King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 178 The Witch and the Dragon

Chapter 178 The Witch and the Dragon
"Wow! Ember, you are so powerful!" Paimon has a great advantage, that is, she believes everything others say.

If she hadn't been following Ying, she would have been betrayed by others long ago.

"Do you believe this?" Wendy patted her forehead helplessly.Those words just now were obviously said by Yan Yan to brag.

Wendy shook her head and suddenly realized that the topic seemed to have gone astray?We were obviously discussing Tevalin's affairs, but why did it inexplicably slip into Ember's personal affairs?

He glanced sideways at the chattering embers.Sure enough, with Ember, things will always slide in an inexplicable direction.

Wendy couldn't help but shudder when she thought of this.He immediately stepped forward and said to Ember: "Why do you want Lance Sanks to take action? Also, what happened to Tevalin?"

"Hey! Let me tell you, you don't care enough about Tevalin! I just think about Tevalin now. No wonder he turned into a wind demon dragon after being corroded by the poisonous blood!"

"Say it quickly!" Wendy gritted her teeth, expressing that she didn't want to say anything more to Ember.Because he was afraid that the topic would slip into some weird corner again.

"Okay!" Yi Yan spread his hands, and then said: "Actually, it was Tevalin who defeated the resentment in the poisonous blood. The current poisonous blood is just a lump of difficult abyss energy. All he needs to do is vent it out. .”

"Of course, it's okay if you don't vent, but the waiting time will be longer."

The most difficult thing about the abyss is the will and knowledge in it. As long as they are still there, the power of the abyss will continue to pour out.

But if they can be erased, the power of the abyss will turn into rootless water and will dissipate sooner or later.

Of course, the influence of the Abyss is not so easy to erase.That knowledge and consciousness will continue to be integrated into the memory of living creatures with the power of the abyss, and eventually they will become indistinguishable from each other.

At this time, it is truly "integrated with the abyss".

But Tevarin hasn't reached that point yet. Firstly, Tevarin's will is strong enough and he is constantly resisting erosion; secondly, Dulin's poisonous blood is a derivative of the abyss, which is still a bit weak compared to the real abyss. disparity.

"Vent?" Wendy couldn't help but nodded as she thought of the pain Tevarin had endured for hundreds of years and the huge poisonous blood clot on his back.

Indeed, Tevalin needed to vent.

"Vent..." Qin lowered her head and thought for a moment. She looked at the ember that seemed to mean something, and then volunteered: "I can act as Tevalin's opponent. If he wants to vent, come to me!"

"Count me in, Guardian of the Four Winds. It's my honor to compete with such a powerful opponent." Diluc looked at his calloused palms, feeling vaguely excited in his heart.

Ever since he returned from his travels, he didn't seem to be giving it his all.The previous slice battle with the Doctor was barely a tough one, but at that time he still had the Evil Eye, and Ember intervened later.

That battle could not be considered an all-out effort.Diluc, who has the Eye of God, is the strongest!

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Yi Yan waved his hands and said with some disgust: "Go, go, go! Why are you getting involved? That was the alone time I finally created for Tevalin!"

"Huh?" Qin and Diluc both exclaimed in confusion.Originally, they thought that Ember was asking Tvarin to beat them up and vent their grievances.

After all, no matter what, Mondstadt had forgotten the former Guardian of the Four Winds.As acting masters of the Order and Night Guardians of Mondstadt, Jean and Diluc felt they had an obligation to shoulder Tvarin's grievances.

However, it seems that they are overthinking?Ember doesn't mean that at all.

Indeed, Yan Yan didn't even expect that.He just doesn't want to give up, maybe some sparks will be sparked as he fights?

Ember looked up at the sky and seemed to see a man also wearing plate armor.He said with emotion:

"Vic, Vic, I can only help you get here. If it doesn't work, just ask for your own blessings! Try not to lose your virginity to Lance Sanks."


"Sneeze!" Lance Sanks sneezed suddenly, and she rubbed her nose - could it be that Vic missed her?But she soon stopped thinking and immediately leaned against a wall.

"Huh?" The lady frowned. Was someone staring at her just now?
"Madam, what do you want?" A clear female voice pulled the lady out of her doubts.

The lady lowered her head and saw Tina sitting on a small horse.Various blooming flowers were placed in front of her.

The warlock Lei Ying who was once deeply involved in killing has now become a little girl selling flowers.

I heard that she is still working for a little girl named Flora.With such a big change, the lady didn't know what to say.

"Hurry up, madam. You've scared away all the guests!" The lady's aura was too depressing for ordinary people. Wherever she went, there was a large open space.

The lady twitched her lips when she heard this. How come people who are close to Yu Yan become so immoral?Was Tina like this before?
"It seems that you are doing well?" The lady narrowed her eyes, and invisible pressure enveloped Tina.But this is just drizzle for Tina after calcining!
"It would be better if my sister could escape from the crowd of fools." Tina seemed not to feel the pressure from the lady, and she looked directly at her.

Those eyes were nothing but clear, which made the lady avoid Tina's gaze unnaturally.

"If you can convince your sister, I will let him go." The lady no longer wasted time, she just mentioned it casually and prepared to leave the flower stall.

Suddenly, the woman felt something flying behind her.She stretched out her hand, and a dewy Cecilia flower appeared in her hand.It looks like it was newly folded today.

Cecilia flowers love the wind and are said to only bloom quietly in quiet places.

The lady looked at the Cecilia flowers in her hands. The blooming flowers exuded a fresh and special fragrance.The only flower I really want to talk about is the smell of wind.

"Thank you! Madam!"

"What a waste!" After putting away the flowers, the lady left the flower stall.She didn't know where she was going, she just felt something in her heart and came out for a walk.

After the lady left, the crowd became thicker again.Tina's stall is close to the city gate, so there shouldn't be too many people coming and going.

In order to get a good seat, she got up early and got ready.There was an endless stream of people coming to buy flowers, but soon, a special guy squeezed out of the crowd.

Dragon horns, beautiful face, gauze - it is Lance Sanks.

"What did the woman with her nostrils in the sky just buy?" Lance Sanks put his hands on the chopping board, his eyes constantly scanning the various flowers on it.

"Huh? Miss Lance Sanks?" Tina looked up at Lance Sanks, and took a Cecilia flower and handed it to her.

"How do you know my name?" Lance Sanks smelled the Cecilia flowers, which were very fragrant, and then took another bite, but they were tasteless.

Seeing Lance Sanks eating Cecilia's flowers in two or two strokes, Tina's eyes twitched. She now had the same thoughts as Wendy.

Why do things become so inappropriate as long as they have something to do with Ember?
"You have a special appearance, and you live with Lord Ember, so you are easy to recognize. I would like to ask you about your relationship with Lord Ember..." At the end of her words, Tina's eyes began to shine. I've wanted to ask for a long time, but unfortunately I never had the chance.

"Relationship? He is the king, I am the minister, nothing else." Lance Sanks thought for a moment, and then replied.

Tina's eyes were brighter now. Sure enough, how could a person as powerful as Ember not have his own country?


"Wait, we'll talk about it later, I have something to do and leave first!" Lance Sanks saw the lady's figure disappearing and immediately "followed" her furtively.

"Okay... okay!" Tina looked at Lance Sanks's retreating figure and could only sit down and continue selling flowers.

(End of this chapter)

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