King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 309 Cursed Blood

Chapter 309 Cursed Blood
"That is……"

"You've seen it before, Menggote." Yu Yan explained to Ning Guang.Then he turned his head and shouted to Menggert below:

"Mengt, hold on for a while, I'll be right back!"

"Understood. But please hurry up, King, I...can't hold on for long!" Menggert took a deep breath and responded calmly while looking at the huge thing in front of him.

In fact, he has facial paralysis, and he doesn't want to put anything on his face.In a sense, Mongolt is also quite scary.

"I know, it won't take long." Ember nodded.Then he turned to look at the people behind him, pointed at Osel and asked, "Who released this swindler?"

"You are the deadbeat!"

Osel retorted, but unfortunately no one answered him.

"It's Young Master! He can't beat your Golden Tree, so he's cheating!" Paimon is more active than Ying. She likes snitching the most.

"Okay, got it."

Then, Yi Yan turned to look at the furious Ruo Tuo in the distance, and continued to ask: "Who released this big fat dragon?"

"His name is Ruo Tuo." Zhong Li corrected him as he looked at Mengget fighting with Ruo Tuo below.

"Okay, who freed Ruotuo?" Yu Yan asked Zhongli, which made Osel very angry.

"It's... the fools... a guy... wearing a hat!" Mengt fell from the sky, and the golden hammer in his hand hit Ruotuo's shoulder heavily.

The huge power was transmitted into the ground through Ruotuo's thick limbs, causing the earth to crack open with scars.

After the blow, Menggote quickly jumped away and distanced himself from Ruotuo.He shook his downy arm and just hit Ruo Tuo's body, almost causing him to vomit blood.

He raised his head and looked at the broken rock dragon scales on Ruo Tuo's shoulders. Under the dragon scales, there were still dragon scales.

The heavy blow just now was just a weak attack.

"Understood, I'll be back soon!" Yu Yan shouted from the Jade Pavilion.Then he snatched the Guanhongguan from Zhongli's hand and said sincerely:
"As for Zhong Liqian, just wait! You know your own current strength. If you don't want to die together, just stay in Qunyu Pavilion. Don't worry, Menggete will not die."

Zhong Li looked at his empty hands in surprise. The speed of Ember's hands just now was so fast that he didn't even see any movement clearly.

He raised his head, only to find that Yan Yan's figure had long since disappeared above the Jade Pavilion.

"Senior just left." Ying saw Zhongli's confused eyes and spread his hands.

"Hey~, I hope Brother Yu Jin can handle everything." In desperation, Zhongli had no choice but to put his hands behind his back and carefully watch the battle below.



Once again dodged Ruotuo's attack, Menggert looked at Ruotuo jumping out from under the earth and felt that it was very difficult.

This dragon is not only strong, but also seems to be integrated with the earth.Manipulating earth and rocks and walking underground is a piece of cake.

If it weren't for his agility, he would have been strangled to pieces by the stalagmites and exploding rocks that shot up from nowhere.

Menggert shook his head and raised the colorful cursed sword in his hand. Ember really found him a terrifying opponent.

Menggert knew that he could no longer retain any strength.

Plugging the cursed sword into the ground, Menggert took a few deep breaths and began to awaken the blood that was sleeping in his body.

He used to be very disgusted with his ominous identity, but now, he is much better.

After all, the strength that the bad omen gave him could be used to protect the new border.


Menggert let out the loudest and most emotional roar he had ever seen in this world.

A circle of golden tidal flats spread and quickly enveloped the entire battlefield.The water waves are golden, but it is not as pure and bright as the golden tree, which makes people feel awe.

On the contrary, the tidal flat summoned by Mengget was chaotic and filthy.It was like a puddle of sewage, only dyed golden.

This is the twisted power called [Bad Omen] in his bloodline.Under this power, not only the gold became filthy, but even the cursed sword in his hand became twisted.

This twisted force has penetrated into every aspect of Menggert.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Menggert further released the power in his body, and the tidal flat that spread to the distance suddenly began to boil.Countless turbid water columns burst out from the tidal flats. From a distance, it looks like mountains are rising and then dissipating.

Countless water pillars rushed up under Ruo Tuo's body, and then exploded under Ruo Tuo's mountainous body.

They were like heavy punches, hitting Ruo Tuo's relatively soft abdomen.


The huge power made Ruotu feel pain for the first time, and it also made him even more furious.

With the power of the chaotic water column, Ruotuo exerted his strength on his limbs and leaped high.


The earth's crust cracked like thin ice on a winter river, cracking like spider webs.The flying soil can even hit the Jade Pavilion.

Under this powerful force, the water column that rushed up turned into powder like the earth's crust and rocks.

"I knew it would be like this!" Menggert was not surprised at all. Those rising water columns could only cause huge damage to those who were not strong at most.

It is obviously not enough to deal with Ruo Tuo.


In addition to the cursed sword, Menggert had another golden sword in his hand.What he is best at is stormy combos.


A rapid sonic boom blasted out, and in an instant, Mengget arrived in front of Ruotuo.

Splitting, stabbing, chopping, picking... Menggete was like a rotating wind wheel at the moment, with countless attacks hitting Ruotuo's face like raindrops.

Each attack left faint red sword marks in the air.At the end, Ruo Tuo seemed to have a red cocoon in front of his eyes.

The red sword marks float quietly in the space, like entities, but as if they are on another spatial level.

It seemed that he was annoyed by Mongotte's mosquito-bite attack.Ruotuo's huge body burst out with extraordinary agility, and he turned around with his tail whip, accurately hitting Menggete.

"Hmph -" Menggert spat out a stream of blood, but before the blood spurted out, he turned his head slightly and let the blood spill into the red cocoon as much as possible.

【Not too bad. ] Watching the red cocoon become even brighter red, Menggert secretly comforted himself.


Ruo Tuo saw Menggete flying out, and immediately turned around and followed closely without giving him any chance to breathe.

At the same time, his body completely passed through the small red cocoon.

"Taste the taste of the cursed blood!" The red cocoon sank into Ruo Tuo's body, and Mengget in the air felt it immediately.

I saw Menggert holding his hand, and the cursed blood engraved on different spatial layers seeped into this world.While squeezing out wounds in Ruo Tuo's body, it also emitted a huge amount of light and heat.

"Bang dong!"

The dull explosion sounded like it was exploding in the deepest underground, and the huge force even caused ripples to echo through the flesh and blood all over Ruo Tuo's body.

It looked like a fat person's big belly had been punched hard.


At this moment, Ruotuo's whole dragon seemed to be stunned. Countless white smoke came out of his body, especially from his nostrils.

"The power of space!" Zhongli and Osel looked at each other. This is not a power that can be obtained easily.

At least elemental power hardly affects space.It requires something higher level.

"Crash!" Ruotuo opened his bloody mouth.What spewed out of his mouth was not dragon blood, but shattered jade stones.

"My king, you don't seem to have told me that this dragon is an inorganic thing."

Menggert couldn't help but have a wry smile on his face when he saw Ruotuo moving again.

It seems that he will have to escape carefully next.

(End of this chapter)

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