King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 263: First failure in life?

Chapter 263: First failure in life?
Menggert looked at the warm scene in front of him, and he, who was always serious about words, also showed a smile.

The golden tree is gone, and the world has entered a new era.Now, all Mengt cares about is his family whom he has not reunited with for a long time.


A medium-sized voice suddenly sounded next to Menggert.He looked down and found that there was a golden citizen beside him.

"Supreme...will?" Mengt's pupils shrank, he looked at the golden people in front of him, and asked with some uncertainty.

"Who else would dress up like this besides me?" The Supreme Will yawned. He had wasted so much time on this boring family ethics drama.

"What are you doing here?"

Godfrey turned around, his hair exploded, his fingers curled into claws, like a sullen lion.

In fact, there was a lion lying on his shoulder, and it was the equally angry Throthio.

"Nothing. Why do two of them have so much malice towards me?" The Supreme Will still looked calm and indifferent.

He spread his hands, as if the people at the intersection were not very friendly.

But he has obviously not cared about the junction area for a long time. The bad things in the junction area are largely caused by the people in the junction area themselves.

"We have no ill intentions towards you, I'm just a little flattered to see you condescending to me."

Godwin stepped forward and took his father behind him.The Supreme Will is an existence that is absolutely irresistible. If possible, it is best not to have any conflict with Him.

"A humble house?" Supreme Will looked around.Fragments of scattered furniture, walls turned into ruins, roofs missing.

"Haha, it's quite vivid." Supreme Will raised his eyebrows and said lightly.

"The purpose of my coming, um... how should I put it?" The Supreme Will lowered his head and thought for a moment, then looked at the cursed sword Mengt beside him and said: "I am in a good mood, I will send you some warmth."

"Thank you for your kindness, but I don't think we need it." Godwin refused without thinking.

Will the Supreme Will have good intentions without any reason?Godwin did not believe that the Supreme Will could even be in a "good mood", which was worthy of his doubt.

"Refused so quickly?"

The Supreme Will grinned, raised his head, and said to Mongote: "Mengote, do you have any regrets?"

"No." Menggert shook his head and responded.

"You're quite good at deceiving yourself." The Supreme Will picked his ears and said half mockingly, half irritably.

Most of Godwin's and Godfrey's wishes have come true.Even Meng's relationship with his family has been restored a lot under Meng's help, but what about Meng himself?
If you simply want to love someone, do you really not want anything in return?

"Would you like to take a look inside the Golden Tree?" Supreme Will blew on the non-existent earwax on his fingers and said casually.

At this time, Menggert could no longer calm down.



"What did you say?"

In the tiled house in the alley of Chihuyan, Yi Yan looked at the Qianyan Army soldier in front of him with an expression of disbelief, as if he couldn't believe what he heard.

"Mr. Ember, congratulations on being hired as a toilet cleaner in the General Services Department. You will be able to report from tomorrow!"

The soldier stood with his gun in hand and repeated the announcement from Yujingtai in a serious manner.

After saying that, he took out the paper notice from behind and handed it to Ember.

Yi Yan took the paper numbly, and then he saw the soldier in front of him approaching with a smile on his face and said:

"Brother, you are finally here. The toilet in the General Affairs Department has been blocked for a long time!"

"Do you think I look like someone who flushes the toilet?" Yi Yan put away the notice and asked the soldier.

The soldier heard this and looked at the embers, then he shook his head.Ember looks more like a history buff, and a hardcore one at that.

"Come on, let's go! I'm annoyed when I see you people from the General Affairs Department. Tell you Qixing, don't let me see you on the road, let me see me turn them into mops and use them to flush the toilet!"

"You..." Before the soldier could say anything, he saw Yi Yan stuffing the notice into his arms.

"Brother, I'll give you an opportunity. Let's go!" As soon as he finished speaking, the soldier felt his eyes darken.

Then he saw his figure speeding away from the embers.Eh?Why is the scenery in front of me regressing?

Eh?Why is Liyue City getting smaller and smaller?

Eh?Why did he see Qun Yu Pavilion?

oh!It turned out that he was flying.


The screams of soldiers rang out in the air in Liyue.But soon, the scream disappeared.

Because the armored man had already flown to the Qunyu Pavilion.

The force of Yu Yan's big flying kick was just right, just enough to kick the soldier from his home to Qunyu Pavilion.

"Ouch!" the soldier yelled symbolically.Then he stood up from the ground.

Yan Yan's kick didn't hurt at all, whether it was taking off or landing, and he even wanted to do it again.

Then the soldier fell into deep doubts. Was he kicked from the ground to Qunyu Pavilion just now?

Is this really not a dream?The soldier pinched his arm. It hurt. This was not a dream!

Then the soldier fell into confusion.I am an ordinary soldier of the Third Squadron of the Sixth Squadron of the Thirteenth Brigade of the Qianyan Army. Now I have flown into Master Tianquan's Qun Jade Pavilion. What should I do?
Waiting online, very anxious.

"Are you... the Qianyan Army who sent the announcement?" Ningguang walked out of the main hall of Qunyu Pavilion and recognized the person at a glance.

"I've met Lord Tianquan!" The soldier immediately straightened his back when he saw Ningguang.

He never thought that Ning Guang would recognize this little person like him.

"You..." Ningguang looked at the soldier's chest. The big black footprint on it was so conspicuous that Ningguang instantly understood how he got up.

"Are you okay?" Ning Guangqiang tensed up his face and asked pretending to be calm.

"Tell Mr. Tianquan that it's okay!" The soldier's voice was very loud.

"It's fine." Ningguang nodded, and then asked: "The person you went to notify, did he have any reaction?"

The soldier was stunned because he felt that Yu Yan's words were quite indecent and he didn't know what to say to Tian Quan in front of him.

"Don't worry, just say it." Ningguang saw the soldier's expression and didn't know what he was thinking.Just ask him to speak out boldly.

Ningguang had deduced the reaction to Yan Yan many times and was mentally prepared for it.

Although she almost didn't hold back during the first scene - who would have thought that Yu Yan would directly kick the person he notified into Qunyu Pavilion?
"He said, don't let him see Master Qixing on the road, if he sees him..."

"Just what?"

"Just turn the seven stars into a mop and use the seven stars to clean the toilet!"


After the soldier finished speaking, he closed his eyes tightly. He heard that Master Tianquan was quite picky, and now he just hoped that Ning Guang would not anger him.

"Huh——, what an unexpected answer." Ningguang was silent for a long time, then shook his head and said helplessly.

It seems that she and her colleagues will have to avoid the limelight next.Although Ningguang felt that Yan Yan wouldn't be that crazy, he might do something else outrageous.

Moreover, the ceremony of inviting immortals is coming soon, and Qixing has also reached its busiest time of the year.Staying behind closed doors is the norm for Qixing during this time period.

Ning Guang retracted her thoughts, looked at the soldier in front of her with his eyes closed, nodded and said:

"Since you have come to my group of jade pavilions, it is considered a fate."

"If you want to leave, just tell Baiwen and Baishi at the door of the main hall."

"If you don't want to leave, you can visit the side hall before sunset."

"No matter what, before leaving, I allow you to take away an artifact from the side hall. How you choose is entirely up to you."

"Well, that's it." After Ningguang said that, he returned to the main hall, leaving the armored soldiers messy in the wind.

(End of this chapter)

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