King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 255 Yujing Terrace

Chapter 255 Yujing Terrace

Still in the house in the alley, Yan Yan took off his arm armor - he was scraping the dust on his armor.

The ash on him has a strong smoke smell and strong firepower. You will definitely like it if you smoke Ningguang.


The sound of the dagger scraping against steel was heartbreaking.Fortunately, there was enough ash on Ember's armor. He only scratched it a few times, and the wooden box he just bought was filled with black ash.

"Bah-" A disturbing voice sounded in the hut of Ember, followed by plumes of black smoke.

"Church! It's going to be on fire!"

Ember hurriedly patted the wooden box that was about to burn, and retracted the flames in the black ashes.

Looking at the wooden box covered with scorched marks, Yi Yan was a little worried. This seemed to be a bit inconsistent with the identity of the Ningguang Tianquan Star.

But this worry soon dissipated, because he felt that his gift was powerful enough to make up for the poor packaging.

"It's almost time, it's time to go for the interview!" Yi Yan looked at the bright light outside the window and knew that it was almost time.

So he stood up and ran towards Yujingtai.

Before the Jade Pavilion was built, it was the tallest building complex in Liyue.

Standing in front of the carved railings of Yujing Terrace, you can overlook the entire prosperous Liyue.

In the lotus pond under the Yujing Tower, there is a completely different scene.Bu Bu Lu is still extremely busy, with an endless stream of people coming and going.

The Yujing Terrace opposite it is deserted.

After all, the General Affairs Department can handle most matters, so there is no need to go to a high-end place like Yujingtai.

But there are so many embers, so many people?He just walked through the water!This scene attracted the side glances of the pedestrians on the lotus platform and the Qianyan Army on the steps.

"Is this what you call very individual?" In front of the railing above the Jade Capital Terrace, a woman with purple hair in a double-snail bun twitched her lips and said.

"Haha, I thought he would be very fond of you, Ke Qing!" Ningguang looked at Ke Qing and chuckled.

The Yuhengxing in front of her was a well-known radical reformist in Liyue, and his various styles often attracted opposition from the loyal supporters of Emperor Yan.

"I'm just being more radical in the relationship between Liyue and the emperor. Don't bring this prejudice into my own personality." Ke Qing rolled her eyes at Ningguang.

To be honest, if it were her place to say that Yi Yan's ridiculous request would have been rejected on the spot.It's not like Ningguang, who would specially hold an "assessment".

Of course, if Ning Guang knew this, she would definitely feel that Ke Qing was taking it for granted.At that time, Ember's halberd almost hit her on the head.

Based on this alone, Ning Guang and Yi Yan should hold back when talking.

"How much of his strength can you tell?" Ningguang asked curiously as he looked at the embers flying in the lotus pond below like dragonflies touching water.

As Yuheng, who is in charge of land planning and infrastructure, Keqing is different from Ningguang, who lives in Qunyu Pavilion all year round.She has been roaming the land of Liyue all year round, and has probably experienced the most dangers among the seven stars.

Naturally, her strength is second to none.Especially when it comes to close combat.

"I can't tell. There are no rules in the footwork. It doesn't look like he comes from a famous family, but looks like he is from a wild family." Ke Qing narrowed her eyes and looked specifically at Yi Yan's footwork.

The footwork was just like ordinary running, but the speed was faster. Ke Qing didn't see any trace of an expert at all.

Of course, it may be that she is blind and cannot see anything.

"Okay, Tianquan, Yuheng. Mr. Ember is coming up soon. Let's get ready."

Just as Keqing and Ningguang were chatting happily, a girl with two horns wearing a light blue cheongsam came over.

"I got it, Gan Yu, come right now." The two of them glanced at Ember who was pumping his feet and slinging water, and then walked towards the back of Yujing Terrace.

