King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 310 The embers of "Helping"

Chapter 310 The embers of "Helping"
In an uninhabited corner far away from the battlefield, the skirmishers were looking at the giant dragon running in the distance and the faint flash of light.

"Demon..." The skirmisher looked around.Even though they were far apart, the mountains here were flattened by the spreading aftermath.

Looking around, it was a mess.

" dragon is stronger than the devil!" The skirmisher shook his head and recalled the scene during Ruotuo's battle.

That huge body, coupled with the terrifying power contained in the body, is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary demon gods.

At least, the top three seats in the Fools' Crowd failed to put such huge pressure on the skirmishers.

"You're right, the demon can't defeat that fat dragon." A voice suddenly sounded behind the skirmisher, making him tremble.

"Who!" The skirmisher turned his head, and in a blink of an eye he distanced himself from the ember.

"You fools who put umbrellas on their heads, you are the one who came to release Ruotuo?" Yu Yan couldn't help complaining as he looked at the bamboo hat on the head of the skirmisher, which could be used as an umbrella when it was propped up on a tree pole.

The executives of Fools are really unique, as if they are afraid that others will not know that they are executives.

"Which iron can popped out of the garbage heap?" The skirmisher looked at the ember in front of him, who was even more strangely dressed than him, his eyes full of vigilance.

When did this guy get here?He didn't notice anything!
"If you release this big fat dragon, do you have any countermeasures? Have you thought about what will happen?" Yi Jin didn't pay attention to the trash talk of the stragglers. He pointed at the desolate area in front of him and asked.

"Of course I have thought about it." The skirmisher held up his slightly tilted bamboo hat and said with a contemptuous smile: "We will take away the God's Heart from the Rock God, and the guy with the horns on his head will also be trampled to death."

"And we will go to the next country." The tone of the skirmisher was particularly arrogant.

To be honest, he originally thought Ruotuo was just an ordinary defeated demon.The release of Ruotuo, coupled with the release of Ocel by the young master, the combined force of the two will definitely make the rock god tired of dealing with it.

And they can take the opportunity to take away the heart of God.

But plans never keep up with changes.The skirmishers did not expect that Osel would face off against the released Ruo Tuo, let alone Ruo Tuo's strength.

He actually pressed the Uzumaki Demon directly to the ground and rubbed it.The skirmishers even doubted that even the Seven Consuls could compete with this giant dragon.

Ruotuo's strength did not make the skirmishers feel any fear.On the contrary, he was even a little excited.

Because of Ruotuo like this, Menggote, who once made him flee in panic, died even more miserably.

The God's Heart of God is just incidental.The purpose of the skirmishers has always been to make Mengt pay the price, and the Heart of the Rock God is not within the scope of his responsibilities.

If you can get the best, but if you can't get it, that's the problem of the young master alone.

"Hey, from your tone, you really like to be superior to others, right?" Yi Jin crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows, as if to make sure.

"I'm superior to others? Isn't that true? Speaking of which, I seem to be born much nobler than many people, so that they can only look up to me throughout their lives."

The skirmisher said and sneered a few times.He didn't know whether he was laughing at himself or at those who were destined to fail to catch up with him.

"I am the most enthusiastic person." Yu Yan suddenly said something without any beginning or end.

"Enthusiasm? It seems that doing good things has made your brain stupid." Skirmisher frowned, he didn't know what Ember was talking about.

"Like to be superior to others? Then I must let you fly high!!!"

A dangerous aura suddenly enveloped the skirmisher, immediately making him unable to move.As for Ember, he had already run behind the skirmishers without knowing why.

Along with him, there was a huge stick held high in his hand.

"take off!"


The huge stick was swung, and the broken air formed white marks on it.Then, the skirmisher turned into a shooting star, and now, he was taller than anyone else.

"There's one more!" Yi Yan put the huge stick on his shoulder and disappeared again.


"How come Qun Yu Pavilion is flying so fast?!" In Qingxupu, the young master in the state of Demon King's armor is flying through the collapsed mountains.Looking at the looming Jade Pavilion, the five-headed sea snakes... and the giant dragon in the distance, the young master couldn't help but squeeze the sweat from his palms.

Just now, he witnessed with his own eyes the water system of Qingxupu rising to the sky and pouring into the higher Minlin.

At that moment, Young Master clearly felt the gap between himself and the Demon God.He still lacks the power to change the terrain.

"It's just a demon, I will catch up!" Stepping on the dry mud, the young master strode towards the roaring battlefield in the distance.

The power of the demon god not only did not break his confidence, but instead made the young master's fighting spirit even higher.

"Really? I'm looking at you." Beside the running male, there was an ember running with him.

Hearing the young master's fighting words, Yi Yan struck without hesitation.Anyway, if the young master is still so arrogant, then Yan Yan will definitely kill him first and grow to the level of a demon?
Wait for the next life!
Although Ember's own hand is lacking, it is based on absolute strength.At least he could clean up the mess that Ember made himself.

"Really? But before you say this, let me try to see if you are qualified!" When the young master saw Yu Yan approaching, he did not retreat like a skirmisher, but rushed over directly.

He had long wanted to compete with Yan Yan, but unfortunately Yan Yan was either playing props or making sneak attacks, leaving the young master with no chance to fight him openly.

Now that I have this opportunity, the young master will certainly not let it go.Anyway, judging from the distance, the battle will not end for a while, so it is just a warm-up to win the heart of the Rock God.

Seeing the young master charging towards him brandishing a weapon, Yi Yan shook his head.This kid is so reckless!


The blade carrying purple electricity struck down, but was held by Ember's hand.

The collision between the blade and the armor did not throw up any sparks.Because Ember pinched the blade the moment before it touched his gauntlet.

"Hmph!" The young master tried hard with both hands, but found that the blade showed no trace of movement.

"Wasn't the lesson learned last time enough? Boy?" Yi Yan's arm exerted force, and numerous cracks suddenly spread in front of the young master's weapon.


The blade of Flowing Starry Sky only supported for a moment before breaking into pieces.

The huge stick that was larger than a human was held in Ember's hand again. He looked at the young master who quickly turned the double-headed sword upside down, and said with emotion:
"Boy, do you like fighting?"

"I am an executive officer just to be able to fight with more powerful people!" Young Master responded while observing the flaws in Ember.

"I really hit you. I just hope that you won't be hit like those rice wives in the future." Yu Yan stretched his muscles and said lightly.

"Rama Wife..." Before the young master had time to appreciate the meaning of Yu Yan's words, he suddenly felt a huge force coming from behind him.

Then he found himself unable to restrain himself and flew high into the sky.

"Although you have bad intentions and do good things, I have always ignored my intentions. Next, I wish you good luck."

"As for how to punish you, leave it to the people of Liyue!"

Ember stuck the huge stick into the ground and said with emotion while leaning on the standing log.

Although this guy's intentions are bad, the end result is good.Thinking of this, the strength of the ember became much lighter.

At least, the young master doesn't have to endure the pain of falling apart all over.

Looking at Ruo Tuo who seemed to be chasing something in the distance, as well as the broken and barren land, Yi Yan touched his chin.

"The soul on the verge of collapse...and the earth on the verge of collapse, are in a bit of trouble."

After looking at the golden light flashing next to Ruo Tuo, Yi Yan clapped his hands.

"Tsk, isn't the demigod's strength enough? Then let's replace him with the king!"

(End of this chapter)

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