King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 306 Brother Long is the dragon

Chapter 306 Brother Long is the dragon

"Wow! What happened? Was there an earthquake?" Xiangling poked her head out next to the Wanmintang signboard, holding a spatula.

She looked around and saw that the whole ground began to shake.The streets were full of panicked people.

They either looked at the surrounding houses with fallen tiles in confusion, or looked worriedly at the whirlpool demon standing on the sea in the distance.

The past period of time is destined to be unforgettable for the people of Liyue.

First, the calm Yunlaihai suddenly stirred up a storm, and then the legendary silent whirlpool demon revived.

Although the terrifying storm finally subsided, before the people of Liyue could rejoice, another earthquake that had never happened in ten thousand years occurred in the city.

This coming and going left people with nothing but panic.Liyue, which has been prosperous for a long time, has encountered some changes today?
"Quick, quick, quick, the alchemist is in position at the node, guiding the elemental power of the earth veins and stabilizing the stratum!"

"Activate the terminal safety and get the crossbowmen in place! Even the devil will let him see how powerful we are!"

"Are all the alchemists here? Wipe your eyes! Don't let evil spirits enter the city!"


Urgent and orderly orders were issued one after another, and the Qianyan Army, the alchemists, and the alchemists in different clothes quickly found their respective positions.

The Qianyan Army patrolled the streets of the city to maintain order in the crisis.

When the real crisis came, the people of Liyue discovered that the inconspicuous wooden blocks on the street pavilions turned out to be the final crossbow machine after the mechanism was changed.

Densely packed Final Machines are scattered throughout every corner of Liyue City, and they are either overtly or covertly intertwined to form a network of firepower.It's hard to imagine what the scene will be like when these huge crossbows are fully fired.

In addition to the uniform soldiers of the Qianyan Army, there were also alchemists wearing long robes and glasses walking through the streets of Liyue.

Those alchemy platforms that were usually used to facilitate the people to synthesize adhesive materials were now the nodes of the earth's veins under Liyue City.

Along with a light yellow ripple brushing across the ground, the rock elemental power gushing from the earth veins also penetrated into the ground of Liyue.

Liyue City was still shaking, but this time, even the remaining tiles on the roof could not shake.

As for the ones who move the most flexibly and quickly, they are the alchemists in Liyue City.They shuttled inside and outside the city of Liyue, observing the movements of monsters and evil spirits around Liyue.

They not only wanted to get rid of the evil spirits, but also reported possible changes around Liyue to the city.

After a brief period of panic, Liyue City stabilized again.

However, the demon above the sea and the thunderous roar beyond the sea still linger in everyone's mind.

They are like a huge stone, so heavy that people can't breathe.

"Wait! The demon on the seaside is moving!"

"So big!"

"What are you doing in a daze? Call me!"

Next to the terminal, a seasoned veteran saw Osel's figure gradually covering up the sky, and immediately patted the crossbowman who was still dazed behind him and said.

"Oh... I understand!" The crossbowman came back to his senses, immediately picked up the bright stone amber in the storage box beside him, and stuffed it into the final machine.

Stone amber, a specialty of Liyue, is made of extremely pure rock elements and is often associated with other minerals.

Generally speaking, as a condensation of rock elements, it is beautiful and stable, making it a rare gemstone.

But within the Final Machine, the elemental power contained in it can be completely unleashed and condensed into an elemental arrow that can penetrate everything.


A stream of light appeared in the sky.This stream of light was like a signal. After it, countless streams of light poured out, rushing towards Osaier who was running towards Liyue in the distance.

"Oh hoo hoo!"

Osel suddenly felt stabbing pains all over his body, like countless small needles pricking him.

"Fuck! Learn whatever skills you want from anyone, follow Morax, no wonder you are so aggressive! I wish you, like Morax, will end up alone all your life!"

Unable to control his body, Osel had no choice but to face the light rain from the sky and walk straight through Liyue City, which was a little small for his body.Before leaving, he did not forget to curse at the Liyue people, and by the way, he also gave Zhongli a critical blow as he did not have a wife.

Osel's voice was so loud that the whole of Liyue could hear it.

Looking at Osel who was gradually going away, the crossbowman turned around and asked the soldier beside him: "Captain, do you still want to fight?"

"Hit me!" The soldier knocked the crossbowman on the head and took a few deep breaths.

The demon god's body is as big as a mountain, which is too small. The moment Osel landed, he almost suffocated.

After all, the machine is very big, and the elemental crossbow sword it shoots is as long as two adults.But compared to the devil's body, it's still no different than a toothpick.

"Huh..." The soldier breathed a sigh of relief.Fortunately, the demon's target is not Liyue City.

After relaxing, he glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw the empty storage box.

"Where's Shi Po?" The soldier knocked the crossbowman on the head again.

"Captain, didn't you say you should let go? The fight is over." The crossbowman covered his head and said innocently.

"Half a year's work for the team, how can you finish it so quickly?!"

"Captain, I am the fastest shooter in our Qianyan Army!" the crossbowman proudly gestured his muscles and said with a smile.

"What's the use of hurrying, it will take a long time! Go back and run ten more laps for me!" The soldier patted the crossbowman's head. This was his teaching as a veteran.

It was definitely not a small resentment after the ammunition was empty because I wanted to test-fire the final machine.


Beyond Tianheng Mountain, there is a low-lying land.There used to be a very glorious city here, but over time, they all turned into ruins.

"Gululu!" Osel's huge body squirmed like a snake, drawing a wide and deep river bed on the ground.

Over time, if there is enough rain, there will definitely be a new big river here.

He straightened his head and looked into the distance.This was the first time Ossel saw a rock forest composed of mountain peaks, which made him feel a little curious.

During the Demon God War, his battlefield was only along the coast. He had never gone deep into the interior, and naturally he had never seen such strange scenery.

This made Osel feel less depressed, but soon he couldn't laugh anymore.

In the white mist in the mountains, in addition to the forested peaks, Osel also saw a familiar figure.

The huge and muscular figure ran wantonly among the rock forests, and every time its limbs swung, the world trembled.

As for the mountains blocking the figure, they couldn't stop him at all.If no one stops us, Liyue's horizon will be much smaller in the near future.

"Fat dragon?" Osel felt that the violent figure in the distance was familiar.With the dragon horns on his head, a body with an excessive body fat percentage, and a voice that is louder than his own, isn't this Morax's good friend, the fat dragon Ruotuo?
"Humph——" Ruo Tuo seemed to have heard Ocell's words and turned to look in Ocell's direction.

An unabashed murderous intention enveloped Ocell from thousands of miles away. Through countless mountains and mist, Ocell saw Ruotuo's chaotic scarlet eyes.

"Wear and tear... Ruotuo is crazy?"

Osel swallowed his saliva, and his body unconsciously stepped back a few points, flattening the mountain peaks on the side.

Then, a familiar feeling penetrated Ocell's body, and Ocell sadly discovered that he could no longer control his body.

"Fuck..., stop, stop, stop..." Osel quickly ran towards the furious Ruo Tuo, even faster than when he ran away.

When Ruo Tuo saw this, he no longer vented his anger at the mountains beside him, and faced the huge figure in front of him that was almost the same.

"Brother Long..., hello." A snake and a dragon finally stopped dozens of miles apart. Osel looked at Ruotuo who was breathing hot air in front of him and said hello politely.

"Death!" Ruotuo roared, and the turbulent air waves lifted the ground.Then with the heaven and earth trembling, Ruotuo rushed towards Osel.

"Quack! Don't come over here!"

"Help, there's a dragon killing people!"

(End of this chapter)

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