King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 157 The Poison of the Abyss

Chapter 157 The Poison of the Abyss
"Mr... Apostle?" In an open space in the Wind Dragon ruins, the Abyss mages who had not rested for a long time immediately stood up.

Because a higher existence appears in front of them.The gray-red broken cloak, the thorny halo floating behind it, and the floating round magic weapon in its hand all tell the identity of the person who came - the Abyss Songer Abyss Fire.

The abyss mages could not help but lower their heads when they felt the abyss power and fire elemental power almost escaping in front of them.

Abyss Chanters, they are monsters that drive the fire of the abyss and pursue the meaning of the Code.Although they are not the forerunners of the abyss like the apostles of the abyss, they have been reciting the Chapter of Grace all year round, and their power is no less powerful than the apostles of the abyss.

"You have been slacking off recently. Why has the wind in Mondstadt calmed down?" Abyss Fire looked at the several Abyss mages kneeling in front of him, his tone full of impatience.

It is clear that the power of the abyss has been injected into the body of the wind demon dragon. As long as these abyss mages give a little guidance, the wind demon dragon can surrender to the abyss.

But now it sees nothing.Mond's dragon disaster has subsided, and the Wind Demon Dragon is also in the tower, and these abyss mages are actually resting here?

If it weren't for the fact that there was no mention of betrayal in the Abyss Order, I'm afraid it would have doubted whether these guys had really betrayed the Order.

"Sir... Sir, it's not that we don't work hard, but a strange guy has appeared in Mondstadt recently. Any fluctuations in the circulating wind will be stopped by him."

Huofa stood up first and explained tremblingly.It's not that they don't work hard, it's just that every time they try hard to show signs of success, they are snuffed out by a guy wearing armor.

"Trash! I asked you to guide the Wind Demon Dragon to surrender to the cult. What are you doing now?" Yuan Huo looked at the four Abyss mages in front of him and felt that the mud could not hold up the wall.

No wonder everyone else was sent out to carry out the Order's plan, and only they were left here to instigate the Wind Demon Dragon.

[If you have the ability, go and persuade that stupid dragon on your own! ] Huofa retorted secretly in his heart.

Instigating the Wind Demon Dragon sounds like a good job, but in fact, it is not an exaggeration to say that it will lead to death.The Wind Demon Dragon hates the aura of the abyss, and he is still being corroded by the poisonous blood, and his personality is uncertain.

Almost all the guys sent by the sect to brainwash the Wind Demon Dragon were "accidentally touched" by him.

But if you are touched by a big guy like Feng Molong, you can imagine the consequences.Only the four of them managed to be noticed by the Wind Demon Dragon with their genius-like eloquence and their fishing spirit that was beyond the ordinary abyss mages.

If the Abyss Chanter in front of him was sent to instigate the Wind Demon Dragon, he would probably be swallowed by the Wind Demon Dragon in less than a second.

"How is Feng Molong doing lately?" Yuan Huo glanced at Huo Fa, who was bowing his head in front of him, and asked in a routine manner.

Huo Fa immediately started hesitating, and he paused for a long time before saying: " my lord, the Wind Demon Dragon seems to be..."

"What seems to be wrong?" A bad premonition suddenly arose in Yuan Huo's heart.It stared at the fire method, waiting for its next words.

"It seems that we are breaking away from the cult!"

"What did you say?" Yuan Huo immediately stepped forward, grabbed Huo Fa's neck, and lifted him up.

"Well..." Huo Fa relied on instinct to tightly grasp Yuan Huo's red arm, and it kept beating it, hoping to make Yuan Huo let it go.

"Sir! This is not its fault!" The other abyss mages saw the fire spell rolling their eyes and immediately stepped forward and said eagerly.

"Sir, a new dragon has appeared. After meeting the Wind Demon Dragon, it was unwilling to contact the cult." Bing Fa saw Yuan Huo's hand loosen a little, and immediately continued:

"If you want to see the Wind Demon Dragon, you will definitely use it. It is friends with the Wind Demon Dragon and has the best relationship with the Wind Demon Dragon!"

