King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 156 The Special Abyss Mage

Chapter 156 The Special Abyss Mage

"Didn't you say stop him? Why are you all running!" Huofa asked his companions as he ran.

"Why didn't you stop!" Bingfa looked at the aggressive Di Luke behind him, and immediately refuted back.

The aura of the human being behind it is obvious that it cannot be defeated.Although it is duty-bound to devote oneself to the Order.

But if possible, it still hopes that it can fulfill this responsibility later.

"We will all be overtaken if this continues!" The fire method teleported into the distance again, and it looked far into the distance.A fiery red figure is coming quickly.

"Ice magic, water magic, I will freeze him later!" Fire magic made full use of his intelligence and came up with a way to deal with it.

"Then don't run away!" Two abyss mages, one blue and one white, came out. They held their staffs and began to chant spells.

"Never run away!" Huo Fa pulled Lei Fa and nodded at the two of them.

Tempered by elemental power, Diluc's physical fitness has long been far superior to ordinary people.Within a moment, he arrived in front of the abyss mages.

"Hmph! It's rare that you are smart enough to know that you can't run away?" Di Luke saw the abyss mages waiting quietly for him, and the big sword in his hand began to be infected with raging fire.

He is not stupid enough to think that the Abyss Mage will really wait for him. There must be some conspiracy in this!
"Haha, you misunderstood! I really want to surrender to you!" But what shocked the other abyss mages was that as soon as the fire mage saw Diluc's figure, he rubbed his short hands flatteringly and slowly floated passed.

"What! You betrayed the Order!"

"Why did you say before that you wanted to be promoted to an apostle? I think the Flame Flower is the most suitable for you!"


As soon as Huo Fa said these words, the abyss mages immediately exploded into trouble.Since the establishment of the cult, there have been no traitors, but I didn't expect that they would be seen now.

Among all the insults, only the ice magician was concerned. Did the fire magician just wink at it?

The ice method looked towards the fire method and found that the fire method actually glanced at it again?
Bing Fa touched his head with his staff. What does it mean?
Fire Fa was confused when he saw Ice Fa, and when he saw the other guys, they only scolded him.I couldn't help but sigh. There were so many valuables in the sect. How could we realize the sect's plan like this?
"Huh?" Diluc was a little confused when he saw that the fire method approached him without taking any protective measures, and he also said words such as surrender.

Could it be that the Fire Abyss mage really has a conscience and wants to surrender?Just when Di Luke was puzzled, he saw that the Lei Abyss mage had already made a move in the distance.

"Go to hell, traitor!" Master Lei Abyss threw countless dark purple lightning balls towards the fire spell with endless anger.

"Ah!" The fire method took the blow without taking any defensive measures, and his skin and flesh were immediately torn apart.

Purple lightning rushed over it, the fluff on its neck became curled up, and the warm orange mage skirt became scorched black.

"Damn it! Get behind me!" Diluc saw more lightning coming towards the fire spell and immediately jumped in front of it.

It took a lot of effort to find an abyss mage who was willing to surrender, but he couldn't just let him die like this.He had many questions to ask about the Abyss Order.

The big sword was swung, and all the thunder and lightning were cut down by Diluc, but it was counterproductive.His hands were also a little burnt black.

Diluc waved his hand, and the numbness in his body immediately dissipated a lot.He raised his sword with one hand and said to the abyss mages:
"Learn to look at Duodu, you are already surrounded by me! If you are like your companions, I can guarantee your lives will be safe!"

Seeing that an abyss mage really surrendered, Di Luke immediately wanted to persuade him.

In the past, he would just kill him without saying a word, because he knew that nothing could be pried out of the Abyss Mage's mouth.

But it’s different now. If one surrenders, there will be more!
Huofa stood up quietly. The thunder and lightning on its body had dissipated, but the pain was still there.

