King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 196 The nourishment of the tree

Chapter 196 The nourishment of the tree

A slight breeze blew by, and the Heart of God on Wendy's waist rolled onto the desk.

"Hey, remember, I didn't give this to you, you got it yourself." Wendy glanced at the overturned Heart of God on the table.It turned into the wind and disappeared into the Goethe Hotel.

The office became quiet again.The lady rubbed her temples and walked slowly to the desk.

The sense of chaos brought to her by the epileptic fire was intertwined with the doubts about Wendy leaving the Heart of God, impacting her brain.

The lady picked up the dim Heart of God on the table. In her eyes, several double images of the Heart of God appeared.

Just now she was still worrying about how to obtain Wendy's Heart of God, but now this thing is in her hands.This makes the woman feel like she is in a dream.

"Huh..., I can finally leave this hellish place!" After confirming that it was the true heart of God, the lady breathed a sigh of relief.

The mission was completed, and she could finally leave Mondstadt, a place that made her sad.

In all these years, no task has made the lady so tired.It's all down to that Ember guy.

As soon as she thought of Ember in this city, the lady's heart tightened, and her movements became much more restrained.

If there were no embers, given the lady's temperament, she would definitely pick a deserted place and grab Wendy's Heart of God directly.How can I still have the same headache as before?
But now it's all over.The lady squeezed Wendy's heart of God, and doubts came in her heart.

"I took it myself..., what do you mean?"

The lady looked at the darkness outside the window, her groggy head already protesting.So she temporarily put aside her doubts and began to make preparations to leave Mondstadt.


In the early morning, Huan Yan sat in the small courtyard with his legs crossed, looking like he was doing nothing.

In fact, he wasn't really doing nothing, he was just waiting for Lance Sanks to come back.

Soon, with a "squeak" sound, Lance Sanks' dragon horn stretched into the yard first.

"Finally back? Come here, something's wrong!" Yi Yan saw Lance Sanks coming back and immediately stood up and pulled her in.

"Ha——, King, what's going on?" Lance Sanks yawned, looking like he hadn't slept well.

"Huh? What did you and Tevarin do last night?" Ember kicked away what he had just done, and immediately became concerned about Lance Sanks and Tevarin.

Lance Sanks felt the curious gaze cast from Ember's helmet, and suddenly looked helpless.

"King, what are you thinking about? Last night I just watched Tewarin spitting fire all night, and chatted for a while. I didn't do anything else."

"What? A man and a woman alone spent one night together, and that's what they did?" Ember shouted in disappointment when he heard that Lance Sanks and Tevarin just breathed fire overnight.

"No, just one night is not enough." Lance Sanks muttered softly.The dragon clan is very strong in this aspect, and one night is really not enough.

"What did you say?" Ember picked his ears, pretended not to hear, and asked Lance Sanks.

One night is not enough?Increased knowledge.

"It's nothing, but Wang, what do you want from me?" Lance Sank said haha, she is a lady.How can a lady discuss such a topic?
Ember shook his head with regret. It seemed that Lance Sanks was quite shy. He originally thought he could know more about this!

But he soon adjusted his mentality and said to Lance Sanks: "Stretch out your hand and bleed."

While talking, Yi Yan took out a large basin from somewhere and placed it on the ground.

"What are you bleeding for?" Lance Sanks squatted on the ground naturally and put his hand into the basin.

She maintains her human body with one hand, and displays a dragon claw with the other.The sharp dragon claws gently scratched on the jade-white arm, and a hideous wound appeared.

The bright red dragon's blood flowed from the wound, forming a blood line on Lance Sanks' slender fingertips and the basin.

"Of course it's to fertilize the golden tree!" Yi Yan said and squatted down.By the way, I stirred it with a branch.The blood surged, and the thick aura hidden deep in the ancient dragon's blood rushed towards his face.It was obviously a pool of blood, but it seemed to be so heavy that it made people unable to breathe.

"Feed the golden tree?" Lance Sanks squeezed the wound, then curled his lips and said, "King, are you kidding me? If you fertilize the golden tree, even if you bury me, it won't be enough for it to eat?"

Lance Sanks recalled the golden tree that covered the sky and the sun. That golden tree grew by absorbing the flesh and blood of most of the creatures in the border area.

And it’s the kind that I’ve eaten several times.Thanks to the return tree system, a person protected by the Golden Law will enter reincarnation after death, and his body will be absorbed by the Golden Tree.

When the Golden Dynasty was at its peak, this cycle of reincarnations had to go through countless times to create the glory and enormity of the Golden Tree.

And now Ember only wants to use her blood as fertilizer for the golden tree. Should it be said that Ember thinks highly of her?Or has he deflated the golden tree?

"It's just for its initial nourishment. I'm afraid it won't adapt to the environment, so I'll give it something it likes to eat first."

Ember waved his hand, he hoped that the golden tree would eat the forbidden knowledge that eroded the earth's veins.

There is quite a lot of forbidden knowledge, and Yi Yan is afraid that the golden tree is too small to bear.So I thought of nurturing it first, so as not to kill it directly due to too much taboo knowledge later.

"That won't work. The golden tree has a huge appetite. The little blood I have is not enough for it to stuff between its teeth." Lance Sanks saw that the basin was full, so he loosened his grip on the bloodline power. limits.

The power of the ancient dragon's bloodline took effect, and pieces of rock-like scab condensed on Lance Sanks' wound, and then quickly fell off.

By the time the scab completely fell off, the horrific wound on Lance Sanks' hand had healed as before.

Gu Long's recovery power is not too strong in the border area, but Lance Sanks's wound is too small.

Although it looks scary, that's only true in humans.If he transformed into a dragon body, these wounds would not be discovered at all without looking carefully.

"Try it, if it doesn't work, drain the blood of other people as well." Yu Yan said nonchalantly.

He sees that the blood of fools is good, and if it doesn't work, he lets them go.

"Besides, the golden tree doesn't only eat flesh and blood. It can also eat some of the things in this world." Yi Yan put away the basin, stood up and looked in the direction of the snow-capped mountains.

There is both the power of the sky and the power of the earth there. If you plant the golden tree there, you don't have to worry about the golden tree's nutrition.

In the seedling stage, it can be fed by the power of blood and snow; in the growth stage, the roots can be deeply penetrated into the earth to absorb the massive pollution in the earth's veins; as for the complete body...

Ember feels that Teyvat cannot cultivate a perfect golden tree. In addition to nutrients, a perfect golden tree must also have corresponding laws.

Teyvat doesn't even have a dharma ring, it's just pretending to have some laws.

"Okay, everything is ready! Bleeding, bleeding!" As Ember spoke, he pulled Lance Sanks and ran out.


"Sneeze!" The lady sneezed suddenly, and an unexplained chill came to her heart.

"Hurry up! Hurry up! Pack your things and leave! There is no need to stay in Mondstadt any longer!" The lady looked at the busy fools in the hotel and immediately urged her.


"It's so urgent! Is there some new task assigned by the headquarters? Why are you leaving so much?"

"Stop talking nonsense and be careful about eating the lady's big pussy!"


Seeing the fools getting busier, the lady felt relieved a lot.Because after her urging, the inexplicable chill seemed, seemed, maybe... disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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