King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 197 Hmph!Want to escape?

Chapter 197 Hmph!Want to escape?
"Reporting to the lady! All supplies have been sorted out and can be evacuated!" In the lobby of the Goethe Hotel, a debt handler was reporting to the lady on the status of the stronghold's supplies.

With the lady's constant urging, they finally finished sorting out the massive supplies in less than half the usual time.

"Okay, without further ado, let's go now!" The lady nodded after hearing this, and then prepared to pull the assembly ship to evacuate Mondstadt.

But suddenly, that inexplicable palpitation reappeared in the lady's heart.

"Bang!" The hotel door was violently kicked open, and the huge force seemed to make the ground tremble a few times.

"Damn it, Lance Sanks, why are you using so much strength? If the door breaks, I'll sell you to pay for it." A familiar voice came from far away.

The lady looked stiffly in the direction of the door and saw Ember closing the door, and Lance Sanks scratching his head in embarrassment.

"Aren't we here to stir up trouble? Why are you so polite?" Lance Sanks looked at Ember carefully closing the door with a puzzled look on his face.

"Bah, bah, bah! Who said we are here to cause trouble?" Ember stretched out his hand to stop Lance Sanks' nonsense.

He was obviously here for charity, so why did he sound like a gangster to Lance Sanks?
"Enemy attack!" The debt handler shouted when he saw the two strange strangers who suddenly broke in.

Suddenly, the entire Goethe Hotel became lively.Countless footsteps came from upstairs, accompanied by urgent urging sounds from time to time.

The lobby on the first floor of the Goethe Hotel is very spacious and spacious.In fact, before the Fools arrived, the Goethe Hotel was the best place for Mondstadt's upper class to hold banquets.

Soon, the spacious hall became crowded.Densely packed soldiers of the Fools either came from upstairs or were sorting supplies in the hall.

Anyway, they were all clustered around the lady now, watching Ember and Lance Sanks warily.

"Are you ready to leave?" Yi Jin reached out and touched the supplies wrapped in oilcloth not far away.

Judging from the feel, it should be something like a rolled up tent.These are not needed under normal conditions.

"No one is allowed to act rashly without my order." The lady's cold voice echoed in the hall.Then the fools made way, and the lady came out.

She looked at the embers looking around and Lance Sanks holding hands in boredom, and a feeling of powerlessness and exhaustion came to her heart.

"What do you want to do here? I haven't done anything recently. If anyone under my command commits any crime, point it out and take him away directly!"

The lady's voice was full of helplessness and resignation. She didn't sound like an executive at all. She was more like a doormat.

"Clang!" In the silence, someone's weapon fell.The lady looked sideways and saw her stunned subordinates behind her.

"Huh..." She took a few deep breaths, trying to calm down the shame in her heart.Anyway, the lady no longer cares about appearance. Now she just wants to send away the plague god Ember.

"Why are you so nervous? Am I a terrible person?" Yu Jin pointed at himself, seeming to be puzzled by the lady's behavior.

"It's not scary! So, what's the matter? Tell me quickly!" The lady gritted her teeth and accepted Yu Yan's words.

"Okay, don't be nervous." Yi Yan waved his hand.He glanced around the hall and roughly estimated that there were hundreds of fools crowding around.

Unexpectedly, the Goethe Hotel, which usually looks pretty and airtight, actually has hundreds of big men living in it. It’s really impressive.

Yi Yan couldn't help but swallowed quietly, there were so many blood bottles, these were the nutrients of the golden tree.

Thinking of this, he rubbed his hands and asked the lady expectantly: "Sister, are you interested in getting a free physical examination?"

The lady immediately twitched her mouth when she heard this. She was 100% sure that the "free physical examination" mentioned by Yu Jin was definitely not something serious.

"I want to ask, what will happen if I say no?" The lady felt that she still had to struggle.

"Lance Sanks!"


Lance Sanks let out a wolf howl, and then his whole head turned into an ancient dragon head.The sharp-edged rock scales, the dragon's mouth spitting out scorched breath, and the sharp teeth glowing with cold light... all put great pressure on everyone present.

"Crack!" Bits of debris fell from the ceiling and hit Lance Sanks on the head.

"Change back! You pierced the ceiling!" Yi Yan looked up and found that most of Lance Sank's pair of gold-plated dragon horns had penetrated the ceiling of the hall and reached the second floor.

"Ah? When did it happen? Why didn't I feel anything at all?" Lance Sanks suddenly panicked. The ceiling was broken?Why didn't she feel anything?
Lance Sanks is back in human form.She looked up and saw the two conspicuous holes in the ceiling.

"Oh, it's not my fault. Who said human structures are too fragile? Besides, didn't you, the king, ask me to show my true colors?" Lance Sank scratched his head, and then threw the blame on Yi Yan's head. superior.

"If the lady is not ignorant, can I make you show your true colors?" Yu Yan said that he would not bear the blame and put it on the lady's head.

The lady glanced around and found that she seemed to have no one to blame, so she could only silently take the blame.

"How about it? Because of your hesitation, you fools have shouldered another debt. Make a decision quickly before new losses occur!" Yan Yan naturally attributed the loss to the lady.

"Hurry up!" The lady gave up struggling. She closed her eyes and waved to the embers.

Feeling of powerlessness, the woman only felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

"Okay!" Yi Yan almost jumped up happily.It would be great if all the fools could cooperate obediently.

If they resist stubbornly, these hundreds of people may still be a big trouble.After all, even if there are hundreds of pigs, it is still a problem to tie them up and bleed them.

"Everyone, stand still and line up one by one. Don't crowd!" Yu Yan was moving around in the hall and kept saying something.

Then the fools in the hall were surprised to find that no matter who they were, as long as they deviated from the main force, they would be pulled back by a huge force immediately.

Everyone saw that only the embers of the phantom were left in the hall, and the remaining resistance in their hearts was wiped out.

There is no way, with this kind of strength, if you want to do something to them, then they have no chance to resist.

Looking at the lady with her back to them, the fools seemed to understand the executive officer somewhat.

"Okay, the queue has been sorted out and it's time to start!" Yi Jin stopped. He looked at the neat queue in front of him and was extremely satisfied.

Then he took out a large water tank, a large wooden table, and a bunch of needle-like things on the table.

"This is..." Lance Sanks looked at the rolling cone-mounted needle and thought it looked very familiar.

"It's the mouthparts of the big swamp mosquito." Ember said loudly close to Lance Sanks' ear.

The border area is full of outstanding people, and even the mosquitoes are huge.With their wings spread out, they are estimated to be half a human long.

Their mouthparts are more than ten centimeters long, more than enough to be used as needles.

The lady couldn't help but cover her face when she heard the conversation between Ember and Lance Sanks.If she could, she wanted to escape from this place of right and wrong right now.

It's a pity she can't, anyway, she is the head of Mondstadt's Fools.And most of the fools in Mondstadt are here.

"Didn't you mean a physical examination? Why do you need these strange things?" The lady walked to Yi Yan and said weakly.

"Physical examination?" Yi Yan turned around, "Don't worry so much, let's draw blood first!"

After saying that, Ember grabbed the lady's arm and pricked it with a needle.

The lady looked at her blood flowing out of the dark needle, her eyes darkened, and she fell to the ground instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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