King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 215 The sage who promotes folly

Chapter 215 The sage who promotes folly

"Interesting?" Lisa was stunned after hearing what Yu Yan said.But then she felt relieved, this was indeed what Ember could do.

Rather, that's most of his motivation, as long as it's interesting, Ember will do it.

"Of course it's fun, especially when you know someone has the same idea as you." A smile tugged at the corner of Ember's lips.

The doctor is quite wild, and the teaching staff is very courageous.Being ambitious is a good thing, but when this ambition does not match your strength, it will just become a joke.

"There is someone who can match the king's ideas? Who is it? I want to meet him!" Lance Sanks' reaction was much greater than Lisa's.

She looked around, as if trying to find the person who had the same thoughts as him in Huan Yan's mouth.

To be able to meet the thoughts of Ember is to say that my brain is somewhat seriously ill.Lance Sanks wants to see something.

"Bang!" Ember punched Lance Sanks on the head, and then he gritted his teeth and said, "I learned the habit of talking too much after Xiao Huang, right?"

No wonder the Golden Tree was always talkative when he was talking to Nasida. He solved the case and learned it from Lance Sanks.

"Hmm..., who said that? I didn't teach the Golden Tree anything. If I really want to say it, it learned it on its own!" Lance Sanks argued, covering his head.

What can she teach the Golden Tree?Discharge?

Everyone present twitched their lips as they looked at the nonsense of Ember and Lance Sanks.

"Alas~" Lisa finally sighed and asked feebly: "So, the powerful Lord Ember, what are your thoughts?"

"Hehe, thank you." Yi Jin waved his hand, as if he was a little embarrassed that Lisa called him awesome.

"Lisa, what's your impression of the Order?" Yi Yan paused for a while.He did not answer Lisa's question, but asked Lisa what she thought of the Order House.

Ember's words brought Lisa back to her memories of studying in the Order Academy.Crazy scholars, prejudice against the desert, boring spiritual life...

Just thinking about this made Lisa feel uncomfortable.

"Not so good. Arrogant people live deep in towers and only care about their one-third of an acre." Lisa said with a shake.

It can be said that the Imperial Academy has gathered almost all resources for research. As for the rest, those rude mercenaries can do it.

This is one of the reasons why there are so many mercenaries in Xumi.The Holy Order itself is not a qualified political organization - even the army is hired.

While it has great rights, it fails to fulfill relevant obligations.Later, these vacancies were naturally filled by mercenaries.

But the quality of the mercenaries is really hard to describe.It is not uncommon for people to commit murder and swindle goods, and to raise prices on flat land.

And most of the mercenaries are desert people looking for a living.Under this situation, the hostility between the desert and the rainforest has deepened day by day, almost becoming two worlds.And the Order Council ignored this, as if the desert was not Sumeru's territory.

"What about Sumeru's grass god?" Yi Yan nodded and then asked.

"Grass God?" Lisa fell into thinking again.But as Lisa thought about it, she gradually discovered something was wrong.

As a god who is the absolute center of a country, there is no news in Sumeru.

Most of Lisa's impressions of the Grass God now remain with the great Great Merciful Tree King 500 years ago.As for the new little Lucky Grass King, she only knew one name.

The Little Lucky Grass King is a living god in Sumeru. If it were normal, how could so few people know about her?
Reminiscent of the fact that the Holy Order had deliberately concealed the news about the Little Lucky Grass King a long time ago, an idea that made Lisa feel incredible appeared in her mind.

"The Order...want to get rid of the rule of the gods and go back to the path of Kanria?"

"Bang!" After hearing Lisa's words, Yu Yan staggered.He wiped his forehead, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said to Lisa:

"Lisa, you have a good idea. Now go compete for the Great Sage, and I, Ember, will be the first to support you!" After saying this, Ember waved his fist.

I didn't expect that underneath Lisa's seemingly ordinary appearance, there was such a turbulent heart.

Ember glanced at Lisa's trembling body again, well, the appearance was also surging.

After listening to Yu Yan's words, Lisa didn't know that she was overthinking.She took a deep breath, let out her inner embarrassment, and then said dryly: "No... isn't it? What do you mean?"

"Those scholars are not as bold as you think. At most, they just want to create a new god."

Ember said, seeming to feel that it was inappropriate to say this, and continued to explain: "It is a bit inappropriate to say that it is the New God, a... powerful and easy-to-use tool?"

Ember nodded, feeling that this description was more suitable for those hot-headed sages.

500 years is enough to change many things. Just like the Mondstadt people forgot Tevarin, the sages also seemed to have forgotten their reverence for the gods.

In fact, Yi Yan doesn't care at all about whether he is in awe or not.But if you want to create a god, you have to figure out the source of divine power, why the god is powerful, etc., right?
However, judging from Yi Yan's short glance, the Order Academy should have very little knowledge in this area.

So they need the help of the doctor. Regarding this behavior, Ember commented: Pure head twitching!
Even if we don’t evaluate the quality of the creation of gods, such an important project is actually mixed with the executives of fools!And he also has considerable energy in the project, which is also magical.

"Creation of Gods..., no wonder..." The doubts in Lisa's mind were suddenly cleared, and she finally understood the origins of Xumi's unusual origins.

If the purpose of the Order Council is to create new gods, then many things can be explained clearly.

"What? Creating gods? This doesn't sound like a good thing!" Paimon suddenly exclaimed, creating gods, is this really possible?

Moreover, creating a god sounds like a very dangerous thing.

"Indeed, I have always encouraged you to explore the unknown. However, there are always some people who want to rush into the sea before they even build the boat. I will have to pull them back when the time comes."

Ember shook his head, sighing.He has a lot to clean up for this kind of thing.

"Oh, I almost forgot, Ember, you are also a god." Pamon looked at Ember and said in hindsight.

Ember was so unruly that Paimon often forgot about his identity as a god.

"Then what are you going to do, senior?" Ying asked curiously, looking at the swaying embers.

This kind of thing should be stopped as soon as possible, right?

"What should I do? Salad!" Yi Yan spread his hands, as if he didn't care too much about the creation of a god by the Order.

"Those guys just created a body. It doesn't even have the energy to drive it. It's just an empty shell."

Yi Yan recalled the big guy under Xumi. What kind of aesthetics did he have?The legs are so long?If it really gets involved with Ember, Ember will definitely break its legs as soon as possible.

"Besides, it's not like there are no gods in Sumeru. Although the gods here are different from those here, there is still something."

"Relax!" Yi Yan yawned, feeling weak after bleeding.Next, he had to touch fish for a while to make up for it.

"Okay... okay." Pamon scratched his head, feeling that something was wrong.It's obviously something that can change the structure of the Seven Kingdoms, but why does it sound so commonplace?
"Whew, you're worried for nothing." Lisa rolled her eyes, she should have realized this earlier.

There were embers around, so why was she anxious?
"No, you have to worry even more next time." Abedo, who had been silent, interrupted.

He pointed below, and through the floating clouds, he could vaguely see familiar figures on the earth.

That's everyone in the Knights.

(End of this chapter)

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