King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 158 Poison Blood and Dragon Heart

Chapter 158 Poison Blood and Dragon Heart

"Damn it!" Outside the eye of the wind, Yuan Huo casually threw a fireball.A huge heat wave swept through, melting the walls of the tower into a sheet of lava.

Greedy breathed for a while the scorched and pungent air caused by the burning of the flames, Yuan Huo finally calmed down his angry and restless heart.

It turned to look at the secret realm, where the Wind Demon Dragon had its back turned to it, its tail still swaying slightly, looking happy and contented.

"Haha. You are infected with the aura of the abyss and you want to escape from the abyss?" Yuan Huo looked at the Wind Demon Dragon and let out an inhuman sneer.

"My... my lord, what do you want to do?" Huo Fa, who was waiting quietly at the side, asked cautiously when he heard Yuan Huo's words.

What the hell is this guy trying to do?

Abyss Fire looked at the low Abyss Mages in front of him, but did not answer the Fire Mage's question.

It stretched out a hand, and a dark mist began to appear in its palm.

The abyss mages felt the familiar aura and raised their heads one after another.They felt the abyss from the mist, which was a power that only the apostles and chanters could control.

"This... this is..." Huofa felt the chaos and madness above his head.He couldn't help but asked hoarsely.

He actually brought out the power of the religious order. What on earth does this guy want to do?
"I will let the Wind Demon Dragon know that he is a monster from the abyss, and only the religious order is his destination!" After finishing speaking, Huofa saw the dark mist turn into wisps of black smoke, and sneaked into Twalin's back silently in the poisonous blood.

The light black breath passed through the eye of the wind. They floated into the secret realm and onto the poisonous blood behind Tevarin, activating the abyss power in Tevarin's body.

This is the real purpose of the Abyss Order in approaching Tevalin.Cure poisonous blood?That's impossible. Only with this can Tvarin turn into a mindless beast at any time!
Tewarin, who was reading a book, suddenly felt a sharp pain in his back.

"Roar!" Tevarin's dragon body trembled, and the huge pain made him unable to support his body, and he collapsed directly on the platform.

Seeing this scene, a door revealing the starry sky appeared in front of Yuan Huo.That is the exclusive ability of abyss monsters of their level - abyss passage.

Yuanhuo approached the portal, it paused, and then said to the abyss mages who followed suit:

"You have a good relationship with him? Then stay and become the material for him to transform into a beast. The cult will remember you."

After finishing speaking, Yuanhuo walked into the portal without looking back, shutting out the abyss mages.

"What do you mean, sir?" Lei Fa was confused and ran to Fire Fa and asked.

The fire method is worthy of being the intellectual responsibility of the four abyss mages. It directly knocked the thunder method on the head and said like iron: "You are still calling me your lord! You are still calling me your lord! Let's wait to die. That loser wants us to be killed." Kill Tvarin.”

"Why! What's the point of this kind of sacrifice!" Bing Fa shouted in confusion.It was willing to sacrifice for the Order, but now it saw no value in its sacrifice.

"Didn't you say that we have a good relationship with Feng Molong? That's why he wanted Feng Molong to kill his friends." Huo Fa sensed Feng Mokong's increasingly violent aura, and gave up treatment directly, collapsing on the ground.

"There's nothing I can do this time. You guys, let's find a good place and die a little nicer later." Huo Fa said, leaning against the wall of the tower and closing his eyes silently.

The wind demon dragons, who had been eroded by the abyss and lost their minds, were right in front of them, and Fire Magic could not think of any way to escape them.

The other abyss mages saw this and stopped struggling.The four of them have gone through many hardships, and every time the fire method has taken them out of trouble. Now it has nothing to do, and the others have simply given up their efforts.

"Hey, didn't you say that after you were promoted to an apostle, you wanted to look good to those guys who looked down on you? Then you must have thought of a name, right?" The water method walked next to the fire method, and the escaping wind had already begun to make it difficult for them to breathe.

