Chapter 216 Closing
"I can't believe it, is this really a tree?" Kaia said in shock as he looked at the huge tree that filled his field of vision.

Although he had estimated the size of the golden tree at the bottom of the mountain, Kaiya still couldn't believe his eyes when he actually came to the top of the mountain and saw the golden tree up close.

The trunk of the golden tree in front of me almost occupies the entire top of the snow-capped mountain.All the thick snow and solid rocks disappeared from sight.

As far as the eye can see, everything is golden.Surrounding the gold is a brown-black color that has never been seen in the snow mountain - the land around the trunk of the golden tree also seems to have been completely turned over by something.

The pervasive smell of earth, the soft earth.If Kaiya hadn't come up from the snow-capped mountains, he probably wouldn't have thought that this was the Dragon's Back Snow Mountain that countless people had avoided.

"Huh--, the power of the gods is incredible." Qin stretched out her hand. The wind in Longji Snow Mountain was no longer as biting as before. Although it was still cold, it was within an acceptable range.

Whether it is myths or classics, there are countless poems that record the gods shaping the earth and changing the climate.

When Qin actually saw this scene with her own eyes, the shock deep in her heart was still uncontrollable.

"If you feel emotional, you can do it anytime. Now let's think about how to call them over."

Diluc looked up at the bright canopy that seemed to cover the entire sky. The flickering golden light was like a galaxy of stars in the sky, vast and eternal.

But Diluc wasn't here to shock, he was just looking for traces of embers.

There were no traces of human activity around the trunk, so the embers were most likely on a branch of the golden tree.

Although Diluc's various physical functions were much higher than those of ordinary people, it was still a bit difficult for him to pass through the thousands of meters of gathering and face such a dazzling golden light to find a group of people.

Diluc rubbed his sore eyeballs, but found nothing except a golden light.

But soon he won't have to look for it anymore.


A slightly familiar scream came from above the crowd, and then several shadows appeared from the sky and gradually grew larger.

"簌!" The wind roared louder than the screams, and a white figure suddenly appeared, covering all the falling shadows.

Then, a huge white figure landed on the ground - it was Lance Sanks who turned into a dragon.

"Pamon, can't you fly? Why are you so noisy every time?" Ember jumped off Lance Sanks' back and complained to Paimon, who was hugging Ember tightly.

Paimon can obviously fly on her own, so why does she react so loudly every time she flies or lands?

"Have you ever landed like this? You threw me down before I was ready!" Paimon couldn't help but feel his heart beat as he remembered the scene where Ember carried her and threw her off the golden tree.

If she couldn't afford it, she would have thrown the embers around!

"Aren't I anxious? We can't keep everyone in the Knights waiting for too long, right?" Yu Yan made full use of his blame-shifting technique and put the blame on the Knights.

After hearing what Yu Yan said, Wendy couldn't help but twitch the corners of her mouth.Great, that fits the style of Ember.

He took a step forward, looked at the embers and the golden tree behind him, and still asked in that casual tone:

"Then Mr. Ember, the great adventurer, can you tell me the origin of the big tree behind you? So that I can find some inspiration for my new poem."

Unexpectedly, Yi Yan shuddered after hearing this. He quickly waved to Wendy and said, "Wendy, listen to my advice. Stop writing poems, you will starve to death."

"It's none of your business, I'm happy to write poetry!" Wendy directly pressed down Ember's hands that were moving quickly, stared at Ember and said:

"Don't change the subject, tell me quickly what's going on with this big tree?"

"Don't worry so much, isn't it just a tree? It's not a big deal?" Yi Yan whistled and looked at the scenery in the distance.After hearing what Yu Yan said, the first person who couldn't hold back was not Wendy or Captain Qin, but Lisa.

She walked up to Yu Yan and said with a look of disbelief: "Is this what you told me not to worry about? You will explain everything?"

"Of course! But obviously, my plan to get through the situation failed." Ember nodded and said seriously.

Lisa covered her face, she shouldn't have believed Ember.At that time, she must have been blinded by Ember's confidence when discussing the Order.

In fact, Lisa was right.In the face of things that can be solved with fists, Ember's confidence is infinite.

But if it comes to human relations, don't blame Ember for causing trouble.What is getting along with people?Does putting him inside yourself count?
Wendy looked at the embers in front of her that were like hob meat. He wanted to be blown away by a strong wind to the dark sea.

But Wendy finally suppressed her inner impulse.Because he felt that if he really did this, the embers would throw him into the dark sea before he could breathe.

Seeing everyone's eyes focused on him, Yi Yan couldn't help but sigh, "Don't be so nervous, it's just a tree."



"Except that it is conscious, can grant blessings, absorb souls, and improve the climate..." Ember talked about a lot of the characteristics of the golden tree, and then concluded:
"Except for the hundreds of millions of differences I just mentioned, it is just an ordinary tree."

At this time, not to mention everyone in the Knights, even Wendy was looking at the golden tree behind Ember with some dumbfounded eyes.

From what Yu Ember said, why is this golden tree like a wishing machine, able to do anything?From birth to death, it has everything arranged for you.

At the end, Yi Yan himself was a little surprised.So the golden tree is so useful?Then why did the junction look like that?
Oh, it turned out to be the fault of the law, so that’s okay.

"What's more, the tree has been planted, haha, it's too late, everyone!" Yi Yan laughed without any sense of repentance.

The golden tree has been planted, and it has grown so big.If you want to cut it off again, let alone impossible, I can only say that it is as difficult as climbing to the sky.

Because Ember is not sure whether Teyvat has flames at the level of epileptic fire. With the eternity of the golden tree, only things at the level of epileptic fire can cause harm to it.

If you really want to talk about it, the Golden Tree is the same as the World Tree. It is not a tree in essence, it just appears as a tree externally.

"Come on, come on, come over and show you the place where I ran the marathon." Yi Yan suddenly remembered something and enthusiastically greeted everyone to walk towards the huge trunk of the golden tree.

"Marathon?" Ying looked at the extremely enthusiastic embers and said doubtfully.Will Ember also participate in sports competitions?That's worse than nothing!
"Yes, I was exhausted at that time." Ember said sadly as he recalled the scene of fighting the Elden beast in the golden tree.

As a concrete product of the law, what the Beast of Elden left to the embers was not its eternal gold or the sharp edge of the divine sword in its hand, but that this lifelike thing was so lifelike that it could run away!
The space inside the perfect golden tree can be said to be infinite, and the Elden Beast can travel freely within it.

When it discovered that it couldn't defeat Ember, it entered rogue run-and-run mode.

Nine-tenths of the entire battle was wasted on running.Almost exhausted Ember.

"Hehe, we're here! Although it may be a little small, it should be enough." Yi Yan stretched out his hand and touched the golden tree in front of him.

Under his touch, the originally wood-colored bark of the golden tree gradually dissipated, replaced by an extremely transparent golden light.

Just like it was in the underground.

"Let's go in and take a look." Ember nodded towards it, and then took the lead to walk in.

(End of this chapter)

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