[Damn it, I want you to look good when you go back! 】 Fire Fa looked at Leifa who was confronting Diluc in the distance, thinking about how to teach this companion who had killed him when he went back.

"Huh!" Huofa took a deep breath and suddenly ran to Diluc and hugged him tightly.

"Freeze him!" Fire Mage shouted to his companion, and now its legs were wrapped around Diluc. "Water Fa! Do it!" Bing Fa was the first to react.The staff in its hand waved, and huge blocks of ice fell from the sky, hitting Diluc and Fire Mage.

"Ah——, I'm going to die, I'm going to die!" Huofa screamed in pain, but even so, it still did not let go.

"Oops!" Diluc immediately noticed something was wrong. With his powerful force, he punched the fire spell's head and immediately smashed it to the ground.

But at this time, the blisters of the water method also came soon after.The huge blister is the size of a person. If it were covered, it would take a long time to break free.

Diluc swung his greatsword, the blisters surprisingly fragile.As soon as the big sword touched the blisters, the latter exploded.

Water was splashed on Di Luke and Huofa, who had ice elements attached to their bodies, and immediately froze them.

"Hurry up, carry the fire spell and run!" The ice spell and water spell continued to apply ice and water elements to Diluc who was about to break away.

Leifa nodded mechanically, and then quickly ran to Huofa. It hadn't figured out what happened, but she did it anyway.Lei Fa quickly ran to Huo Fa, and dragged Huo Fa, who had turned into an ice sculpture, to teleport and disappear.

Upon seeing this, the ice and water magicians nodded to each other and teleported away.

As soon as the ice and water spells disappeared, the broken ice on Diluc's body exploded.He shook his head and looked at the direction in which the abyss mages were leaving, but did not pursue them.

Diluque tidied up his messy coat and took out a wrinkled note from his pocket.

Unfold it, and what is painted on it is a stick figure holding a book.Below there are a few crooked words written: Apostle of the Abyss, Abyss Fire.

Diluc felt the aura of the abyss mages getting further and further away, and finally disappeared. A smile appeared on his lips: "I hope you will have enough information to buy your life when we meet next time."


"Wake up! Wake up!" At the entrance to the Wind Dragon Ruins, the abyss mages were surrounding the unconscious fire spell, performing first aid methods they didn't know where they heard from.

"Cough cough cough!" After a lot of torture, Huofa finally woke up.It looked at Lei Fa at the side, and it was just a big guy walking past.

"You want me to die, don't you!" Huo Fa immediately stood up, punching and kicking Lei Fa.

"Stop it, stop it. Who knew you were fake? You didn't discuss it with us in advance!" Refa squatted on the ground, holding his head and yelling.

"If I discuss this with you, then we will all return to the earth line now!" Huo Fa became even more angry when he heard this.

It then turned around and knocked Bing Fa on the head and said, "I thought you were the smartest among them, but didn't I expect you to be equally stupid?"

At that time, it made its eyelids twitch when it stared at Bingfa, but Bingfa didn't respond at all, and it was very angry.

After knocking for a while, the fire method felt boring and stopped.It sat on the ground and said to the abyss mages: "You go, don't follow me."

It just revealed the information about the apostle, and I don’t know when it will be discovered.If these companions continue to follow it, they may suffer unreasonable disasters.

"Isn't it? We have been together for so long? Just because we are stupid, you don't want to do it?" The water method looked at the fire method and felt that it could not withstand the blow.

Isn't it just a narrow escape from death?Haven't they experienced this kind of thing many times?Why was the reaction to the fire method so great this time?

"Forget it, I can't explain it to you. If you want to follow, just follow!" Huo Fa shook his head, feeling that he was worrying too much.

They were originally marginalized figures in the sect, so no one would care about them.Moreover, even if there were, they would not think about leaking information.

After all, since the establishment of the Abyss Order, all members have been tight-lipped and have not taken the initiative to disclose information.

Thinking of this, Huo Fa felt relaxed again.

(End of this chapter)

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