Chapter 155

In the secret realm of Wind Dragon Ruins, Tvarin still turned the pages of the huge book tirelessly.

Although the illustrations in the book are static, in Tevarin's eyes, this is a rare pastime that he will never tire of.

The page in front of Tevarin paused. What was depicted on it was the scene of giant dragons breathing out dragon breath.

Just like Lance Sanks said, there is fire, ice, poison in dragon breath..., but the most important thing is flame.

Tevalin looked at the flame dragon's breath spurting out on the screen, with a little yearning in his eyes.

Lance Shanks said that among them, all dragons are dragonburned to some degree.

Needless to say, there is no need to say much about ancient dragons, and the different forms of breathing in flying dragons are actually compromises made by flying dragons to adapt to the environment.

The dragon breaths of different colors spit out from their mouths were actually dragon fires in the past.

"Hoo!" Tevarin spit out a wisp of green east wind breath.The tiny whirlwind seemed to have infinite power, swirling and whistling into the distance.

Tewarin watched himself spit out the tornado, and an idea suddenly came to his mind, a good idea that would allow him to spit out fire.

"Roar!" Twarin became more and more excited as he thought about it, he couldn't wait to flap his wings and fly high.After many days, Twarin flew out of the ruins of Fenglong again.

"Hehehe, look, the erosion of the abyss is not so easy to resist." Huofa looked at Tevarin flying away from the wind dragon ruins in the distance, and let out a sharp and evil smile.

Are you unable to resist the erosion of the abyss after all?Want to go out and destroy Mondstadt?Why are there so few of them?
To destroy, they are professional abyss mages!Since Tevalin can't bear to go with them, then they will suffer. Forgive Tevalin!
"Follow the Wind Demonic Dragon! How can we be left behind to cause destruction!" Fire Mage shouted to his companions behind him, and then teleported to catch up with Tevalin.

Seeing this, other abyss mages followed Fire Mage and teleported one after another, only Frost Mage who fell last was puzzled.

"Did the Wind Demon Dragon look very happy just now?" Bing Fa muttered a few words in a low voice. He could smell the lightness in the wind that he had never experienced before.

Then it shook its head, probably because it was worrying too much.As the fire method said, the erosion of the abyss is not so easy to get rid of.

Tevalin may have really been corroded by the poisonous blood and couldn't bear it, so he just went out to vent.


Twalin was high in the sky, overlooking the familiar and unfamiliar scenery below, feeling a lot of emotion in his heart.

This seemed to be the first time in 500 years that he had carefully admired the scenery of Mondstadt.After waking up, it was blinded by hatred, making it difficult for him to see any scenery.

Now calm down and take a closer look, Mond is a lot stranger again.From time to time, pedestrians can be seen walking in twos and threes on the newly opened road.

The people are different and the roads are different, but one thing is the same - that is, when pedestrians on the road see a giant dragon flying in the sky, they all panic.

But Tvarin has become different. In the past, he might have felt sad and sad because of people's fear - of course, he still feels a little uncomfortable now.

But now that I have met other dragons, I am not surprised to meet you humans!Tvarin raised his head and flew higher into the sky.

Mountains, plains, low platforms... countless scenes passed under Tevalin.Finally, after flying over a winery, Tevalin slowly landed.

If he remembered correctly, there should be many flame flowers growing here.Flame flowers generally grow in places where earth veins converge or are blocked.Only this kind of place can allow Lie Yanhuo to absorb enough fire elements, and then transform them to a higher level.

But now the flame flowers growing near Chenxi Winery obviously have no chance of growing to a higher level.

Because Tvarin took a liking to them.Tevalin was seen slowly approaching the Flame Flower. The huge dragon head and the tiny Flame Flower formed a sharp contrast.

"Ha... ha..., Feng... what is the Wind Demon Dragon doing?" In the grass in the distance, four abyss mages looked at Tevalin's movements and whispered weakly.

Tevalin did nothing along the way, which made them all wonder if Tevalin was on an outing.

Fortunately, Twarin's flying speed was like a picnic, otherwise they wouldn't be able to catch up no matter how hard they tried.