"How's it going, little brother, are you handsome?" Right below Yujing Terrace, Yi Yan shook the water for a while and then said to the stunned Qianyan Army soldier not far away. "Handsome! So handsome!" The soldier nodded immediately and walked across the water. It was like a scene only found in martial arts novels.

But he quickly came to his senses, shook his head and said seriously: "This is an important place in Yujingtai. If there is no emergency, don't talk to the guards!"

"It's up to you! Bye!" Ember nodded, and then ran straight to the heights.

The stairs leading to Yujing Terrace were twists and turns, but what surprised Yi Yan was that even though they were very high stairs, there was no one there.

Is it possible that Yujingtai is on holiday today?

When Ember walked onto the Yujing Terrace, he knew that his idea was wrong.

Yi Yan looked at the three people sitting on the rooftop of the Yujingtai Festival, and then touched the wooden box behind him.

Didn't you say there were three people?This gift is a bit difficult to give.

"Mr. Ember, welcome to participate in the assessment of the guards of the Golden House. These two are Master Tianquan Xing Ningguang and Master Yuheng Xing Keqing."

Gan Yu, who was sitting next to Ning Guang, stood up, nodded to Yu En, and said with a strong face.

She seems to be complaining about this "Golden House Guard Assessment". Is this how the Golden House Guards recruit people?

Gan Yu has been working in Yujingtai for thousands of years and has never heard of it, okay!

However, considering that it was Ningguang's suggestion and that Keqing was involved, Gan Yu had no choice but to continue playing the role with Ningguang.

"Nice to meet you." Yu Jin followed Zhong Li's example and said, clasping his fists and bowing.

Ke Qing looked at Yu Yan's salute and nodded imperceptibly.This kind of etiquette was very common in Liyue in ancient times. Nowadays, not many people know about it.

It seems that although the guy in front of me is dressed strangely, he still knows a lot about etiquette.

Then Yan Yan's next action made Ke Qing retract her thoughts.

When Yu Yan saw Gan Yu sitting down again, he immediately said: "Hey, hey, girl, where is your self-introduction?"

"Huh? Me?" Gan Yu, who was a little sleepy, pointed at himself after hearing Yu Yan's words.

"Well, what else?" Yi Jin nodded as expected, completely forgetting that he was an interviewer.

He was very curious about Gan Yu. It was very strange to turn into a human from a beast, and he was not even a dragon.

He was in a hurry and didn't study too much about Inazuma's fox back then. Now he met him again. Why don't he get to know him better?
"My name is Gan Yu, and I am Qixing's secretary." Gan Yu saw the burning look in Yu Yan's eyes and could only nod his head and briefly introduced himself.

"Now that you have gotten to know all the examiners, Yan Yan, should you introduce yourself?" Ning Guang looked at the thoughtful Yan Yan and said slowly.

"Me? Didn't you know everything a few days ago? Do you want to do it again?" Yi Yan scratched his head. Could it be that the census a few days ago is still being conducted?
Feeling the sharp gazes suddenly coming from both sides, Ningguang hurriedly coughed a few times and said: "Ahem, it's not the most basic kind. It's more advanced, such as specialties and hobbies."

"Speciality? Hobby?" Yi Jin touched his chin. It seemed like this was the first time someone asked him this question.He had to think about it.

"As for my specialty..." Yu Jin thought about his experience, then nodded and said decisively: "My ability to plan is not my specialty."

"Of course, being strong is not a bad thing at any time." Keqing said with admiration.

Although this person has almost no manners, his strength is definitely not bad, which can be seen from the way his hand walked on the water just now.

"Where are your hobbies?" Ning Guang also nodded, his eyes a little curious. The hobbies of such a strange person as Yu Yan must be very different.


Ember was lost in thought again, what hobbies could he have?Inadvertently, he caught a glimpse of Ning Guang, Ke Qing, and Gan Yu in front of him.

Then Yan Yan patted his head and said as if he suddenly realized: "I know, my hobby is you!"

"????" ×3
(End of this chapter)

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