King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 282 The Original and the Bad Omen

Chapter 282 The Original and the Bad Omen

"It's troublesome now."

Abedo looked at the frost and torrent that turned in front of him, and sweat began to break out on his forehead.

Although I don’t know what these two guys are, but according to the skirmishers, they should be creatures like abyss monsters.

A monster that speaks human words and can compete with the executive will never be that weak no matter how powerful it is.

[Unknown Abyss Monster], Abedo looked at the Abyss Apostle, suppressed his curiosity, and took out the weapon again.

"Perhaps, we can talk. Do you want to explore the golden tree? Yes, I will tell you the results of my research."

Abedo held the one-handed sword and looked warily at the skirmishers and the two tall apostles of the abyss.

"He is stalling for time, hurry up! When Mondstadt's reinforcements arrive, don't talk about him, you won't be able to get a single hair from that big tree!"

The skirmishers shouted, and then rushed towards Albedo first.Now is the time to race against time. Even if Abedo cannot be kidnapped, his information is still a good harvest.

If this opportunity is missed, Foolish People will probably have to obtain information about the Golden Tree through diplomatic means.

When it comes to that step, how much information can be obtained is second, and the most important thing is that it means the failure of the skirmishers.

Skirmishers, on the other hand, do not allow themselves to fail.

As for the Abyss Order?As inhuman things, if they think of approaching the golden tree so easily, they may have to use force.

And a large-scale dispatch means exposure, which is unacceptable to the Abyss Cult lurking in the dark.

There is too much in the Order that cannot be brought to the ground.

"I'm smarter than you!" Shuangluo and Riptide were not to be outdone and followed suit.

"Has it really been seen?" Albedo looked at the menacing three men, lowered his head and sighed.

My idea of ​​stalling for time was seen through.

"I hope it's okay." Abedo's eyes suddenly became extremely serious. Even when the skirmishers and the apostles of the abyss reached cooperation just now, his expression had never been so solemn.

Chalk is the beginning of change, the product after all impurities have been removed.At the same time, it is also the material of the original man.

Abedo concentrated his consciousness extremely and gradually guided the ubiquitous desire for "change" in his body.

The first thing to change was Albedo's eyes. His green eyes were no longer smooth, but as rugged as a concave and convex mirror.

What was reflected in it was the rippled and distorted mirror image of the skirmishers and apostles of the abyss.

At the same time, the figures of the skirmishers and apostles slowed down instantly in Abedo's eyes.

But Abedo made no move.It wasn't that he didn't want to move, but that his body couldn't keep up with his reactions.

If he wanted his body to keep up with the enhanced reaction, Albedo would probably have to "change" all the muscles and organs in his body.

Instead of doing this, it is better to take advantage of this rare time to strengthen your local strength first.

Holding back the pain of his consciousness being torn apart, Albedo looked at his waist, where his Eye of the Rock God hung.

Closing his eyes, Abedo chipped away at a few points of his innocent body.The flawless white soil crawled to Albedo's waist and began a "blasphemous" change.

First, a frame similar to the outer layer of the Eye of the Rock God was kneaded, and then a round, eyeball-like glass bead was born from the frame.

However, the glass bead was extremely turbid and had not yet been dyed the color it should have.

"Ah!" The scene in front of Albedo suddenly became colorful, and the violent tearing feeling seemed to tear his consciousness into countless parts.

His impeccable body longs for a red soul.It is obvious that Albedo's soul is not completely mature yet, and is not enough to support his unlimited and innocent body.

"Oops!" Abedo's face was distorted. Now he could feel that his body had begun to lose control of him. This was a sign of losing control.

"A constantly changing body? I didn't expect to see such a magical 'person' at first sight." A rough, hairy hand held Albedo's head with bulging veins.

In Abedo's blurry vision, he only saw a huge black shadow quickly covering him, which was in sharp contrast with the skirmishers and apostles of the abyss who were slowly advancing in the distance.

Then a stream of heat poured into Albedo's body from the Tianling Gai.Suddenly, tearing, blurring, changes... everything returned to its original appearance.

Similarly, the three figures in the distance were instantly blurred.

"Be careful!" Abedo ignored the surprise at his own changes and shouted instinctively, hoping that the huge figure behind him would be alert.


It was as fast as an illusory afterimage carrying a golden stream of light, but in an instant, three figures rushed towards Albedo and flew out.


There was a splash of dust in the distance, but Albedo didn't pay attention.Because before his eyes appeared a "giant" he had never seen before.

A dark brown cloak was draped around his body, and on the left side of his head, a cluster of spirally intertwined horns appeared, which seemed to be about the same size as half his head.

The "giant" is somewhat taller than the ruins guards wandering in the wild.In his hand, a golden dagger that looked like a long sword to ordinary people was gradually dissipating.It seemed that the golden light was emitted by this dagger.

" fast!" The skirmisher struggled to get up. His vision just felt blurry, and then he was hit by some kind of weapon and flew out.

The skirmisher took a deep breath, and the change in airflow made him a little surprised.He looked down and found that there was a ferocious gap in his chest.

However, the person who injured him did not seem to have any intention of taking the life of the straggler. The wound only opened his body surface and did not go any further.

The skirmisher turned around and saw Frostfall and Riptide, who also had a hole in their chests.

Unlike the skirmishers, their coats were only torn, revealing only their black and blue bodies.

"Mengote, hello to you all." Menggette nodded to the four of them and said while leaning on the cursed sword like a cane.

"Is this how you say hello?" Skirmisher touched the scar on his chest and looked at Mongote and said.

Such a powerful guy, why don't the fools have any information about him.

If Abedo was like this alone, it could be explained by mistakes, but suddenly there were two more, and the stragglers wanted to curse.

"I can still say hello to you three, which is enough for you to be secretly happy." Menggert looked up at the bright golden tree beside him and said as if reminiscing.

The new golden tree is smaller than the one at the junction and larger than the small golden tree.But no matter what, he saw the golden tree again, didn't he?

Originally, Menggert thought that he would be very excited to see the golden tree again, but to his expectation, when he walked out of the golden tree and then looked up at the golden tree outside, Menggert's heart did not feel much excitement.

Is it the golden tree that Menggert likes?I'm afraid not. What he likes is prosperity, order and beauty.

Although this has nothing to do with Menggert who has spent half his life in the sewers, Menggert likes this.

As the voice echoed in the big runes he touches the soul says, simply want to love, love without expecting anything in return.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that Menggert retired in the new era and settled down in his own hut, smiling at the passers-by and saying nothing.

"Oh? Now I realize that you seem to be more arrogant than me." Skirmisher raised his eyebrows. This was the first time he was looked down upon by others.

"It's not arrogance, it's the truth." Menggert raised his cursed sword and lightly knocked on the ground.


The silent pressure blew up the dead branches and leaves on the ground and spread to the surroundings, making everyone's hearts tighten.

"If you don't want to return to the tree, retreat quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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