King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 177 This Is the Power of Love

Chapter 177 This Is the Power of Love

"Lance Sanks? Who is that?" Wendy frowned. Is there such a person in Mondstadt?
Although Wendy looked unattractive, he actually figured out all aspects of Mondstadt during his daily stroll.

But no matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't find a character named "Lance Sanks".

Is it possible that I have made some mistakes?It seems that I still have to do some shopping.Wendy naturally made plans for the rest of her dawdling.

"Lance Sanks..." Qin touched her chin. Wendy didn't know whether it meant that Qin didn't know either.She thought for a while and said:
"Is he Mr. Ember's new friend?"

"Yes, I didn't expect you to know her?" Yi Jin nodded, a little surprised.

It seems like he didn't take Lance Sanks to the Knights, right?How did Qin know?
Qin smiled and nodded, "Miss Lance Sanks' appearance is a bit... special. Don't you know? She is discussed by many people in Mondstadt."

After saying that, Qin gave Ember a strange look.Doesn't Ember know that it's very noticeable that a beautiful woman comes out of his house every day?

Of course Ember didn't know. It would be better to say that he hadn't even lived in Mondstadt for a day.I'm wandering around the world every day, so I don't have time to think about so much.

As for those strange sights?Sorry, Yi Yan has never experienced what normal sight looks like. To him, those sights are just daily life.

"Really? I don't feel it." Yi Yan scratched his head, indicating that he had no idea about it.

Lance Sanks, as the high priest of the dragon tribe, is a pure social terrorist.Lance Sanks was already used to everyone's discussions, so naturally he would not talk about these things to Ember.

And Ember himself is not someone who cares about these things, so naturally he doesn't know about Lance Sanks' situation.

Ember thought of the girl with cat ears in the Cat Tail Tavern in Mondstadt, and the animal ears on Sugar's head, and asked with some confusion: "I remember there are many special people in Mondstadt, right? Is Lance Sanks so easy to seduce?" Are people paying attention?”

"That's different. The Mondstadt's ancestors all have traits like rabbits, tabby cats, puppies, etc. But Miss Lance Sanks is different from them."

"The giant horns on Miss Lance Sanks' head are so eye-catching!"

Qin once took a look at Lance Sanks from a distance. The huge and sharp corners were really eye-catching and left a deep impression on her.

"Lance Sanks is a dragon." Paimon saw Qin's confused and surprised look, and immediately ran over and waved his finger, showing off to Qin.

"Dragon...Dragon?!" Qin's eyes widened, and she was quite shocked that Lance Sanks was actually a dragon.

There are very few dragons in Teyvat. In Qin's memory, the only dragons that exist in reality are Tvarin and the demon dragon Ursa.

The former had turned into a wind demon dragon when Qin saw him, and the latter was killed by the doctor with one blow as a bargaining chip on the negotiation table.

It can be said that Qin has never really gotten along with a dragon from beginning to end, and now Paimon tells her that Lance Sanks is actually a dragon?And it’s a dragon that can take the form of a human!

"Dragon... can also take the form of a human?" Qin rubbed her temples and asked in shock.

She really didn't expect that the situation in the novel where the dragon turned into a human form could actually appear in reality.

Not to mention Qin, even Diluc looked shocked.He has been out collecting intelligence these days. How long has it been since he left that Mondstadt has a dragon?
"Dragon..., or a dragon that can take the form of a human?" Although Wendy knew more than others.But he only knew more about dragons.

It seems that dragons are elemental creatures that are born only when the accumulation of elemental creatures reaches its peak. Judging from the current circulation of elements in the seven countries, the emergence of an elemental dragon in one country is as high as the sky.

Where did Ember get the dragon from?
"Have you gone to another country?" Wendy came over and asked solemnly.

Dragons are powerful beings in any country, and most of them bear important responsibilities.If Yan Yan really abducts someone, there will be trouble.

"No." Ember shook his head, and then whispered: "Let me tell you, Lance Sanks is a good dragon, and you have to let Tvarin control him!"

"What?" Wendy didn't understand for a moment, and couldn't help but look at Ember with question marks on her face.

"Tsk, no wonder I'm still single for so long!" Yi Yan said with emotion.Then he said: "Look, Tevalin is a dragon, and Lance Sanks is a dragon. The two of them know each other, and maybe they will get married directly!" "You can hold the egg then!" He said, returning the embers. He patted Wendy on the shoulder, making him stunned.

But Wendy soon came back to his senses. He shook his head to get rid of all the messy words of Yi Yan, and asked as if he was sure:

"You really didn't go to other countries?"

"Definitely not! Do I have to go to another country to find a dragon? With a wave of my hand, the dragon that comes can circle Mondstadt head to tail!"

Ember said and waved his hand in a pretentious manner. In fact, he didn't know if there was a limit on the number of people in Patch's space channel.But to brag, just brag in a powerful direction.

Wendy finally felt relieved after hearing what Ember said.In fact, he cares about Mondstadt's safety more than anyone else.

Then he reacted and asked with a look of disbelief: "Isn't your plan just to make Lance Sanks and Tevarin friends?"

"To be honest, it would be better if something else happened." Ember nodded seriously.

If it happens, then he can rest assured that the Vic couple can spend their honeymoon peacefully, Lance Sanks has found a new partner, and Tvarin is no longer alone.

Four wins, it’s a huge win!

Unfortunately, judging from the performance of Lance Sanks, it is [-]% impossible.It seems that the mental age difference is too big, Lance Sanks looks at Tevalin like those little cubs of the Dragon Clan who go to heaven and earth.

The difference is that the dragon cubs will bear the iron fist of her love, but Tvarin will not.

"that's it?"

"That's it, you have to believe that the power of love is infinite!"

Wendy said I couldn't understand it, but was shocked.Is it possible to escape from the erosion of the abyss by relying on mysterious "love"?
"Then why didn't it break free from the poisonous blood before?" Wendy asked in return.He thinks his relationship with Tevalin is not bad, right?

If there really is the power of love, then why didn't Tvarin break free from the shackles of poisonous blood before?
"Haha, are you a dragon?"


"Are you a woman?"


"Then what do you mean about the power of love?"

"I think your definition of 'love' is a bit narrow." Wendy looked at the embers and complained.

Unexpectedly, Yan Yan immediately retorted: "Who said that? It's just that love is the most touching thing."

"How do you make it seem like you understand it so well?" Wendy glanced at Huo Yan. She was obviously single, so why did she always talk in the same way?

"I understand very well!" Yi Yan patted his chest confidently. Men and women, that's what it is!

"Then why are you still single?" Wendy thought about Ember's experience in Mondstadt. Except for the initial period of living with Cole Garuru, he seemed to have always been alone.

"Hey! Why didn't I notice before, Wendy, that you like to make trouble so much?" Yi Jin looked at Wendy and wondered why he had so many things going on today.
"Let me tell you this, those who chase me can go around Mondstadt again hand in hand!" Ember looked up at the sky, seeming to remember his previous experience.

By the way, Melina and the others are so powerful, they should be able to stretch themselves into a long strip and go around Mondstadt, right?Ember gestured at Mondstadt's circumference, then compared the strength of Melina and the others, and felt that it should be okay.

This time, he is more confident!

(End of this chapter)

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