King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 302 Young Master’s New Magical Power

Chapter 302 Young Master’s New Magical Power

"Hey hey hey! What do you want to do?!"

The young master's entire body was tightly entangled with slender golden tree roots.At this time, he only had one head left that could move freely.

In fact, he was also secretly trying his best, but found that it was of no use.Not to mention it was broken, not even traces of the roots could be seen.

The roots of the golden tree lifted the young master up, then waved the roots and threw the young master into the erected alchemy furnace.



The furnace lid was covered by a golden tree, and the sound of the young master's thumping suddenly became much quieter.

"Boom boom boom!"

One after another, big face marks and big footprints appeared on the surface of the alchemy furnace.It seems that even if the young master is tied up, the damage he can cause is considerable.

When Golden Tree saw this, he didn't tolerate him either.The thin roots that grew out were used to wrap the alchemy furnace directly around it and strengthen it.

Now, no matter how much trouble the young master makes, there will be no trace left.


Under the alchemy furnace, a small flame suddenly appeared.When Ying saw this, he was immediately shocked. Could it be that the golden tree wanted to stew the young master?

As the flames rose, the alchemy furnace that had been making dull clashing sounds also stopped.

The noisy Golden House suddenly became a lot quieter.Let Ying feel somewhat uncomfortable.

"Hey, do you think the young master will be cooked?" Paimon covered his eyes, as if he didn't dare to look at the cooked young master.

"I don't think so. With his physical strength, he can jump around for a long time even if he is thrown into the lava. Instead of worrying about him being stewed, it is better to worry about him being choked to death by the water!"

Ying shook her head and crossed her arms.Now her whole body was relaxed, and she treated the young master with the mentality of watching a good show.

Anyway, she didn't think the young master could defeat the golden tree. The tree crown that occupied half of the sky made Ying feel numb just thinking about it.


Although the young master cannot break the alchemy furnace that is tightly reinforced by the golden tree, he can lift the lid of the furnace!
Escaping from the furnace, the young master half-crouched on the ground.Heat was still rising from his body, which was the hot water that had just been in the furnace.

"You think you can control me with these? Who are you looking down on?!" The young master shook his arm to disperse all the water droplets on his body, and raised his weapon towards the roots of the huge golden tree.

The aura on his body began to rise, and countless purple thunder and lightning and light blue water waves began to linger on the young master's body.

"Huh..." The young master took a deep breath, and the smell of earthy smell poured into his chest, so refreshing.

He could even feel some flying soil particles hitting his face.

The young master's solemn expression was stunned. Wasn't he wearing the mask of the Demon King's Arms?

He touched his face, and the sharp fingers covered with weapons scratched the young master sorely.

He turned his head sharply and found that at some point, a new arm had appeared on his left shoulder!
And in the palm of that arm, he was holding the mask of the Demon King's Arms.

The young master's pupils shrank and vibrated, and the newly born arm did not obey his command at all.

There was no time to think carefully about what the golden tree had done to him.The young master immediately stretched out his right arm and grabbed Xinsheng's arm, only to find that his arm was blocked by something.

He looked down and saw another pair of arms stretched out from under his armpits, just in time to grab his own arms tightly.

"Damn it!" Just as the young master was trying to break free, he suddenly felt an unbearable itching on his right shoulder.

The flesh and blood was gushing there, as if something was about to grow.


The dark purple armor of the Demon King's weapon was broken, and a new arm came out again.

Then it started beating, crazy beating!Beat the face, beat the abdomen, beat every part of the young master.

"Hiss! Ouch! So cruel!"

Ying looked at the young master who clearly explained what "two fists are hard to beat with four hands" meant, and enthusiastically shouted for him. "Wow! Is this the magical power called 'three heads and six arms' in Liyue mythology?" Paimon couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw the young master's six pairs of arms.

"But he doesn't have three heads, and he can't control the other arms well." Ying said with unlucky joy as she looked at the young master who was beaten by "him".

You were so arrogant just now, now you should be beaten!
"That means he is not good at studying, or he has learned piracy." Paimon speculated seriously.

If she hadn't been afraid of being accidentally injured by the young master's arm, she would have run over to see how long the young master's arms were.

"Bah!" The young master turned his head to avoid the punch aimed at his face and spat out bloody spit.

He looked at the weapon that had been abandoned for a long time on the ground, stepped on it hard, and the dark purple double-headed knife flew up.

"簌!" The turbulent air waves echoed in the golden house. The young master kicked the double-headed knife away.

The weapon that turned into purple light collided with the hard and smooth inner wall of the golden room and was immediately bounced back.

"Pfft--" Blood poured out, and a strong arm rolled feebly on the ground, leaving a large blood stain, and its palm still maintained a tight grip.

The young master saw the right opportunity and immediately grabbed the double-headed knife that had lost its strength and was stuck in the ground with his free arm.

After a few flashes of light, three arms fell off from the young master's body.

"Hoo..., ho..."

The young master's face was pale at the moment, and large beads of sweat seeped out from his forehead and dripped from his chin.

Looking at his four hideous wounds spurting out blood, the young master tightened his lips and the muscles on his cheeks twitched a few times.

Thunder began to flash and jump on his palm.Then the young master snorted coldly and quickly brushed his wound with his palm.


The smell of burnt barbecue mixed with the earthy smell was looming, but the young master did not let out a scream.By the time he moved his palm away, the sides of his body had already turned into a scorched black.

"What a... such a scary person." Paimon opened his palms, and his big eyes took in the scene just now through the gaps between his fingers.

"Executive officer, you are not a fuel-efficient lamp after all!" Ying took a deep breath and looked at the young master in front of her and said in horror.

She was now a little glad that she didn't have to fight with the young master all the time.Although Ying was very confident in her current strength, looking at the young master's tenacious will, she felt that even if she could defeat the young master, she would have to pay a huge price.

At least he was bruised and didn't run away.

Picking up the mask on the ground, Young Master put it back on.

"Although I really don't want to do this, I still have a mission as the Queen..."

"So, do you want to continue hanging out with me here? Or go and stop the monsters in the sea!"

"Come out! Silent Demon!"

The young master raised his hands, and countless yellow talismans surrounded him.Those talismans seemed to form some kind of unique rhythm, and the huge immortal power passed through the dome of the Golden House and reached straight to the sky.

"That's the all-encompassing treasure he gave us! Why are there so many?!" Paimon looked at the young master who was covered in orange and was extremely shocked.

"Have you forgotten? The ones that Qun Yu Pavilion showed us." Ying held her weapon in her hand again, her eyes constantly searching for the young master's flaws.

"The purpose of copying the Unforbidden Barrier is to awaken the Demon God!" Paimon suddenly realized as he recalled his previous adventures.

"Haha, don't make such a fuss. I'm an executive, so it's normal to do whatever it takes!"

Seeing Ying and Paimon in such a panic, the young master finally let out some of the grievances he felt in his heart.

He raised his head and looked at the giant root of the golden tree that was still standing, as if he wanted to know what this big guy was going to do.

That was an ancient demon, a terrifying guy capable of destroying a country.

The golden tree stopped moving. Not only that, the thin roots sticking out from the ground also seemed to be still.

Just when the young master thought that the golden tree was frightened, he saw the golden tree shrinking back together with its dense roots.

(End of this chapter)

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