Now that he finally stopped, he stared at a flame flower.This made the Abyss Mage even more confused.

The flame flower on the ground seemed to feel something, its stamens shook more violently, and fierce flames spurted out from it.But unfortunately, the flames of the Fire Flower cannot cause any harm to Tevarin.The flames hit Tevalin's dragon scales, just like iron being splashed by sparks. It just lit up and there was nothing more to come.

Seeing this, Twalin didn't hesitate anymore, he opened his mouth and bit on the flame flower, and contained the stamen in his mouth.

A weak heat rose in Tevalin's mouth, and even though he was bitten in his mouth, the fire elemental power in the flame flower's stamens still did not dissipate.It is still radiating heat to the outside.

【That's it! ] Tewarin became excited.Now he should be able to spit out dragon flames!

"Boom!" The breath of the east wind passes through the stamen of the Flame Flower, and the wind element and the fire element in the stamen diffuse and react.

The green dragon's breath was instantly dyed red, and the wind swept in with blazing heat, burning everything in front of Tevalin's eyes to ashes.

"Hahaha, Fengmolong did a good job!" Huofa couldn't help but get excited when he saw the scene of Twalin spitting out flames.

As expected, it was right about the dragon. Tevalin actually came up with such a genius idea!Spreading wind into fire is much more destructive than pure wind.

"Huh?" Tevalin noticed something strange, turned his head and a wind bomb flew out, shattering the grass where the abyss mages were hiding.

"Ha...haha, hello, Fengmolong." Facing Twalin's devouring gaze, the abyss mages smiled awkwardly and walked over slowly.

"Huh--" Tevalin let out a heavy breath as he watched the abyss mages slowly approach him.

"Why are you here? I'm warning you, if I see you doing sabotage, your previous promises will not count."

Twalin's long eyes stared at the abyss mages below, and said like a warning.

These guys, like the Qiuqiu people, can be seen everywhere.

"What did you say? Weren't you just wreaking havoc?!" Huo Fa had the most intense reaction when he heard Tevarin's words.

It pointed at the large scorched black area in front of Tvarin, looking very excited.

What's going on?You are only allowed to breathe fire from the Wind Demon Dragon, and we abyssal mages are not allowed to destroy it?
"Um..." Tevarin looked at the land that had been burned by the dragon's breath in front of him. Nothing could be seen there, only ashes.

"Can I be like you? I'm testing my new abilities!" Tewarin rolled his eyes, caught a glimpse of Chenxi Winery in the distance, and then said:

"Did you see the winery there? I'm making fertilizer for them! Do you know how?" It seems that his statement is very reasonable. Tevarin's waist is straighter and his head is higher.

"You are..." Huofa was about to say "fart".A gust of wind suddenly kicked up - Tevalin flew up.

"Bye, someone is coming. With your ghost idea, you should be able to escape." Twalin's reminder came from high in the sky, and then the dragon disappeared.

Just as the abyss mages were blown to pieces by the strong wind set off by Tevalin, a figure quickly rushed over from the winery in the distance.

Diluc looked at everything in front of him with vigilance. The Wind Demon Dragon had just landed near the winery.Due to emotions and reasons, I have to come and investigate.

However, the scene he saw in front of him made Diluc a little unsure.Large tracts of wilderness were turned into dust and smoke, and the fruit trees were turned into black charcoal.

This is not like the destruction Tevarin can cause. He is a wind dragon, not a fire dragon.There were not many people in Diluc's impression who could ignite such a large-scale flame.

Who could it be?Diluc glanced around and saw the Abyss mages who were still in a daze not far away.

[Is it because the power of the thing you created is so powerful that you didn't even expect it? ] When Di Luke saw the Abyss Mage, he had an answer in his heart.

These guys, no wonder they haven't found any news these days, so they are tinkering with such a powerful weapon.

"That's it, you inhuman guy!" Diluc held the big sword in his hand and strode forward.

"Brothers, stop him!" The abyss mages suddenly came to their senses and immediately started running away!

(End of this chapter)

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