"Oh? It seems that you are still of some use." Yuan Huo let go of his hand, and the breathless Huo Fa greedily breathed in the air, letting out waves of heavy breathing.

When the water magician on the side saw it, he immediately began to infiltrate the fire magician's body with water elements. It did not have healing magic, and could only use this method to relieve the fire magician's pain.

"Ahem..." The brief suffocation was not an unbearable pain for the Abyss Mage. The Fire Mage just lay on the ground for a while and then stood up.

"Sir, you want to see the Wind Demon Dragon? I will lead the way." Huo Fa bowed to Yuan Huo, and then led Yuan Huo towards the direction of the tower.The seal and height of the tower may be a problem for the Abyss Mage, but it is nothing to the Abyss Chanter.

Under the impatient urging of Abyss Fire along the way, a group of abyss monsters finally reached the entrance to the secret realm of the tower.

Yuan Huo saw the eye of the wind and couldn't wait to put his hand in it.However, the strong wind element in the secret realm quickly taught it what it meant to be cautious.

"Hmph!" Yuan Huo quickly retracted his arm.It looked inside the deep blue secret realm, and a burst of flowing fire covered its whole body in an instant.

"Follow me!" When Huo Fa saw Yuan Huo walking into the eye of the wind, he immediately motioned for everyone behind him to follow him.

Even though Huo Fa and Yuan Huo hate each other, Huo Fa still doesn't want to see Yuan Huo die.

After all, they are all companions of the Abyss Order, working hard for the Order's plan.Although it doesn't even know a thing about the grand plans of the Order.


In the Wind Dragon Ruins, Tevalin started studying again after hanging out.In fact, it was because he was not studying properly and he was just watching the fun.

"Huh?" A strange breath came from a distance, interrupting Tevalin's thoughts.He raised his head, closed the book and looked back.Then he saw Yuanhuo covered with reddish flowing lines.

And behind it are the abyss mages who are wearing various elemental shields.

"What do you want from me? If not, just go out. You and I are not on the same page." Tevarin looked at the fire spell and said slowly.

Now that he has decided to go back to the past, he cannot have an unclear relationship with the Abyssal Cult.

"Wind Demon Dragon, you have to think clearly, the poisonous blood behind you is not so easy to eliminate. No one can help you except us, the Abyss Religion." The same words as Huofa, but Yuanhuo's tone was serious. many.

If the law of fire is a warning, then Yuanhuo is a warning.

However, Tevarin didn't take it to heart. He looked at Huofa and said, "Are your words all carved from the same mold? If nothing happens, just leave!"

After saying that, Tevalin flicked his tail, and a huge gust of wind swept past, blowing the Abyss Fire far away.

"Damn it! Wind Demon Dragon, you are going against the cult! You have to think clearly about the consequences!" Abyss Fire was shaken by Tevalin's strong wind, but its mouth did not soften at all.

"Boom!" The huge wind bomb suddenly exploded next to Yuan Huo.The scattered wind blades cut open the temporarily condensed elemental shield on Yuan Huo's body.The rich wind element immediately poured in along the gap and began to erode Yuan Huo's body.

"Hmph!" Abyss Fire groaned, but that was all - Abyss apostle-level monsters have strong resistance to elemental power, which is why they can walk around Teyvat.

After the wind bomb passed, there was a sense of crisis that made Yuan Huo's hair stand on end!Abyss Fire looked up and saw Tevalin's cold-gleaming claws standing less than a palm away from its eyes.

The dragon's claws were unexpectedly smooth and sharp.Abyss Fire had no doubt that if it took another step forward, it could tear his body into pieces.

"Did you make a mistake? Your Abyss Cult and I are enemies from the beginning." Tevalin's huge shadow covered Abyss Fire's body, and his body exuded incomparable pressure.

Twarin is the guardian of the four winds, an existence that can rival the demon god.

But soon, Tewarin backed away.He turned his head to Huofa and said, "Don't bring this kind of idiot to me in the future, I don't want my claws to get dirty now."

"Let's go!"

"Thank you... thank you." Huo Fa thanked Tevarin, and then pulled Yuan Huo out of the secret realm.

(End of this chapter)

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