King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 161 Wind Dragon Celebration

Chapter 161 Wind Dragon Celebration
"In my understanding, as long as you are immersed in the aura of the abyss, you will only end up being swallowed by the abyss." Fire Mage glanced at Tevalin and continued:

"And you are the only exception I have seen."

"Da da da!" The clear sound of the collision of armor plates was so obvious in the secret realm where there was only strong wind.So much so that it immediately attracted the attention of the abyss mages and Tevalin.

Everyone looked for the reputation, but found that Ember was jumping the rope at the side.

"What are you doing?" Huo Fa found Yu Yan a bit difficult to understand.Why jump rope at this time?
"Exercise your body, do you want to try it?" As if the elemental shield of the fire method didn't exist, Yi Yan directly stretched his hand into it.

In his hand, there was a pile of neatly arranged skipping ropes.

Huofa took a closer look and almost lost his eyes in shock.What did it see?It saw the abyss!

The flowing stars are the string garments, and the silent madness is the handle at the end.The skipping rope itself is an unspeakable taboo!

"Your Majesty! Why did you come here! I have been waiting so hard for you, Your Majesty!" Huo Fa hugged Ember's thigh without any image.What religious sect, what prince, are you as thick as this thigh?
"Go, go, go! How can you be like a human being?" A very distinctive way of cursing, which can only be said to be an ember.

"Hey! What are you doing!"

"Do you really want to betray the Order?"

"What do you see?"

Seeing the fire spell being thrown far away by the embers, other abyss mages immediately surrounded him.From time to time, they expressed deep disdain for Huo Fa's spineless words just now.

"See for yourselves." The skipping rope that Yu Yan had just pulled out was still in Huo Fa's hand.It threw the skipping rope into the abyss and then went to draw circles.

It hit it a little harder today.The omnipotent abyss in its heart has deflated twice in a row, so it needs to be quiet.

"This is...the power of the Order!"

"Why is it so soft? Isn't the power of the cult crazy?"

"So pure..."

After a while of noise, Tevalin saw three more Abyss mages drawing circles on the platform.In addition to the fire spell just now, there are four abyss mages in red, purple, blue and white drawing circles.

This situation immediately silenced Tvaringan.He has lived for thousands of years, what scene has he not seen?Sorry, he has never seen this scene before.

"Then...then this thing can't be eliminated?" Dulin's sobs came from time to time in Tevalin's ears, forcing him to break the silence.

If you don't ask clearly, he will be quarreled to death!
After hearing Tevalin's doubts, Fire Mage put away the circled staff and thickened his elemental shield.Then he said:
"It must have been impossible before, but I don't know now." Huo Fa glanced at the embers beside him.The guy who can knead and flatten the forbidden power of the abyss at will is here, Tevalin still asks it?

"Why are you looking at me? Of course I-" As soon as Yu Yan said this, everyone turned their attention.He deliberately lengthened his voice to whet everyone's appetite.

Whether it was Fire Mage or Tevarin, they all expected Ember to give a positive answer.

"Okay!" Ember did not disappoint their expectations, and gave an affirmative answer very confidently.

Anyway, it's just a matter of the regression principle. If it doesn't work, then let it go a few more times.The Golden Law does not work anywhere except in keeping all things unchanged.

"But are you sure you want me to take action? Actually, you have another choice..." After Yu Yan finished speaking, he quietly came over again.

"What choice?" Twalin asked impatiently.Originally, I thought that Ember was lucky to be able to deal with the poisonous blood, but I didn't expect there to be other options?

When did the abyss become so easy to eradicate?Tevalin looked at the embers and wondered if he should go for a walk.

"Your poisonous blood has been with you for 500 years. I moved my hands up and down, and now it's gone. Don't you feel a little regretful?" Yu Yan said, and gestured with the principle of regression to indicate the process of getting rid of the poisonous blood. Very fast.

