King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 160 Maggots with Bones

Chapter 160 Maggots with Bones
"Hey! Are you going to see the Wind Demon Dragon?" Bing Fa saw the way Fire Fa was tangled in the eye of the wind and asked curiously.

It is obvious that the Wind Demon Dragon has a good relationship with them and has escaped the erosion of the abyss. Why is the Fire Magic still struggling?
Huo Fa stared at the tangled Wind Demon Dragon in the secret area. It took a deep breath, gritted its teeth and got in.

The erosion of the abyss was irreversible in its mind, but Tvarin now broke free of the erosion.Fire Mage didn't know how much price Tevarin paid, or maybe he didn't break free from the erosion of the abyss at all.

After all, it has never seen a creature completely eroded by the abyss - abyss mages and apostles are not counted.

The fire magic teleported in front of Tevalin, but the latter did not react at all.Tevalin's eyes were distracted, and his consciousness was still confronting Dulin.

Huo Fa waited for a while, but Feng Molong still didn't notice it.So he cautiously asked:

"Wind...Wind Demon Dragon?"

"Hmph——" Huo Fa's words pulled Tvarin back from his subconscious.Tevalin, who came back to his senses, saw the Abyss Mage in front of him and couldn't help but breathe heavily.

"I have an idea that I'm not sure about." Tvarin looked at the fire spell and stretched out his broken dragon claw.

There was a flash of blue light above, and five solid wind blades appeared.The sharp aura in it, even through the shield, there was a faint sting coming from Huo Fa's face.

"I know what you are unsure about." Fire Master nodded and did not dodge Tevarin.

Anyway, it wasn't it. If it were to die, Yuan Huo would definitely die first.

"Say!" Tvarin put away his dragon claws and lay down on the broken platform.He knew that it was impossible for an abyss mage alone to induce his poisonous blood.

"Say! I don't want to tell you that you are good-looking!" Ember appeared out of nowhere, standing next to Tevalin and pointing at the fire spell and said.



Tevarin and Huofa were startled. When did this guy come?

"It's you, the guy who ruins our plans every day!" Huo Fa was not to be outdone, he also pointed at the embers and said fiercely.

Every time they carry out their plans of destruction, they can see embers "happening" next to them.

As time went by, the four of them were beaten countless times by the embers.

"Do you need any plan to steal eggs and snatch the Qiuqiu slime to block the well?" Ember doubts that these actions that can be done with hands still require planning.

"What do you know? It takes a lot of brains to deceive the cult!" Huo Fa said angrily when he saw Yu Ember standing and talking without pain.




"Huh? Why are you here too?"

The silence lasted for a long time. Huofa looked around and found that its other companions had also come over, and they still looked at it with regret.

Obviously, they also heard what they just said.

"Have you betrayed the cult?" Shui Fa looked at Fire Fa and said with a heartbroken expression.

"Let's go. For the sake of us being close friends, I won't attack you!" Lei Fazhao's face was full of pain, and he pointed at the exit of the secret realm.

"This...isn't this a betrayal?" The ice method is obviously more normal, but the fire method can only be said to be fishing, not a betrayal at all, right?
And don’t you two dance the most happily when fishing?
"Yes... is it?"

"It seems that my worries are unnecessary."

Water Mage and Thunder Mage didn't think too much and just listened to Ice Mage's statement. The change was so fast that both Ember and Tevalin were caught off guard.

The two of them looked at the fire spell with clear eyes and asked: Are all you abyss mages like this?
"Don't look at me with such eyes! Only the two of them are like this!" The fire method shook his head decisively, cutting off the water method and the thunder method.

"It's you four," Tvarin added.

"Indeed." Ember nodded in agreement.He couldn't agree with Tevarin's statement. "So, can you tell me why Tevalin just became like that?" After a conversation that was barely a greeting, Ember asked about the business.

Tevarin nodded after listening to Ember's words, and his dragon eyes looked at the Abyss Mage below again.

