King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 262 Lao Ge’s family ethics drama

Chapter 262 Lao Ge’s family ethics drama

"Father, are you ready?"

Mengge's deep voice came, and the horns on his head were almost flattened by Ge Fulei.

"Haha, okay! But Meng, your hair is really hard and it hurts your hands." Gefu Lei let go of Meng and rubbed his hands.

"Of course, otherwise why would he break through the sewer fence?" Monger grinned, revealing the jagged and terrifyingly sharp teeth.

"Menger!" Menggert hit the ground with his cursed sword and snorted coldly.

"I know, I know, brother, why are you excited? For your sake, I still recognize my father and brother."

Meng patted Meng's shoulder. His voice was slow and hoarse, like a poisonous snake in the dark, as if it would choose someone to bite in the next second.

"Father and eldest brother, they can't do anything." Menggert defended Godfrey and Godwin.

Marika is the true ruler of the Golden Dynasty, and no one can violate her will.

Mengt looked at his brother. At a very young age, he knew that Mengt was different from him.

Mengge likes pain and blood. Many times, he will secretly avoid Mengget and say something silently in the corner.

Whenever Mengt found Mengge, the young Mengge was always slumped in a pool of blood - he liked to use gravel or bones to make wounds on his body one after another.

When he asked why, Monger always smiled and shook his head, and then followed him obediently back to the "home" they built in the sewer.

Later, after Mengt knew that Mengt had no intention of seeking death, he no longer cared about his brother's strange hobbies.

Rather, in the sewers full of stench and filth, Menggert was happy to see his younger brother having such a relatively acceptable hobby of "self-mutilation".

Having hobbies means having ideas about life and not seeking death.As for self-harm?The darkness in the sewers is not just the darkness of light.

Menggert was already very happy that his brother was not more twisted.

"I know, otherwise I wouldn't call them father and eldest brother." Mengge didn't shy away from his brother's gaze and smiled tit for tat.

"Father, eldest brother. Speaking of which, our family really has to thank Wang." Meng spread his hands and said as if he was feeling something.

"Well, that guy is terrifyingly strong. I am convinced that he is the king. Moreover, Godwin was also rescued by him." Godfrey nodded.

"Tsk, that's about right? But that's not all I'm saying thank you for." Meng's smile became even brighter.

He opened a wound with his claws, and blood sprayed into the fireplace, setting fire to the firewood.

"At least, the king did not let you see the scene of the son killing his mother." The bright red flames rose, illuminating Mengge's twisted and cold face.

"He is not isolated?" Menggert looked at the blood flames burning in the fireplace and was in a daze.

"Isn't there no Dark Moon? Then why should he be isolated? As long as he and I don't destroy the world left by the king, the connection between me and him will still exist."

Mengge looked at the bleeding arm with great fascination.In the dark sewers, only a being named "Mother of Truth" would respond to him.

The more wounds there are and the redder the blood, the more frequent the mother's praises.The mother of reality, in Monger's eyes, is like a mother.

From Ember's point of view, whether it was Mengge or Menggert, their personalities had been distorted beyond recognition.

Even Yu Yan felt that Meng was more normal. In that extreme environment, it was not unacceptable to have the evil god as his mother.

But Mengt Ember really doesn’t understand. Being treated like this by the Golden Dynasty and still thinking about protecting the Golden Tree, is this really the Super Invincible Stockholm Syndrome?

In contrast, Ember can only express admiration and respect.

"Forget it, Mongote." When Gefrey saw what Mongote was about to say, he immediately stretched out his hand to stop him and shook his head.

Looking at the bloody void above Mengge's wound.Ge Fuli could feel a sense of coldness, joy, and an indescribable vagueness from it.

He once felt this kind of aura in his wife Marika. It was the aura of a superior person that belonged exclusively to gods.


Godfrey took a stance, and white mist spurted out from his mouth.

"Boom——, Boom——, Boom—"

The long and loud ringing of the bell echoed in Godwin's mansion.There is no clock in Godwin's house, it is the roar of Godfrey's heart. "Bah~" wisps of white mist floated from Ge Fulei's torso, his skin quickly became congested and red, and the sound of the surging blood flow could even be heard directly with the naked ear!
"Theloxiu, I am just fulfilling the duties of a father." Godfrey turned his head slightly and said to the Lion Prime Minister who appeared behind him.

"Roar..." Selosiu was stunned by Godfrey's gaze. After a low growl, he retreated.

"Drink!" Ge Fulei shouted, and the strong wind rose up with terrifying power.This momentum spread out, the earth cracked, and everything retreated.

This is the power that belongs exclusively to Godfrey, and represents the ultimate in human nature.

"The power of the king..." Menggert held the cursed sword with both hands and inserted it into the ground.

"My house." Godwin looked at the blown-off roof, feeling half pained and half shocked.

Just Godfrey's momentum made Mengt and Godwin take several steps back.

"Father...Father." Mengge looked at Godfrey walking towards him and said with some horror.

At this time, Meng clearly understood that the strength of demigods and kings was not at the same level.

However, he is not a vegetarian.Meng Ge's eyes were fierce. If Ge Fulei wanted to attack him, he would have to pay the price!

Then a warm hand patted his head again.The big hands were not as natural as before, as if they were afraid of hurting Monger's head.

"My child, I have never abandoned you. Do you know that the first person to see me like this was your mother."

Ge Fulei was filled with enthusiasm and smiled at Mengge.Then he turned to face the red void not far away and said: "True...the mother of reality, right?"

"Thank you for taking care of Monger. I wonder when we can meet. At least, I want to thank you in person..."

Before Ge Fulei finished speaking, the bloody crack in the void gradually disappeared, and finally there was no trace.

"Haha, it seems that people look down on me." Ge Fulei scratched his head, and his terrifying aura also dissipated.

This made Mengt, Meng and Godwin breathe a sigh of relief.Ge Fulei, with all his firepower, just standing there put endless pressure on people.

It is difficult to imagine what those higher levels of existence are like.

"Father..." Meng felt that the mother of reality was gradually disappearing, and he felt like crying.

"Don't be moved! I owe you this. I was useless and couldn't beat your mother in a fight. Now that she's gone, let's see who dares to bully you!"

Godfrey waved his hand, and the loud voice made Mengge unable to say anything.

"Thank...thank you, father." Meng nodded stiffly.He is now thinking about how to summon the Mother of Truth again.

Just when he was at a loss, someone tapped him on the shoulder.

Meng turned his head and saw Godwin approaching with a sneaky look on his face.

To be honest, Meng was really not used to seeing Godwin sneaking around.

This big brother of mine is like dazzling gold, always bright and always upright.

"You like Michaela?"


"this is for you."

Godwin handed over a notebook. The handwriting on it was neat and handsome, which was pleasing to the eye.

Meng opened it and looked at it. It contained Michaela's hobbies and habits.

"Although I don't quite understand your hobbies, brother, let's just consider it as compensation for my inability to help my brother before."

"Michaela is quite alert. Don't mind if she writes in a hurry."

Godwin said, showing his signature smile.

Gold without its shackles can shine even to the son of evil omen.

(End of this chapter)

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