King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 254 Careful Preparation

Chapter 254 Careful Preparation
"Ahhh~, so annoying!"

In the small tiled house, Yi Yan impatiently closed the "Liyue Millennium Chess Game No. 30 Second Edition Revised Rules" in his hand.

There were books all around him. In order to prepare for the interview, Yu Yan bought all the books available in the market in Liyue.

He felt a little distressed when he thought about his small treasury that had shrunk.

After looking at the thick book in his hand, Yi Yan threw it behind him.He has had enough reading now and wants to go out for a walk.

Although Huan Jin almost flips through the books he reads, he has a good memory!Any book can be memorized immediately after just one glance at it.

Therefore, Yu Jin feels that his current knowledge reserve is definitely very good in Liyue.

However, the formal preparations have been completed, and now we have to start preparing for the informal ones.

As for what kind of irregular law it is?That's natural.Thinking of this, Yi Yan patted his thigh.

I was so busy answering Ning Guang's questions a few days ago that I forgot to ask her what she likes. It was really negligent.

But self-pity is not the style of Ember. Soon, he thought of a good place.


The sun was shining in the sky, and Chu Yi was giggling.

Because Chu Yi found that her new job was much better than before.You don't have to deal with gamblers with uncertain personalities all day long, and there isn't much to do.

All she had to do was check the code and then lead the person into the room.Once your ears are plugged, everything will be fine.

This kind of leisurely life is exactly what she dreams of.

Unfortunately, she stopped laughing soon because the figure she least wanted to see appeared in her sight.

【do not come!do not come! 】Chu Yi's smile stiffened, and she prayed crazily in her heart that the person on the other side wouldn't come over.

Then Ember came over.He came specifically to see Iwagami Teahouse this time. How could he not come?
"Ha...haha, brother Yu Yan, come over for tea?" Chu Yi laughed a few times and said somewhat flatteringly.

She was now afraid that Yan Yan was coming to cause trouble.

"Are you here... selling information?" Yu Jin looked around for a while, then leaned in front of Chu Yi and whispered.

"Absolutely not!" Chu Yi shook her head instinctively. For those who work in intelligence, confidentiality is a basic quality!
Then she felt a sharp gaze like a knife.

"Stare--" Yu Yan didn't say anything. He folded his arms and just looked at Chu Yi quietly in front of him.

"Don't... don't look at me like that, this... this is where tea is sold!" Chu Yi wiped the sweat from her forehead and said struggling.


"Okay! Stop looking at me like that and come in!"


After the final struggle failed, Chu Yi decisively gave up on her moral integrity.Because she doesn't want to be hung at the door like bacon.

[Woooooo~, boss, I can’t help you. 】Chu Yi fell into deep self-blame while leading Yu Yan inside.

"By the way, what information do you have here?" Yi Jin looked around. There were countless secret doors and tunnels in the seemingly normal lockers.

All I can say is that he is indeed engaged in intelligence work!

"It depends on what you want, but don't expect too much. I can't reach high-level ones at all." Chu Yi answered Yi Jin's question decisively and truthfully.

It's not that she doesn't work hard, it's that the enemy is really terrifying!

"What if I want to know Ningguang's preferences?" Yu Yan asked his question nonchalantly.

Chu Yi's footsteps stopped, she turned her head and showed an awkward but polite smile, "Mr. Ember, what did you say? Why can't I hear you?"

"I said -, do you know what Tianquanxing likes?" Yi Jin made a trumpet shape with his hands and said loudly.

"What did you say-" Chu Yi took out her ears and responded equally loudly.The loud one, if the sound insulation in Yanshang Tea Room was not good enough, the two of them might have been reported for production noise pollution.

"I finally understand. You don't want to talk about this topic with me at all, do you?" Yu Jin looked at Chu Yi's appearance and casually pulled a chair to sit down.

"Hey, thanks for understanding." Chu Yi's ears became better again.She chuckled at Ember a few times, then made a cup of tea and handed it to Ember.

It wasn't that she didn't cooperate, but that the questions asked by Yi Yan were too shocking.As one of the seven stars, Ningguang is also the most powerful "Tianquan Star" among the seven stars. All information about Ningguang is Liyue's top secret.

Don't say that Chu Yi didn't know, even if she knew, even if Yu Yan hung her outside the door, she wouldn't reveal a word.

This is what she insists on as Liyue's informant!Although she has only been in the industry for a few months.

Yi Yan took the tea, drank it in one gulp, and then said: "Since there is no need to discuss the information..."

"It's not that we don't need to discuss it, but I don't know anything else except Lord Tianquan's name." Chu Yi emphasized.

"Okay, okay, then let's just treat it as a casual chat between friends."

"Don't tell me that this won't work." Yu Jin pointed at Chu Yi, who looked troubled.

After hearing what Yu Yan said, Chu Yi sighed and said, "Okay, it's up to you."

She didn't know any information about Ning Guang.As Ember said, small talk between friends, that's okay.

"Hey~, that's right, tell me quickly, what does Ning Guang like?" Seeing Chu Yi sitting down, Yu Yan immediately asked impatiently.

If Xiang Ling doesn't know anything, it's not like Chu Yi doesn't know anything, right?After all, he was also engaged in intelligence work, so he definitely knew a little more than Xiang Ling.

"Is this..." Chu Yi began to think about it. In fact, she had never seen Ning Guang before.The only few times it happened were in public places.

"I think Master Ningguang might, maybe, probably... like playing chess and smoking?"

Chu Yi thought of the cigarette rod in Ningguang's hand and Liyue's famous collection "Liyue Millennium" and said uncertainly.

"Smoke?" Yi Yan touched his chin and started thinking.As for the chess game Chu Yi mentioned, Yu Jin had not considered it at all. He usually considered it last when using his brain.

Yan Yan didn't expect that a woman like Ning Guang could smoke.A few days ago, he saw a pole hanging around Ningguang's waist and was curious as to why she was wearing it. It turned out to be a smoking pole.

What a great experience. It turns out that cigarette rods can also be made of jade.

"Understood, thank you!" Yi Yan clapped his hands. He now thought about what to do.

Yu Yan stood up, threw a small bag to Chu Yi, and was about to leave.

"What is this?" Chu Yi weighed it. There was Mora inside, and it looked like there were quite a few.

"Money for tea." Yi Yan picked up the teapot and drank it in one gulp.Don't waste the things you spend money on.

"Goodbye, I'll treat you to dinner when it's settled." After saying this casually, Yi Yan ran out of the Iwagami Tea Room.


It was busy eating Huyan at noon.

Countless vendors stood on both sides of the street, shouting loudly.There are some treasures among them, it just depends on whether the passers-by have such discernment.

But these have nothing to do with embers.At this time, he was standing in front of a grocery stall, holding a gorgeous-looking wooden box in his hand.

Of course, whether the wooden box is gorgeous or not is open to question.Anyway, it looks pretty to Ember.

"Hey, sir, you have good eyesight. This is a well-known master in Liyue..." Although the stall owner was surprised by Yi Yan's strange dress, who can't get along with Maura?

Yi Yan ignored the stall owner's chatter. He turned the wooden box a few times in his hands, and then asked:
"This wooden box of yours can hold cigarette ashes...ah! Is it tobacco?"

"Ah?" The stall owner who was talking enthusiastically looked stunned, and then said with some uncertainty: "Probably..., okay."

(End of this chapter)

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