King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 154 Is this a book?

Chapter 154 Is this a book?
"Huh? When did you come!" Tevalin saw the abyss mages lying in front of the books and closed the giant book at once.

When did these guys get here?Tevalin's eyes towards the Abyss Mage began to look evil.

Now he wants to sever ties with the Abyss mages.The reason why I hung out with them before was because only the abyss mages found me after I woke up.

He is afraid of being alone, so he is willing to hang out with the abyss mages.Even if they have bad intentions, even if they were enemies.

"Huh? Why did you close it? Let's take a look again?" Huo Fa saw Tevarin closing the giant book and was more anxious than anyone else.

"Don't you hate humans?" Tvarin asked doubtfully as he looked at the abyss mages who were more active than him in reading the giant book.

This sentence suddenly brought the abyss mages back to their senses.Huofa belatedly patted the down on his chest, and looked at the stone book in front of Tvarin with palpitations.

What happened to it just now?Why do you have a crush on a human being?And why is the scene shown in that illustration completely different from the style of the Seven Kingdoms of Teyvat? Could it be the relics of some ancient civilization?

After calming down briefly, more doubts emerged in Huo Fa's heart.But these questions can be put aside for now.

The most important thing now is the change in Tevalin. If such a strong combat power can be brought into the cult, the future plans of the cult will be much easier.

"Wind Demon Dragon, where did you come from these things?" Huo Fa looked at the stone book next to him that was larger than himself and asked in confusion.

This style of book has never appeared in the records of the Abyss Religion.And Twalin has always been in their sight, it is impossible for him to go out to find it.

I think it's what the white dragon brought just now.

However, Tevalin did not answer the Abyss Mage's question.He raised his head and looked at the Abyss Mage wearing elemental shields of various colors in front of him, and said:

"You guys, let's go, don't look for me anymore. I will take care of the poisonous blood issue myself, so I won't bother you anymore."

Then Tevalin thought for a moment and continued: "Anyway, I can thank you for your company during these times. I will not take the initiative to attack you when I see you in the future."

Most of the Abyss mages are as crazy and chaotic as the Abyss, but the four guys in front of them are different.They... they seem to be aliens in the Abyss Cult.

Tvarin can get along with them anyway.

After saying that, Tevalin lay down again and continued to open the huge book and read.The abyss mages couldn't help but look at each other in shock after hearing Tevalin's words.

Isn't Tevalin's transformation too fast?Although Tewarin's expressions were not very good every time he saw them, this was the first time he had directly chased them away.

"Are you sure? No one can handle your poisonous blood except our Abyss Order." The fire spell floated in front of Tevalin's eyes and said like a warning.

"I don't need you anymore. To be honest, your breath is very similar to poisonous blood, and I feel a little uncomfortable every time I see you. So, you'd better go." A stream of hot breath came out of Tevalin's nose.

The aura of the Abyss Mage is so similar to the aura of poisonous blood that he sometimes has some bad associations.

There was no evidence for these associations, and Tevalin did not voice them.

"You want to..."

"Let's go!"

An ice magician was about to say something, but the fire magician interrupted him directly.It nodded to Tevalin, and then led its companions out of the secret realm.

"Why do you want to stop me from speaking!" Ice Law was very dissatisfied with Fire Law's behavior just now.

"He's already aware of it." Huo Fa tried hard to control his face, making his already small orange eyes even smaller.

This makes it look more treacherous, but in the eyes of Fire Master himself, this is a symbol of wisdom.

The Abyss Order helps cure poisonous blood?That's a statement that only a simple guy like Tvarin, who has no experience in the world, would believe.

When Tevarin let the Abyss Order touch his poisonous blood for the first time, the erosion of the abyss had already entered his body along the poisonous blood.

These erosions are usually hidden deep in Tevalin's body, affecting his heart subtly.However, erosion can be allowed to explode when necessary.

