King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 300 Demon King Armed

Chapter 300 Demon King Armed
Ying looked at the strange and inhuman things in front of her and raised her weapon to her chest in surprise.

"What kind of monster is this?!" When Paimon saw the Demon King's armed state, he immediately turned to Ying and exclaimed.

"Keep your voice down, you idiot!"

Ying stared closely at the young master who was covered in dark purple weapons, and a depressing aura emanated from him, making Ying's breathing become heavier.

"I don't know either. This guy is very strong. At least better than Young Master. You can hide later." Ying gave Paimon some instructions.

This guy is enough to make the current Ying 100% energetic to deal with it.Taking care of Paimon again, Ying guessed that he was powerless.

"Yeah! I understand, if you guys fight later, he will definitely not be able to find me!" Paimon nodded.

Her escape skills are among the best in Teyvat.My dear, Paimon can disappear in no time.

"Haha, don't you recognize me? After all, we have been 'friends' for a few days, which makes me a little sad."

The young master jumped from the top of the alchemy furnace to the ground, and the whole golden house shook several times.

"Are you the young master?!" Ying's eyes widened. She looked at the tall humanoid creature in front of her again, and she did find some features that belonged to the young master.

"Don't act like a child who has never seen the world. This is just one of my many skills." The young master's voice was extremely hoarse when the Demon King was armed.There is no vitality that belongs to the young master's original age.

"No matter you are a young master or someone from Qiuqiu, you dare to take advantage of us. I'll see if I teach you a lesson until you're full of teeth!"

When Paimon found out that the man in front of him was the Young Master, he immediately jumped up in anger.She became very angry when she thought that the young master had been taking advantage of them these past few days.

Fortunately, she thought she could make a rich friend this time!
"Using? It doesn't count, right? It would be great if you could pretend you don't know anything, so maybe we can still maintain that false friendship."

The young master threw out a sword and flew away the golden solution stained on it.If he grinds hard, his weapon will be eroded to the point of being useless.

"I don't need false friendship." The wind began to stir around Ying, blowing her blond hair away, and her eyes became sharp.
"I want to fight, it suits my purpose!" The young master felt the rising aura of Ying, and the blood in his heart began to boil.

"You must have never seen the executioner's strength, right? Just in time, this time will be something you will never forget -" Before the young master finished speaking, it turned into a surging thunder and lightning and came towards Ying Sharp Tooth.


The sound of the sword blade rubbing sounded, piercing the eardrums like sharp needles.

Ying raised his sword to respond to the enemy, turned slightly sideways, and then completely relieved the young master's heavy strength.

After the lightning dissipated, the young master turned around and looked at Ying. Eighty-nine percent of the force of his attack had been taken away by the girl in front of him.

This bad feeling reminded him of his experience in Tianqiu Valley.Ye Lan used this method to deal with him at that time.

"Executor? I've wanted to see him for a long time." Ying turned around and saw that the young master's strength and speed were indeed the strongest she had ever seen among humans.

But after the battle just now, the big stone hanging in Ying's heart finally dropped a bit.

Her strength is comparable to that of Young Master.

"It looks like this will be a very enjoyable [battle] for me." The young master raised a hand, as if he was really feeling something.

He has been in Liyue for a long time. Because of his plans and his status, he was restricted in everything. The young master even felt that his time in Liyue was too boring.

But now, something seemed to excite him.

"Come on, use all your strength to make me happy!" Young Master shouted, then he raised the double-headed sword in his hand, and a purple-black bowstring was wrapped around it.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The surging water cannon made a deafening roar. Ying held his sword to block, but he did not want to be hit by the powerful force of the water cannon and make his figure unstable.

She made a prompt decision and gave up the idea of ​​competing with the young master for strength.Just step on the breeze and dodge the remaining water cannons.


Splashes of water exploded on the walls of the Golden House, but the Golden House only trembled a few more times and then stopped.It seems reasonable to think that, as the mint of Mora, the building materials of the Golden House are naturally selected from the best.Thinking of destroying it would be no easier than building it.

"It's not good to hide all the time." A hoarse voice came from behind Ying, shocking her inside.

"sulfuric acid--"

Almost instinctively, Ying raised his sword to defend, and Ying suddenly felt a huge force coming from his right hand holding the sword.

"The strength is too small!" There was a bit of pride in the young master's tone, and he increased his strength.As he expected, Ying's arm immediately bent down.

But the next moment, the young master suddenly found a light in his hand - Ying retracted the edgeless sword in his hand.

Caught off guard, the young master staggered a bit.This caused a slight flaw in his originally airtight body.

【This is what I want! ] Ying's eyes condensed, and she stretched out her left hand, which she had been preparing for a long time, and waved it out. What was in her palm was the wind mass that had been gathering for a long time.


The compressed green wind exploded, and wind blades pushed the young master away while cutting his body.

"That's right, I haven't been injured for a long time." The young master who stabilized his body not far away glanced at Ying appreciatively.

There seemed to be several deep scratches on the Demon King's armor on his body.

"But this is not enough!!!"

The young master leaped out and seemed to turn into a bolt of thunder and lightning.Ying hurriedly looked up at the sky, only to find that there was no trace of anything on the dome of the Golden House.

The young master seemed to have turned into something invisible this time.

Suddenly, Ying only felt numbness on the top of his head.She was surprised to find that at some point, an aqua blue triangle mark appeared on her body.

The aqua blue triangle mark rippled like a beacon, guiding the direction of the young master's attack.

Ying didn't have time to think about it. In addition to the blue breeze, her body was also as thick as a rock.

The bright yellow rock elemental power gathered around Ying's body. In just a short moment, Ying was tightly wrapped by the yellow jade he summoned.


The next moment, thick purple thunder and lightning fell from the sky, and the flashing dark purple even dispersed the gold in the Golden House.


The ground of the Golden House could not withstand this violent blow and collapsed instantly.Carrying countless rubble and smoke, it fell into the Ocean of Storage Mora below the Golden House.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

With a cough, Ying pushed away the gravel that was pressing on her body.She wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, but found that the young master was looking up in a certain direction without moving.

Ying looked up and saw the Mora Falls falling continuously from above the Golden House.

"Is this how Mora was forged?" Pamon appeared out of nowhere and looked at the Mora Falls in front of him, his eyes shining as he said.

She looked up again at the alchemy furnace standing firmly above the fracture, and rubbed her hands.She suddenly wanted to steal the alchemy furnace.

"Haha, Qixing. I really don't know whether it's confidence or arrogance. Even though I'm like this, I still want to forge molas." The young master said to himself excitedly when he saw the molas being continuously produced under the alchemy furnace.

Since Mora can be produced, it means that the heart of God must be inside.

He turned his head and glanced at Ying, grinning and said: "Ying, right? You are very strong, but now I have other things to do. So, please stay here for a while!"

After saying that, the young master jumped up to the break of the golden house with a big jump.After looking at the huge alchemy furnace in front of him, a brilliant idea suddenly came to the young master's mind.

Can I knock over this alchemy furnace?
(End of this chapter)

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