King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 304 We unite!

Chapter 304 We unite!

Under the turbulent sea, there was a calmness that no one in Qunyu Pavilion had ever expected.

Othel lay dead under the sea as always, and now he was back to what he was before the embers came.

To put it simply, it's boring as hell.

If it weren't for the depths of the ocean floor, Osel would probably grow mushrooms on himself.

Feeling the thin ocean current blowing around his body, Osel yawned. It seemed that today was another ordinary day.

Just as he was thinking about what to watch at night, the originally unchanging ocean current suddenly fluctuated a little.

"Wave?" Osel's body suddenly straightened up.This is a lightless deep sea, and with the blessing of Morax's seal, the ocean currents have always remained unchanged.

But now the ocean current has changed.And it's obvious.

"It can't be..." Osel's body began to emit a faint blue light due to excitement.He thought of what Ember had said to him last time.

Ember said that it might not be long before his seal is lifted.


One of Osel's heads spurted out a blue laser and shot out into the distance.


Yuzhang, who had not appeared for a long time, appeared in front of Osel again.But this time, its color was much darker.

Moreover, it seems that there is some external force that is still suppressing the sealed divine power.The strength of the seal is visibly weakening.

"This kind of crack, if it were the old me, I should be able to project my own projection." Feeling the gap in the seal being torn open, Osel said in shock.

I didn’t expect that guy Ember could actually lift Morax’s seal. When he gets out, I must thank him!

"Hurry up! Make it bigger! Make it bigger!" On the seabed, Osel said to himself while feeling the weakening of the seal.

It was as if his encouragement could speed up the suppression of the seal.

The bright jade jade flickered, but when Osel looked at it hopefully, hoping that it would continue to dim, the seal suddenly remained unchanged.

"Did you make a mistake? You stopped for me at the last moment?" Osel looked at the extremely dim Yuzhang, rolling around anxiously.

Although the current seal is very weak, it is only for the former Osel.

As for now...


Osel's whole snake spread out on top of Yuzhang. His brutal charge obviously failed.

Even the current seal cannot be broken by him who has lost most of his strength now.

"Hey..., does anyone hear you? Can you give me a little more strength?" Osel raised his five snake heads and shouted loudly.

What does it mean to break the seal and break half of it?He has to tear the other half of the seal himself, right?

Osel's voice did not summon new power, but something else responded to his call.


The sound of stone fragments falling off sounded, and Osel looked back and saw four "stone fragments" running quickly toward the seal in the distance on the reef.

Osel suddenly remembered that Ember seemed to have grown four new arms in front of him to pinch his five heads and a tail.

After almost strangling him to death, he removed the four grown arms and "planted" them on the seabed.

However, Osel felt that the four extra arms on the bottom of the sea were a little too revealing, so he asked Ember to change their appearance.

As a result, they were so inconspicuous that Osel simply forgot they existed.

Under Osel's puzzled gaze, four "stone pieces" were attached to the seal, and then began to reveal their original appearance.

They were four groups of bright red fleshy membranes.The fleshy film attached to Yuzhang, and then began to grow continuously.As for nutrients, it is naturally the power of the seal.


Osel almost stared out of his eyes. These meat balls were different from the external force just now.The power just now was familiar and mottled, as if countless Morax's men had gathered together to release it, so it could take advantage of this to temporarily shake the strength of the seal.

And these meat balls actually absorb the power of the seal. They are eliminating the seal, rather than temporarily weakening it.

"Hahaha! I knew this guy Yan Yan had a back-up plan!" In excitement, Osel burst out laughing.

He is already thinking about what he will do when he gets out.

But Osel sadly discovered that he seemed unable to do anything.There are no believers, their strength has been exhausted, and they still have the big hat of defeating the devil.

Everyone shouts and beats lightly. If the law of heaven discovers it, his life will be at risk.

"Could it be that I can only mix with the embers?" Osel thought sadly.Although the Ember Man was very nice, Osel felt that his little heart would not be able to bear hanging out with him.

"The restraints are getting smaller and smaller." Osel raised his head, and the restriction imposed on him by Morax had completely disappeared.

In his sight, Yuzhang disappeared, replaced by four huge walls of flesh.

The wall of flesh blocked out the sky and the sun, and Osel couldn't tell for a moment whether it was Yuzhang that made him feel more uncomfortable or the wall of flesh that suffocated him more.

But this seems to be more permeable than four arms.

Osel took a few steps back involuntarily.He suddenly felt that he was being stared at by something.

Osel looked stiffly at the wall of flesh, where the flesh and blood was stirring, as if something was brewing.

A bad feeling arose in Ossel's heart, and he immediately twisted his body and swam toward the distant sea.

Then Osel found that his tail was caught by a tentacle.The tentacles of flesh and blood contracted hard, and Osel couldn't stop flying into the wall of flesh.


“Embers, I#@$&…”

Amidst the squirming of flesh and blood, there was also a faint sound of cursing. It seemed that the quality of the guy among them was terrible.


"Ning Guang, why hasn't the Whirlpool Demon God come out yet?" Ke Qing walked up to Ning Guang and asked with a worried look on her face.

Both immortals and ordinary people were quietly waiting for the demon god on the seabed to appear, but apart from the gloomy sky and the constantly churning sea, there was no trace of the demon god at all.

There is a huge difference in strength between them and the Demon God.If the Whirlpool Demon God was still a cautious Demon God with a chance of freedom in front of him and no worries, those Jade Pavilions might not be completely wiped out.

"I don't know, who can understand the idea of ​​defeating the demon?" Ningguang was equally uneasy, as something seemed to be gestating in the deep sea.

Looking at the final machine that had been gathering in front of him for a long time, Ningguang's brows relaxed a little.With these three ultimate machines here, it should, maybe, maybe... the Whirlpool Demon God be blasted back.

"Ideas?" Yi Yan complained silently. Osel spent the whole day either sleeping or daydreaming. What ideas could a slutty snake have?
"Oh? Ember, do you know what Osel is thinking?" His words attracted everyone's attention.

Ning Guang looked at the embers looking at the sea not far away, his eyes half eager and half wary.

If Ember is an ancient demon myth, then many doubts about him can be explained.

Although this will lead to more problems.

"Everyone, senior is not a demon." Mandrill and Pu Yuan stood on the ground and said calmly.

"Actually, even the devil has nothing to fear." Ember put his chin on Mandrill's head and said with a smile.

"As for Osel, you don't have to be so nervous. Speaking of which, I still have a very good relationship with him."

Yi Yan said something quite proudly, then he turned his head, pointed at the sea in the distance and said: "If you don't believe me, ask yourself."


The huge sea surface was suddenly broken by something even bigger.Five snake heads like giant pillars reaching the sky rushed out from the bottom of the sea, and their huge figures even dwarfed the mountains.

"Osair, how do you like the new skin? Doesn't it match Bashi?" Yi Yan looked at the red Osair and greeted him warmly.

Red and blue, invincible!

Osiel: "Aminos!"

(End of this chapter)

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