King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 301 Young Master

Chapter 301 Young Master
【I am simply a genius! 】

The young master laughed proudly in his heart. It seemed that his strength was improving rapidly.

When he used the Demon King's weapons before, his mind was single-threaded and he couldn't think about anything except fighting.

But now, his IQ seems to be higher than before he opened the Demon King Arms.It seems that his Demon King's Arms has been cultivated to the highest level - that is, the Demon King's Arms can even strengthen his IQ!
The young master held the weapon in his hand tighter, and he decided that once he returned to Zhidong this time, he would definitely kick the lady, punch the skirmishers, and point his sword at the fourth seat of the Fools.

As for the first three seats, Young Master feels that he still needs to practice more.

"In that case, let me see what you have inside!"

The young master roared, then held the double-headed knife with both hands and slashed hard.


The sound of gold and iron clashing was even louder than the previous collision between Young Master and Ying Weapon.Ying and Paimon, who were on the ground floor of the Golden House, even covered their ears.

"What does he want to do?" Ying covered her ears and asked in confusion as she looked at the young master who was dozens of meters taller than her.

"Is it possible that you want to destroy that big furnace so that we can no longer use it?!"

Paimon thought of a terrible suspicion, and she was so frightened that she even forgot to cover her ears.

The young master almost stared out of his eyes when he looked at the motionless pill furnace.What is this thing glued to and what is it made of?His full blow was of no use?
No, it still works. Young Master looked at the dented knife marks.After cutting it further, the alchemy furnace did not collapse, but began to leak.

When he thought of the corrosive nature of the solution surging in the alchemy furnace, the young master consciously gave up the idea of ​​slashing again.

But this is not a problem for the young master, it’s just the Cricket Pill Furnace, he can knock it down directly!
The young master took a deep breath and closed his demon-armed eyes.His mind sank into the lightless darkness, the darkness he fell into when he was 14 years old.

A huge, deep whale began to outline in the young master's mind.


The loud and penetrating whale cry echoed out. At first it was only in the young master's mind, but later, the long cry actually came directly to the real world.

Along with the whale's cry, a giant whale condensed from water elements jumped out and hit the alchemy furnace hard.


The sound of water exploding and pouring intertwined. Under the powerful and heavy blow from the young master, the alchemy furnace could no longer maintain its standing posture and fell straight down.


The alchemy furnace fell to the lower level dozens of meters deep, and the huge force caused the bricks and stones to fly again.

The young master looked down at the smoke below, but he was thinking about other things.

Did he hear the sound of something breaking just now?
But he soon shook his head and threw away the random thoughts in his mind.

Now that the alchemy furnace has been overturned, the Immortal Ancestor's Dharma Slough should also be completely freed from the golden water. It would be better to go down and see if the Heart of God is still in the Immortal Ancestor's Dharma Slough.

Young Master jumped down, and when he was about to touch the ground, he suddenly slowed down and stopped, hovering only a dozen centimeters above the ground.

Young Master with the Demon King's Armament turned on can still levitate briefly.

The lower level of the Gold House is now a mess.But to the young master's expectation, the expected scene of ravines and ravines did not happen.

It seems that those golden solutions are corrosive enough to corrode the divine body only in the alchemy furnace.

"Where is the Immortal Ancestor's method of shedding?" The young master looked around. Apart from the water stains that gradually became transparent, was there any trace of the Immortal Ancestor's method of shedding?

Obviously he had seen the lumps of meat tumbling in it before!
"Oh! I seem to have forgotten you two." The young master patted his head. It seemed that he was not the only one on the bottom floor of this golden house.

"You two, be wise and hand over the Heart of God." The young master turned his head and looked at Ying and Paimon in the distance, who were extremely shocked, with a murderous intent exuding from his body.

It seemed that due to the influence of this murderous intention, the edgeless sword in Ying's hand fell to the ground.

"Haha, are you scared to death?" The young master laughed hoarsely.Also, after seeing his unique skills and feeling his own murderous intention, Ying should understand the gap between her and herself.

After listening to the young master's words, Ying came back to her senses.Her expression instantly changed from shock to pity, and her expression changed so quickly that the young master was a little surprised.

Is it possible that Ying still knows the folk art called "Face Changing" in Liyue?

"Are you scared? If that's the case, then I'll take it myself." The weapon in the young master's hand emitted a penetrating light, and it seemed that he was about to rush towards Ying the next moment.Ying didn't speak, but just pointed behind the young master with her finger. Along with Ying, there was Paimon floating.

"Such a clumsy..."

Before he could say the words "divert attention", the young master suddenly realized that he seemed to be shrouded in some shadow.

The shadow was huge, several times larger than the giant whale he had just summoned, and there were many branches on it, making it look like a tree.

Tree, big, golden solution.

The young master suddenly felt a cool air rush up to his Tianling Gai very quickly.


The floor of the Golden House, which had been reinforced countless times by Liyue, raised bulges one after another. The bulges rose and fell, as if something was crawling beneath the ground.


The howling wind tore at the young master's body. This was not a violent wind formed by the convergence of wind elemental power.

It was simply because something huge was swinging rapidly and sucking up the air.

"I flash!"

The young master never considered the option of defense at all. He turned into a bolt of thunder and moved away from his original position in an instant.


The dark golden bricks and stones fly along with the brown soil of the earth.With one blow, the foundation of the Golden House was almost rebuilt.

While the soil was flying, it seemed that one could still hear the cry of a purple-haired girl, maybe it was just an illusion.


This time, the young master took a breath.Amidst the dust and smoke of the earth, a huge tree carrying golden light rose up.

But with that level of flexibility, it's hard to say it's still a plant.

The young master looked at the turned up land. The color was definitely the best black iron!But now, it is curled and torn like ordinary iron sheets.

Thinking of his own body, the young master felt that it would be very difficult for him to do this.

The golden tree looked at the human on the ground who exuded a strange aura and felt a little angry.Just now, it was exploring the world with its roots, and as a result, it felt a sharp pain.

One of its hairs was broken off, and it was still in the position specially instructed by Yu Yan!
So in order to vent its resentment, it decided to teach the culprit a lesson first.

The young master was tense all over, not daring to slack off at all.In his heart, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, this thing was very big. With his flexibility, it would be no problem to struggle with it for a while.

It's a pity that Golden Tree doesn't want to tangle with him at all.


On the opened floor, countless slender golden tree roots grew out, making it impossible for the young master to avoid it.

"Why are there so many!" The young master moved around in a flash, his mouth secretly bitter.These small roots are not only flexible, but also incredibly tough.

After using all his strength to cut off a root, the young master honestly dodged.

But what made him uneasy was that among the countless roots that came out, only a few were catching him. As for the others, it was like watching a show.

In the distance where the young master was unintentionally observing, the overturned alchemy furnace was somehow righted by the roots of the golden tree.

The standing alchemy furnace was like a signal, and the roots that were still standing immediately rushed up and soon wrapped the young master into a big golden rice dumpling.


Pure water spurted out from the ends of the roots, making the young master even more uneasy.

(End of this chapter)

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