Thinking about the poisonous blood explosion just now, there are many doubts.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense with Yu Yan's words.

Huofa looked at Tevalin and Ember and was silent for a long time.Although it fished for fish every day, and even though it revealed information about its boss to humans, Huo Fa never had the intention to betray the cult.

After all, the cult is its only destination, and only the cult will accept an abyss monster like it.

If it really breaks away from the sect, not to mention that everyone will shout about beating it, it will only be hated by everyone.

"I cannot betray the Order." Fire Mage looked at Tevarin and Ember, and it regretted it now.He shouldn't have looked for Tvarin for the so-called "Beyond the Abyss".

"You mean you don't want to cooperate?" Yu Yan looked at Huo Fa and narrowed his eyes.

"簌!" The sound of the howling wind became louder, and the wind began to surge on Tevalin's body.

Huo Fa raised his head. He would definitely not be able to defeat them. Raising his head would at least make his death look better.

"Pa!" Yi Yan snapped his fingers, and then everyone saw a warm yellow light envelope surrounding them.

Then in the ghostly eyes of the abyss mages and Tevalin, everything in the secret area of ​​Wind Dragon Ruins began to reverse.

The platform that turned to dust reassembled, and the disintegrated dragon claws also appeared again - they even ran to Tevarin's fingers and grew them on their own initiative.

Time inside the mask flows normally, but time outside the mask is rapidly reversing.The scene before my eyes was a real miracle!

Silently, the warm yellow light mask disappeared, and everything in the secret realm returned to its original state.

Tewarin looked at his intact dragon claw, and then looked at the huge stone books in the distance.

They should have been destroyed in their own madness, but now they have returned to the world.

Tewarin now only feels extremely lucky that Ember didn't kill him before.

"Are you going to tell me? If you don't tell me, I will beat you back into your mother's womb!" Yu Jin looked at the dumbfounded Abyss mages and waved his fist viciously.

After hearing what Ember said, the four abyss mages trembled violently.Ember's threat is not vicious, but he can keep his word if he can't stand it!
If they were really sent back to their mother's womb, they wouldn't even be able to cry.But to be honest, the fire mages still really want to see how their abyss mages come out.

The companions in the cult seemed to have jumped out of the cracks in the rocks.There are many inexplicable things, and there are also inexplicable deaths.

He shook his head to get rid of the messy thoughts in his mind.Huo Fa brewed for a while and said, "This is not a betrayal. Remember this!"

"Hurry up! There's so much nonsense!" Ember knocked the Fire Master's head impatiently.Why does this guy talk so much nonsense?
"Stop knocking, it hurts like hell!!!" Huo Fa covered his head and backed away.Then he said: "It's not my fault, it was my boss who did it!"

"When Tevarin comes into contact with the Order, the power of the abyss is sent into the poisonous blood. Then the Order can use the power of the abyss to gradually erode and control Tevarin!"

"I've known for a long time that you guys have bad intentions!" Twarin snorted.He had long been prepared for the Abyss Cult's impure intentions, but he didn't expect that they wanted to directly control him!

"Hey, I have a big appetite." Yi Yan also made a strange sound.Tevarin's strength is comparable to that of the Demon God. The Abyss Order just sent these crooked men and women to control Tevarin. It's quite greedy.

"Then, do you have any way to deal with the poisonous blood on my back?" Tewarin lowered his dragon head, revealing the much darker clot of poisonous blood on his back.

"No." This time the fire method no longer hesitated and answered quickly.

This immediately choked Tevarin.His dragon eyes were full of disbelief, "Aren't you abyss monsters? There's nothing you can do about this thing?"

"Do you know why I came to you in the first place?"

"do not know."

"Because I am also curious about why you can escape the erosion of the abyss." Huofa said quietly while looking at the lavender poisonous blood behind Tevalin.

(End of this chapter)

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