King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 162 The Abyss Group of 4

Chapter 162 The Abyss Four



Seeing Ember raising his hands and shouting passionately in a language they didn't understand, Tvarin and the abyss mages fell silent again.

What is this guy doing?
However, Yan Yan stopped after rehearsing, and shouting at the top of his lungs was very tiring.

After resting for a while, Yi Yan turned to look at the abyss mages who were still drawing circles.

"Stop drawing, tell me about you." Ember stepped forward and directly erased all the circles they drew.

These abyss mages, Ember, are very interested in them. They can touch fish to such an extent that Ember feels that they can be compared with Victor of the West Wind Church.

That guy is also a master of fishing and stands at the door of West Wind Cathedral every day.Anyone who comes just says, "What does Barbatos have that you believe in?"He didn't know how long he had been fishing like this, and his life was very comfortable.

"Ah! My painting!" Refa exclaimed, but when he looked up and saw the iron boots in front of him, his momentum suddenly dropped.

"It's quite ugly." It said weakly, then stood up and came to Huofa's side.Surround yourself with smart people and make it feel safe.

When Water Fa and Ice Fa saw their "masterpiece" being destroyed, they felt it was boring, so they stood up.

"You guys seem to be special." Yi Yan glanced at the four abyss mages standing side by side in red, purple, blue and white. They were as cute as four rabbit spirits.

"Indeed, I can barely get along with them." Tevarin nodded in agreement upon hearing this. These abyss mages were among the few he could take a liking to.

"Can't we be special? We are the fringe members of the religious order!" When Huo Fa said this, he felt inexplicably confident for some reason.

"Bah!" Ember clapped in unison, and then said: "Continue!"

"Actually, our personalities don't get along with other guys, so we are always sent to do some thankless jobs." Bingfa sighed and said.

The companions in the Abyss Religion looked bitter and resentful every day, as if they had some serious enmity with the world.

In fact, most of the monsters in the Abyss Order think so.But the four of them are an exception.

When Huo Fa heard Bi Bing Fa's words, he was also filled with emotion. It said: "It's true. I woke up in a daze, was brought into the cult, and was sent out to perform some tasks for no apparent reason. .Anyway, we are confused about everything.”

"Yes, yes, many times I don't know why I do this in missions of the Order. But fortunately, there is scenery to see. The scenery on the ground is much more beautiful than underground." Lei Fa nodded, and it agreed with Fire Fa's words. .

Compared with the unknown missions of the sect, the scenery on the ground is the real reason why they choose to travel far.

"What do you think?" Yi Yan glanced around and found that only Shui Fa looked at his companion and said nothing.

"" Shuifa didn't seem to expect that Yan Yan would point at it and ask, and didn't react for a moment.

It scratched its head with its staff and spat out a few words, "Actually, I just think it's more interesting to be with them."

"Wow! You are so disgusting!" Lefa exclaimed.Then it was covered in blisters from the Water Method.

"No one will treat you as mute if you don't speak!" Shui Fa said with some irritation.

Yan Yan rubbed his chin and looked at the four people fighting, feeling extremely emotional in his heart.

The purest light will be born in the most desperate darkness; the most stable order will also breed changes that subvert the world.

When things go to extremes, they must be reversed, and it is the same in any world.

"How are these guys?" Ember looked up at Tevalin.

"Just a friend." Tevalin snorted coldly. He didn't expect that his first friend besides Barbatos would be the Abyss Mage. What a twist of fate.

Ember smiled and shook his head, not a frank guy. "Do you have a name?" Yi Yan looked at the four abyss mages in the distance and asked.

Then Yi Yan saw the heads of the abyss mages shaking neatly.

"Actually, I chose a name myself." Huo Fa said while shaking his head.Then he saw the heads of the other three companions stop immediately.

That little look clearly said: Gouzi, you have changed.

"Tell me about it." Yi Yan was very curious.What would an abyss mage name himself?
"Yuan Shang, I named myself Yuan Shang." Huofa raised his head and shouted his name out loud with great pride.

"Yushang?" Yi Yan silently savored Yushang's words.An Abyss mage named himself "Abyss".

It seems to have some profound meaning.Yi Yan gave Yuan Shang a meaningful look.Of course, it might just be that he is overthinking.

"Yuanshang? Why did you choose such a strange name?" Lei Fa looked at Yushang. Why did such a smart "person" choose such a strange name?

Then Lei Fa seemed to have thought of something. His eyes lit up and he patted his chest and said, "Since you call me Yuan Shang, then I will call you Yuan Xia!"

" name is Yuan Zuo!" Shui Fa saw Lei Fa giving himself a name, and he immediately followed his example and gave himself a name too.

Bingfa looked at the dark-faced Yuan Shang, and then at the excited Yuan Xia and Yuan Zuo. He shook his head helplessly, and then said with a smile: "I have the upper, lower, and left. It seems that my name is Yuan You!"

"Okay, okay!" Yi Yan clapped sincerely when he saw this scene.The Abyss Four finally have their own name, which is gratifying and gratifying.

With that said, Yan Yan came to them and took out a pile of huge thick books from nowhere.

"I remember that you like reading books, right? These books are given to you!" Ember said as he sent these "bricks" to the hands of the abyss mages.

Yuan Shang looked at the heavy book in his hand, and he wanted to say: Actually, you misunderstood, I don't like reading at all.

But it didn't say it out loud after all, because after all, this was the first gift someone had given it, and it was very memorable.

After Ember finished distributing the books, he ran to Tvarin again.He also took out several huge books.

That was what Lance Sanks asked him to translate specifically.That's also the reason why he came this time. He was chatting so happily just now that he almost forgot about the real thing.

"This is..." Tvarin flipped through the books and found that they were exactly the same as the books he had read before, but the language was changed to the common language of Teyvat.

"Isn't Lance Sanks coming?" Tvarin just turned two pages and stopped reading. He asked impatiently about Lance Sanks' situation.

"I can't come for the time being. She has something to do. This is what she asked me to translate." Yi Jin explained, and then said: "Don't miss her. You should keep your spirits up now. It won't be long before you can see her again. !”

Tvarin visibly relaxed after hearing Ember's words.He closed his eyes and meditated for a moment, and then said: "I have Du Lin crying in my head, so I can't rest well."

"Leave the small problem to me." Ember patted the breastplate.Then he opened his arms, and an incomparable suction force appeared.

Under this suction, both the Abyss Four and Tevalin felt that their souls were like boats in the waves.If you are not careful, your soul will fall into the endless abyss.

Fortunately, this suction only lasted for a moment and then disappeared.No harm was done to Tevalin and the others.

When everything calmed down, Tevarin calmed down. The sobs that echoed in his mind had disappeared, and the long-lost peace returned to Tevarin's mind.

"It..., well, what are you going to do with it?" Tevalin looked at the embers, and he understood that the soul that was suspected of being Dulin should be taken away by him.

"Don't worry, I'm just sending him back to the place where he was born." Ember waved his hands mysteriously, and what he said made Tvarin confused.

Isn't Dulin from Canria?How to send it back?
But Tvarin turned around and saw the intact platform. He tilted his head and thought for a while.

Like, is it really possible?

(End of this chapter)

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