abyss mages were wrapped in elemental shields of their own colors.

The elemental power in the secret realm is too strong, if the shield is not opened, they will soon die due to elemental erosion.

There are still endless rumors in the secret realm, but this time there are some other voices in the rumors.

"Bang!" Tvarin turned over a page of the book, and the sound of the "paper" closing was so dull, like the collision of rocks.

This time, what caught Tewarin's eyes was no longer the obscure text, but an illustration that occupied the entire page of the book.

In the picture, a man with fluttering blond hair holds a dazzling golden gun and looks into the distance with scorching eyes.

His body is like a sculpture of a god, and his tense muscles show his strength.Even in such a crisis, the handsome and dignified face did not show any panic.

Among the scattered crowd, he was the only retrograde.Like his beautiful blond hair, he has a golden personality.

Twalin is not interested in humans, but after seeing the man in the picture, he was attracted.

Beauty is what any creature likes, and Godwin's physical beauty and spiritual beauty are such beauty that transcends species.

Twalin knew in his heart that he was probably the Godwin that Lance Shanks was talking about.An existence that can turn an enemy into a friend by relying on its charisma.

Tvarin didn't believe it at first, but now he does.Because even Godwin in the illustration, his temperament is knocking at Tevalin's dragon heart.

What about his enemies?Twalin followed Godwin's gaze in the painting.Saw a mountain-like giant dragon.

Under the dragon's claws is Rodel's hundreds of meters of thick city wall.Whether it was a mysterious restriction or a carefully designed structure, they were all reduced to ruins under the sheer force.

On the other dragon claw of the giant dragon is another gun.Scarlet, thousands of meters long, an incomparable thunder gun.

The great ancient dragon Gulan Shanks, the existence of a dragon that broke through the royal city.

The dazzling golden gun confronted the mountain-like thunder gun. This was the most exciting moment in the ancient dragon war.

Twalin matched this picture with the epic poem he had heard from Lance Shanks.

His breathing couldn't help but become heavier, and Tevalin seemed to see a colorful scene in history reappearing before his eyes!

Then Twarin heard the panting of the abyss mage who was also attracted.

(End of this chapter)

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