King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 283 The Blessing King

Chapter 283 The Blessing King

The skirmisher covered his eyes with his arms. The wind blown by Menggert was obviously not strong, but he took a few steps back involuntarily.

His whole body felt like he was being sunk to the bottom of the sea, and every time he swung he was under tremendous pressure.

Under this pressure, even Albedo, who did not face Mengt directly, could not help but breathe heavily.

The skirmisher raised his head in shock, his eyes widening.

"Who are you!"

Mist began to rise all over the skirmisher's body, which was a sign that his core power was overloaded.

No wonder he was so shocked. Skirmishers had experienced this kind of aura before.

That was during his investiture ceremony as an executive officer.

The Ice Queen, sitting high on the throne, exudes an aura that is quite similar to Mengt.

However, the Queen's aura is mixed. The auras of the gods and the Queen are intertwined together, creating a coercion unique to the Ice Queen.

But Menggert in front of him went to the other extreme.Throwing away the mystery and gentleness of the gods, everything about him exudes the aura of a king made of iron and blood.

This is the Blessing King, Menggote.

The last king who made the suburbs of Rodel sprinkle with the blood of heroes, everything about him was tempered in countless wars.

Beneath his gentle nature, Menggert possesses all the qualities necessary to become a king.

"Who am I?" Menggert grinned. "A traveler, just looking around and helping the people he needs to help, that's all."


An abyss passage suddenly appeared behind Menggert, and a black and blue figure poked out from it, trying to kidnap Albedo who was barely holding on.

"You are very dishonest." The smile at the corner of Menggert's mouth disappeared, and he waved his sword sideways without expression, slashing straight at the arm coming from behind.


The broken arm, splattered with black blood, fell to the ground.Dark blood spilled onto the ground, corroding into bursts of black smoke.

"Huh? There are a lot of magical things." Menggert raised his eyebrows, but he soon stopped caring about these things.

To him, a passer-by, the things in the other world were just a mirror image.

The figure of Riptide walked out of the abyss channel, and it shook its head at Shuangluo on the side.For just a moment, it thought it was really going to serve the abyss.

The guy in front of me is simply unbeatable.

"It seems that you really want to return to the tree." Menggert looked at Riliu, who was covering his arm, and said calmly.

Then he took a big step forward, and his whole body turned into a blurry afterimage again.

"Escape!" Shuangluo and Riptide's pupils shrank. In a hurry, they waved out several rotating water wheels and ice picks, and then without looking back, they hid in the abyss channel opened behind them.

"Bang, bang, bang!" Newcomers didn't dare to be careless. They waved the cursed sword, which was no different from the dead branches on the roadside, and chopped up the water wheels and ice cones that came quickly.

While swiping, Menggert also saw the opportunity and swung several golden daggers casually.Its speed was so fast that the three of them were unable to avoid it.

"Hiss—" A sudden stinging pain came from the skirmisher's body, and he knew without even thinking that the golden flying knife swung by Menggert had really hurt him.

Skirmishers will only feel pain if the puppet's inner parts are hurt.Skin injuries like those before would not bring him any feeling at all.

"Retreat!" The skirmisher made a decision in a moment. He looked at the abyss that was gradually closing beside him, gritted his teeth and jumped in.

There may be a chance of survival if you jump in, but if you do nothing, the skirmishers don't think they can survive in the hands of Menggert.

"Did you escape?" Mengt casually smashed the last rotating water wheel, shook his soaked arm and whispered.

That's fine. He just came to this world and he doesn't understand anything yet. Killing someone without permission may cause unnecessary trouble. "Ask about the whereabouts of the king. He should be easy to find." Menggert recalled what Ember had done and shook his head helplessly.

It is in this case that Ember's jumping character can be of some use.



In the canyon among the uninhabited mountains, a crack suddenly appeared on the earth. From the crack like a starry sky, an embarrassed figure fell.

The figure's body surface can be said to be riddled with holes, scratches, and holes everywhere.Among these wounds, the one on the doll's abdomen was the most severe.

This wound is very deep, and its inner wiring and machinery have been touched.Sparks spurted out mixed with elemental power, forming a piece of scorched earth on the ground next to the doll.

"Cough...cough cough!"

After a long time, the puppet that had been motionless suddenly started to move.The cough scares away the resting birds and makes the hares in the grass retreat.

" this?" The skirmisher struggled to get up, and then there was a sharp pain in his mind.

"Hiss—" The skirmisher who had just stood up knelt down on one knee. When he came to his senses, he finally figured out what happened.

"I didn't expect that traveling through the abyss would be so terrifying. If I hadn't been a doll, I would have gone crazy."

"Those gophers have some abilities."

The skirmisher rubbed his temples and said to himself somewhat happily.

As soon as he entered the abyss passage, countless memories rushed to his face.If he hadn't shut down the core of his consciousness in time and entered a dormant state, he might have turned into a madman long ago.

"Bandage it first." Looking at the wound on his abdomen that was spewing sparks and purple light, the skirmisher opened the outer parts of his thigh and took out a simple repair box from the groove.

This was something specially equipped for him by the Fools, so that he could simply repair his injuries in the wild.

Dolls are not comparable to people. If a person is injured, find an alchemist or a God's Eye owner, and any wound can be healed.

And if the doll is broken, it is really broken, and it will not repair itself.So Skirmishers learned early on to repair themselves.

After working for a while, the wound on the straggler's abdomen was finally repaired.Seeing that the bandage on his abdomen was completely different from other parts of the body, the soldier suddenly shook his head and said with a low smile: "Ha, what a scary guy."

"The harvest should be enough, right?" The skirmisher looked up at the sky. He didn't know how far it was from Longji Snow Mountain, but the faintly visible golden color on the horizon reminded him of the existence of the Golden Tree.

Although I only got the name of the golden tree this time, it wasn't bad to get information about a powerful man like Menggert.

The skirmisher looked away and looked around.He was now in a crevice in the mountains, next to a rushing river and flanked by nearly vertical cliffs.

"Liyue?" The skirmisher took a look at the surrounding landform features. The exposed boulders and brown vegetation all told the skirmisher that this was Liyue.

Looking into the distance, a large tree with wood and rocks growing out beside the river valley made the skirmishers shiver.

There shouldn't be an Albedo or a Mongot popping up here, right?
The skirmishers carefully observed the big tree in the distance. The trunk and top of the big tree showed a faint sky blue, which looked like jade was born in the tree.

"Earth veins?" The soldier breathed a sigh of relief. Although he didn't know much about the earth veins, encountering familiar matters was enough to make the soldier feel relieved.

Hobbling along the river valley, the skirmishers soon came to the side of the big tree.I knocked it lightly, nothing unusual.

"Maybe it just happened to grow at the node of the earth's veins." The skirmisher shook his head, feeling that he was being suspicious.

Trees growing at the nodes of the earth's veins usually have very strange changes, and it makes sense that they can emit blue light.

Glancing at a cave in the valley, the skirmisher sighed.You wouldn't know until you left. Only after you left did you realize how seriously injured you were just now.

Heavy enough to require major repairs.

"Haha, I didn't expect that I would be in such a mess. It's such a bad feeling." After laughing at himself, the skirmisher walked into the deep cave.

(End of this chapter)

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