King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 305 The deflated Osel

Chapter 305 The deflated Osel
"Slutty snake, aren't you very friendly?" Yi Yan raised his head and looked at Osel who greeted him cordially as soon as he came up. He felt that he would have to give Osel a serious personality correction at some point.

You have to change your swear words in public!

"Ember, what did you do to me?" In the distance, Osel's grief-stricken and deafening shouts came, making the waves below even more agitated.

"I'm just giving you a brand new body. Also, keep your voice down, are you trying to compete with who has the loudest voice?" Yi Yan picked his ears, why is this guy Ossel so excited?
Isn't it just a different body?
Yi Yan looked at Osel, whose body was all red at the moment, and nodded with satisfaction.

In the past, Osel's entire body was made of thick elemental power. It was as blue as five big light bulbs and could be seen from a long distance away.

But it's different now. Ossel's body now shows a new pinkish red color, with white horny cells constantly appearing on it, making it look full of vitality.

"No, you have a physical problem and I can't control my voice." Osel's voice was still so grand, but his tone was a little embarrassed.

"Oh, there's nothing I can do about it, just get used to it." Yu Jin spread his hands, looking like it was none of my business.

"Senior, do you know that Uzumaki Demon God?" Ying walked up to Yu Yan and waved her hand.

She turned her head to look at the five huge snake heads reaching into the sky in the distance, and suddenly felt a suffocating pressure.

This pressure was even worse than before when she faced the Demon King in his armed state.

Yi Yan glanced at the people who had their ears perked up, nodded and said affirmatively: "I ran into his seal when I was wandering around. Seeing that he was a lonely old snake, he was very pitiful, so I chatted with him for a few words and we are considered friends."


There was a faint sound of relief, and upon hearing that Yu Ember and Osel were friends, the originally oppressive atmosphere in the Jade Pavilion suddenly dissipated a lot.

Since there is someone to connect the dots, we can talk.A head-on conflict with a demon god is something that no one of the Seven Kingdoms wants to see.


"No problem!" Ning Guang was about to say something, but Yi Yan agreed with a wave of his hand.

It was nothing more than a request to ask Osel not to cause trouble. Yi Yan used his buttocks to figure out what Ning Guang was thinking.

In the distance, Osel is still "fighting" with his new body. I don't know if it's an illusion, but Osel always feels that this body doesn't belong to him yet.

"Don't be awkward, Osel, put your temper away. My door is not closed. If you go back and see something wet, you'll be done with it if I whip it!"

Ember shouted to Othel against the pouring rain.

The will of the devil is enough to affect the weather. Looking at the weather, in addition to the excitement of regaining freedom, Osel should also be feeling a lot of anger in his heart.

"Oh? Didn't Morax want to use me to test the humans around you? Why don't you want to fight now?" Osel's voice was loud, for fear that the Liyue people wouldn't hear.

Morax wants to retire?Then Osel will definitely give him a stumbling block.The first step is to make Morax's plan known to everyone!


In a dilapidated stone pavilion on Tianheng Mountain, Zhongli was looking at the "stained" Auxerre above the sea from afar.

He frowned slightly. Is Ossel this color?I haven't seen him during the Demon God War, but he still changes his color?But looking at the aura, it seems that Osel has not run away.

Zhongli picked up a cup of hot tea from the stone table with his right hand, and clutched the Mingyu-like God's Heart in his left hand, looking intently at the turbulent sea.

"Morax... I don't want to fight..." Osel's voice came from the sea and could be heard clearly even on Tianheng Mountain on the outskirts of Liyue City.

"Crack!" The sound of broken porcelain sounded, and Zhongli threw away the broken teacup in his hand with a calm expression.


"Hahaha! Could it be that you are afraid! Are you afraid that I will kill you all?" The second step is to provoke the general to kill more people from Liyue, so that he can vent his anger.