The Abyss Mage has no name. He will only have his own name after he is promoted to an Apostle or a Chanter.

"Name? No, don't talk to me. I want to sleep before I die." Huofa opened his eyes and looked towards the secret realm, where the Wind Demon Dragon seemed to be completely turning into a beast.

As for its name, it will also dissipate in this restless wind and will not be known to others.


"Damn it, it just happened not long ago, why did it happen so quickly this time!" Twarin reluctantly closed the giant book and pushed it far away, preparing to endure the pain silently.

The pain only started from the place where the poisonous blood was on the back.But as time went by, the "pain" seemed to turn into some kind of substance, and they flowed to every part of Twarin's body along with the blood.

"Creak-" Tevalin closed his eyes tightly, and his beak-like lips were trembling continuously, making bursts of tooth-grinding sounds. [The's just pain, bear with it...bear with it and it will pass. ] Tewarin kept warning himself in his heart.

His whole body was trembling, and the light feathers that were always shrouded in the breeze stopped swaying and became messy.

Twarin's breathing was heavier than ever.His lungs were like great bellows, sucking in the cool breeze and blowing out painful wheezes.

This time the pain was more severe and longer than ever before.But Tevalin is also stronger than ever.

There is still endless wind in the secret realm, restless but not crazy.

But the poisonous blood that was aroused was obviously not that simple.The poisonous blood behind Tevalin seemed to come alive, and it began to beat regularly, like a heart.

"Ah—" Countless distracting thoughts and ravings crazily drilled into Twalin's mind.They kept pounding Twalin's mind, trying to swallow him completely.

"Why? Why? Beautiful dragon, I just want to have fun."

"I just want to hear happy songs and tell you about your mother. I want to tell you how beautiful the place I came from is."

"Why? Why! Beautiful dragon! Why did you sink your sharp teeth into my neck! Why did you bury me in the snowy mountains!"


The childlike cry was so loud, so heartbreaking, that it echoed in Tvarin's mind, drowning out all thoughts.

Tevalin's eyes opened, and most of them were covered in scarlet.Tevalin lost his mind and turned into a beast!

The sharp dragon claws scratched the solid ruins platform, carving shocking claw marks on it.

The raging wind roared from Tvarin's mouth, destroying everything in its path!
The poisonous blood no longer clumped, it began to turn into deep purple resentment, gradually surrounding Tevalin.

The cyan feathers are no longer agile due to the sticky purple mud, and the flowing indigo patterns have become turbid and crazy. Everything is developing in a bad direction.

Tvarin was still banging on the platforms frantically. He was in so much pain that he had destroyed several of them just by scratching.

"Squeak -, grunt -" Tvarin scratched on the brand new stone platform again.

Even with the blessing of ancient civilization skills, there were still huge scratches on the platform.But this time, in addition to the harsh friction sound, there was also the sound of flesh and blood disappearing.

New pain appeared in Tvarin's body, and he raised his hand to look at his dragon claw.

There was nothing on it, only countless fingers that had been contaminated by the wind elemental power - his dragon claws were gone.

The collapsed platform, the broken dragon claw, and himself changed beyond recognition.These scenes were reflected so clearly in Tvarin's eyes.

"Dragon, you should also take care of yourself!"

"It looks like you don't know how to cut your nails, I'll teach you."

"I'm giving this to you. You should be able to do it with practice. Don't tell me that you are a stupid dragon. You can't even learn this."


The only green remaining in Tevalin's scarlet dragon eyes was trembling, and the sight of everything in ruins was reflected in his eyes.

Incomparable anger, anger that transcends everything.

The green trembled and swallowed up the scarlet.The dazzling green light tore gaps in the darkness covering Tevalin's body.

"Get out of here!!!"

The dragon roars even louder than it did 500 years ago!

(End of this chapter)

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