"No." Tevalin shook his head decisively. For 500 years, the poisonous blood tortured him to death. He just wanted to get rid of the poisonous blood quickly and fly freely.

"Look, you have now torn apart the resentment in the poisonous blood. Most of the power of the poisonous blood has been dissipated. Isn't it okay if you let go of the restrictions and find a fight with others to use up all the power? "Ember seemed to have not heard Tevalin's rejection and said to himself.

"Who are we looking for to fight? Could it be you?" Tevalin looked at the embers and couldn't help but take a few steps back.He doesn't just want to find an excuse to kill himself, right?Such a strange idea suddenly came to Tevalin's mind.

Ember felt that there was a little fear in Twarin's eyes, thinking that he was worried that he would destroy Mond, so he comforted him and said:
"Okay! Mond will be fine. Both me and Lance Sanks are very strong, enough to control you!"

"What, Lance Sanks?" Tvarin's ears twitched and he heard the key information.

"Well, actually I originally wanted you to fight Lance Sanks. But if you insist on fighting me, I don't mind relaxing your muscles." Ember nodded. He admired those who dared to climb the heights. creatures.

"Lance Sanks..., what does this have to do with you?" Twarin thought about Ember's words and discovered the blind spot in them.

"What's the relationship..." Yi Yan touched his chin and said under Tevarin's eager gaze: "I should be regarded as her boss and elder."

"Boss and elders?" Tvarin repeated Ember's answer several times.It seems to be thinking about something.

"How about it? Do you want to show off your style in front of Lance Sanks?" Ember approached Tevarin again and said seductively.

"I think! I promise you!" Tevalin spread his wings, and a dazzling wind flowed above the huge dragon wings.

He completely forgot that after the erosion of the abyss, he was not his true self at all.

"Is this really okay?" Seeing Ember and Twalin's lively chat, Huofa raised his own doubts.

Is the abyss so easy to get rid of?
"Don't worry about those details, I say yes!" Ember waved her hand, just as Huofa was worried.

Generally, the erosion of the abyss will be integrated into the essence of life, and it will completely change the form of life.

It is almost impossible to remove it - unless there is a force that can penetrate deep into the essence of life and "pull out" things that are not part of life itself.

Of course, that's just the general case.Now there are not only embers, but also the special little guy Ying.

No matter which one of them takes action, it is easy to drive away the erosion of the abyss.

As for why Ember bothered to have a fight between Wind Demon Dragon and Lance Sanks.

The main reason is that he wants to see how different the strength of the dragons of the two worlds is, and he is curious about the appearance of normal creatures after being eroded by the abyss.

And the most important point is that the time is ripe to hold the Latarn, oh no, Tevalin Festival!

Latarn (played by Tevarin who unlocked the restriction of poisonous blood), heroes (played by Lance Sanks, etc.), Jielian (played by Ember).

The actors are already in place, now we're just waiting for the right time!
When Ember came to Red Lion City, he heard Jie Lian, the city lord of Red Lion City, shouting about Latarn's deeds from the high platform.

Rattan, the strongest demigod.The existence that once sealed the starry sky.Because of him, the stars no longer flow. Precisely because he sealed the stars, those malicious meteors in space will never come to the junction again.

However, after the ring was broken, Latarn and Malenia had a shocking battle in Galede.

Marenia fell into a coma due to the release of scarlet corruption, and Rataen also turned into a beast that could only eat corpses.

In order to give this most powerful demigod a grand ending, the Latarn Festival was born.

Jie Lian's atmosphere is well rendered, Ember's blood is boiling, and Ratan is also very unbeatable.

Anyway, when Ember pushed Lataen into the water to take a bath, he was in a fucking mood.

Therefore, this special and concise version of Teyvat’s “Ratarn Festival” - also known as the Wind Dragon Festival came into being!

"Warriors! The Battle Ceremony has begun!" Ember imitated Jie Lian's tone, and let out a thick trill, which once again attracted everyone's attention.

(End of this chapter)

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