Now Tevalin wants to get rid of the Abyss Order, which is simply a fantasy! "Hold still and take another look." Fire Mage saw Tvarin wagging his tail through the eye of the wind and looking extremely happy. He didn't know what he was thinking.


"I'm back!" On the grass outside the Wind Dragon ruins, a huge shadow covered Yi Yan's body.

Then the shadow disappeared, and a woman descended from the sky - it was Lance Sanks who had just finished talking to Tevarin.

"Talk for so long?" Ember walked over and looked at Lance Sanks and said.Lance Sanks and Tevalin talked freely for a whole day, and Ember was really curious about what she and Tevalin said.

"Well, it's been that long." Lance Sanks nodded, and then said: "I told Tevarin about the dragon clan's story and so on. You know the story of our dragon clan, it's very long."

Ember nodded pretending to understand, because no one had ever told him a story, and as for the dragon?That's even more unheard of.

Lance Shanks recalled Twalin's performance, and couldn't help laughing, "Say, Twalin is really like our little boy, who loves to listen to stories and is very curious."

"That's for sure. He has been a dragon since he was born, and his only friend is a guy who disappears every day. Isn't your curiosity overwhelming when you see someone of your own race?"

Ember had a look on his face that I had expected.That's why he brought Lance Sanks over.They are all dragons, so the topic is easy to expand.

Lance Sanks listened to Ember's words and agreed very much.Dragons who take the initiative to learn are rare.

"By the way, King. Can you translate our dragon family's books into the language of this world?" Lance Sanks thought of the books he gave to Tevalin and asked Ember.

"Can't you translate it yourself?" Yi Jin asked back.Lance Sanks himself knows Teyvat Common, and she can also translate.

"I'm not good at studying. If I can communicate well, I'm afraid the translation book is not enough." Lance Sanks scratched his head in embarrassment. She was very self-aware of this.

Ember touched his chin and thought for a moment, then quietly whispered into Lance Sanks's ear: "Yes, yes, but be careful when you spread the dragon faith. Don't let the West Wind Church catch you."

Although Wendy herself does not care about the spread of other faiths in Mondstadt, this is the territory of the Wind God after all, and there are a large number of Wind God believers.

If Lance Shanks is caught by others for spreading dragon beliefs, the embers will have to fish her out.

Lance Sanks listened to Ember's words, and his head was full of black lines.She waved her hands and said helplessly: "King, what are you thinking about? Who said I want to spread the dragon faith?"

The dragons of Teyvat are very different from those of the Borderlands.If the dragon faith is to be spread, dragons must be permanently stationed in Teyvat, prayers must be modified, and so on.

When she thought about this, Lance Sanks was as big as two people, so she had no idea of ​​spreading dragon belief here.

"Then what are you going to do?" Ember looked at Lance Sanks and asked in confusion.

"Of course it's for Tvarin! I gave him a book, but it turned out that the text was in the dragon script of the junction, and he couldn't understand it. I had no choice, so I came to see you." Lance Sanks spread his hands and looked at the embers and said .

"Okay." Yi Yan nodded. He had planned to agree to it anyway.It doesn't matter whether Lance Sanks is used to spread the dragon faith or sent to Tvarin.

After a while, Ember and Lance Sanks returned to Mond's house.

"Bring the original copy you want to translate, and I'll translate it accordingly." Ember held a blank book in his hand and waved to Lance Sanks.

"Go outside, Wang." Lance Sanks showed an awkward but polite smile and ran into the yard.

Ember was confused, but he followed Lance Sanks to the small courtyard.

"This is the book you're talking about?!"

Yi Yan looked at the two "books" that were like stone pillars and were larger than him, and shouted.

Are you sure this thing is not a brick used by the Dragon Clan to fight?Such an outrageous idea suddenly appeared in Yu Yan's mind.

"Yes, this is the book, the book of our dragon clan." Lance Sanks nodded with certainty. This is definitely not a brick!
(End of this chapter)

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