King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 308 A corner of the demon war

Chapter 308 A corner of the demon war

To the west of Liyue is the most steep mountain range in Teyvat, and it is also the location of the legendary Immortal Cave.

Mysterious, steep, and unreachable...these are the impressions Liyue people have on Minlin.Only immortal seekers and world-traveling adventurers will leave their own footprints in these inaccessible mountains.

But now, no bulge can be seen here.The forested peaks have long since collapsed, and large lakes have formed in the low areas of the earth.

"This is..." Everyone in Qunyu Pavilion looked at the completely unfamiliar land below, and for a moment they didn't know what to say.

"A corner of the demon god's war." Zhongli still looked like a god of war. He held up a spear, and his orange eyes revealed endless vicissitudes of life.

This scene seems to have not been seen for thousands of years.

"Demon war?" Ningguang raised his head and looked around.The flattened land and intertwined rivers all appeared in less than half a day.

The strength of the Demon God is evident!
"Now is not the time to be sentimental. The world is more malleable than you think."

"The top priority now is to seal Ruotuo quickly." Zhongli took a deep breath. Although the collapse of the earth made him feel sad, it would eventually be healed by time.

The most important thing now is to hold down the crazy Ruo Tuo.If he continues like this, not only Liyue, but also the neighboring Mond and Xumi will not be much better.

"It's so fierce. This deadbeat Osel is still very powerful." Qun Jade Pavilion was moving forward rapidly, and the voice of Ember's sigh could also be heard from below.

"Naturally, the name of the Uzumaki Demon God is not self-proclaimed. The strength of the Demon God is at a level that ordinary people cannot reach."

Zhongli nodded, then he was silent for a while and continued: "Of course, except for a few exceptions."

He thought of the Salt Demon God Heulia, that somewhat cowardly Demon God.As a demon, she was eventually killed by her own people, which was a sad ending.

Soon, at the end of the flat horizon, two huge figures appeared.It was a snake and a dragon.

But it looks like the snake is being rubbed against the ground by the dragon.

"Go away! Didn't Morax tell you that your mouth stinks?" Ocel was stepped on the ground by Ruo Tuo.The crazy Ruotu roared and vented his anger in the most brutal way.

A huge sound mixed with flesh and blood splashed onto Oser's face, causing him to open his mouth and curse.

At this moment, Osel's body was covered in scars.Gaps opened by sharp horns, deep holes torn by fangs...these were all over his body.

If it were the former Osel, this kind of wound would be enough to kill him.But now Osel's body is made of embers. His strength may not be strong, but his vitality is enough.

Those wounds would heal quickly as long as Ruo Tuo wasn't careful.This also made Ruoduo completely regard Ossel as a sandbag.

No matter what, as long as Ruo Tuo can think of it now, all the greetings will be given to Osel.

Even though it looks miserable - it's actually pretty miserable.But this could not stop Osel from cursing.

What can he do?He couldn't escape, he couldn't die, could he, as the Uzumaki Demon God, cry on the spot?

Sorry, can't do it.Although Osel doesn't care about face, he still values ​​basic dignity.

Osel's five heads were furiously attacking Ruotuo.Suddenly, Ruotuo stopped biting and turned his head to look into the distance.

Osel was happy when he saw it. It seemed that his spiritual attack was still useful.

Osel's body exerted force, twisted and slipped away from Ruotuo's feet.Ruo Tuo, on the other hand, seemed to have not noticed at all and allowed Osel to escape.

Ocel looked at Ruo Tuo behind him and followed Ruo Tuo's line of sight to the sky, and then he saw a familiar figure.

That's Morax and Ember.

"Wow? Who is this? Let me turns out to be [Rock God] Lord Morax!"

Osel yelled out in a strange way from a long distance away.

But to his surprise, instead of getting angry, Zhongli nodded towards him.

"Thank you, Osel."

Osel could tell that Zhongli didn't have any evil intentions, and he was really thanking himself.

"Well..., forget it, it's up to you next time. Anyway, don't expect me to help later." Osel's expression froze, and he nodded in discomfort.

Morax actually has such a kind side?Didn't you see him holding back when you beat him?

Oser knew that Morax had many misunderstandings about him. For example, it was not his idea to stop Ruda, but it was not important now.Let Morax handle Liyue's matter by himself.Anyway, he definitely doesn't want to face Ruo Tuo.

Dragging his bruised body, Osel ran to the back of the Jade Pavilion.

And behind him, there were crawling marks stained red.

"Thank you..." Ning Guang saw the hideous wounds on Osel's body and thanked him.

No matter what identity Ossel was before, he now truly protects Liyue.As Qixing, Ningguang has to thank Osel no matter what.

Osel's body is huge enough, and his head is even higher than Qunyu Pavilion.

Hearing Ning Guang's words, Osel didn't pay any attention to them.He's just a human being, does he need to look at him?

There was someone else he wanted to look at.

"So, aren't you going to explain it? Ember?" Osel's eyes were fixed on the ember climbing up from the Jade Pavilion, and he asked through gritted teeth.

"Explain what? Aren't you okay?" Yu Yan stood up from the ground with an innocent look on his face.

"Is this what you call good? You must have fought a lot, otherwise you would have been designated to cry." Osel twisted his body.

Even though Osel seems to be fine now, in fact, he is in burning pain all over his body.

If it were an ordinary person, he might not be able to bear the pain and commit suicide while being torn apart by Ruo Tuo.

"Show me how you cry. I've never seen a demon cry before." Ember said, and clapped his hands, as if cheering for Osel.

"Get out of here." Osel opened his mouth, and a water arrow shot out, knocking Ember away.

But before Ember could say anything, there was loud shouting in the distance.

"'s time to settle everything!"

The roar was accompanied by a mighty shock wave that swept across, causing the heaven and earth to twist a bit.

"Accept everything." Zhongli made a secret with one hand, and a bright yellow jade enveloped the jade pavilion.

"Disgusting smell..." Osel looked at the shield on the Jade Pavilion and secretly spat.

"Sorry, old friend..." Zhong Li looked at Ruo Tuo who was running towards the Jade Pavilion not far away, his eyes became sharp.

"Sleep a little longer."

At this moment, he changed his previous kindness and was replaced by ice-like coldness.

"Hey, hey, you're not going to take action?" Osel saw Zhongli's breath surging and said to Ember.

Osel didn't think Ember came here simply to watch a show.He knew this when he watched him running towards Ruo Tuo but unable to do anything.

"Should I take action? That's about right. But... we have to wait a while, the audience is a little small."

"So, until then, let the civilian staff stretch their muscles!"



A figure falling rapidly appeared in the sky.

"sulfuric acid--"

The sound of gold and iron came, and Ruotuo's forward momentum suddenly stalled.

Although the figure was small, the power contained in it was unambiguous, and it directly suppressed Ruotuo's dragon head by a few points.

But soon Ruotuo reacted, and with a flick of his dragon head, he shook off Menggete who was firmly nailed to it.

"Huh..., so strong." Mengt fell lightly to the ground from high in the sky. He looked at the shattered golden gun in his hand and said with emotion.

(End of this chapter)

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