Looking at the sky that was gradually clearing, Ember nodded secretly.For the sake of Osel listening to what he said, Ember can save his life when he gets beaten later.

Osel looked at Liyue who was motionless and knew that the provoking method was useless.So he decided to use a trump card, a trump card that would make Morax unable to retire.

"Morax, oh, no, you should call now..."


The sky that had just cleared became gloomy again.Orange-brown dark clouds gather, and at a rough glance, it looks like the earth is reflected in the sky.

Then the tip of a rock gun that was also reaching the sky and the earth emerged from the dark clouds, and hit Osel hard. "Boom!" The sky darkened quickly and cleared up just as quickly.After the huge waves surged into the sky, the area of ​​Guyun Pavilion expanded a bit more.

" awesome!" Looking at the scene that was like a mountain falling to the ground, Paimon's mouth was wide enough to fit a bird's egg in.

"A corner of the demon war..." Ningguang pursed his lips when he saw this scene of changing terrain.

This is just a casual blow from Emperor Yanwang. If he uses it with all his strength...

Ning Guang felt suffocated just thinking about it.

"Huh..., you're an awkward guy." The reactions of the immortals were much more indifferent than ordinary people.They mostly lamented Zhongli's awkward mentality of wanting to retire but being worried about it.

"Hey! Are you dead or not? If you are dead, I will collect the body for you. If you are still alive, jump around." Yi Yan ran to the edge of the Jade Pavilion and shouted towards the silent sea below.

"Nonsense! Cricket Morax, I haven't died that easily!"

The sea began to surge again, and from the deep abyss, Osel's extremely tough roar came out again.

Among the blue waves, a vague flesh-red color appeared again, and then with a "bang!", white waves exploded in the distance.

For a moment, even the sunlight was obscured by the huge splashing waves.

Amidst the waves that covered the sky and the sun, Osel's huge body rose up.However, this time his range of movements was obviously much smaller than before.

Different from the way the five giant heads were swinging wildly before, Osel's heads are now close to each other.

It looks like... it's like holding your buttocks between your legs!

"What? Has a hole been pierced in the butt?" Yi Yan saw Ossel's squirming look and stretched out his head to take a look curiously.

"You just had a hole pierced in your butt!" Upon hearing this, Osel reacted fiercely like a cat whose tail was stepped on.

"Hey! Ying, do you think there's nothing wrong with us?" Paimon finally felt relieved when he saw Ember and Osel chatting and spanking.

Now there is no need to worry about Liyue being flooded!This means that she can continue to use her mola to buy the star-studded delicacies in Liyue!

"Huh--, it looks like it should be." A smile also appeared on Ying's lips.Fighting the devil is something Ying doesn't want to do now.

Looking at the clear sky and the gradually calming sea, Ying even felt that the ferocious and huge Osel in the distance looked much better.


The dull sound of cracking rocks came from the horizon, and the whole world began to shake.

Not long after it had calmed down, the clouds came and the sea rippled with waves one after another.

At the end of the sight, the towering peaks shrouded in the vast white mist were crumbling and disappearing one by one.

It looks like the edge of the world is disappearing.Those mountain peaks also disappeared into the world.

"Wow, the big one is coming." Yu Yan put his hand on his brow and exclaimed after looking into the distance.

What a big movement. If nothing is done, the mountains in Liyue will turn into plains.But it doesn't sound too bad.

Ember shook his head to get rid of the random thoughts in his mind.He turned to look at Osel.

"What do you want me to do? I want to help you go there by yourself." Osel was now lying on Guyun Pavilion, his huge body even bending the mountain peaks.

"The wound on your butt is still in the water. This is not good. It can easily become inflamed." Yu Yan said seriously, and then pointed towards the distance with his big hand.

"So, Osel, sprint!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Osel found that his body couldn't stop running towards the collapsed mountain peaks.

"Ember, I@$#..."

In addition to the huge roar between heaven and earth, there was also the curse of Osel.

(End of this chapter)

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