King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 311 The sword technique of sealing the gods

Chapter 311 The sword technique of sealing the gods


On the Jade Pavilion, the figure of Ember appeared again.True to his word, he came back quickly.

"Brother Yu Jin, where is the person you are looking for?" Zhong Li noticed Yu Jin's arrival for the first time and immediately asked impatiently.

Below, Ruo Tuo was still playing a cat and mouse game with Menggert, not allowing Zhong Li to relax in any way.

"Come right away, don't worry." Yi Yan looked down.Menggote was running around, relying on his size and speed to deal with Ruotuo.

He looked up into the distance again and saw two bright meteors flying towards Qunyu Pavilion from different directions.

"Bang!" ×2
The speed of the meteor was very fast. Before everyone could say anything, they saw the "meteor" falling to the ground.

Taking a closer look, it was the Young Master and the skirmishers who were struck by Ember's stick.

"Okay, I'll bring them to you, it's up to you how to deal with them." Yu Yan said, and kicked the stragglers on the ground.

This guy is worse than the young master. The young master has bad intentions and does good things, while the stragglers just do bad things with bad intentions.

"Hand them up and deal with them later." Ningguang glanced down at the young master and the stragglers, waved his hands, and the two of them picked up a pair of special bracelets.

"Okay, boy, you already have two pairs of bracelets." Yi Jin patted the young master on the head, then he stretched his muscles and said to the young master: "Watch it, I will only perform once!"

After saying that, Ember jumped down from Qunyu Pavilion.


"Ha..." Menggert just took a deep breath.I felt the land on my side begin to shake violently again.

"So fast!" Without any time to think, he used his strength again, preparing to rely on his own speed to dodge the attack.

In the previous battle, Menggert knew that the damage he could do to Ruotu was extremely limited.

Therefore, Menggert decisively adopted the "drag" strategy.His speed, coupled with Ruotuo's current brain, seems to have nothing to do with it.For a moment, he actually took the initiative.

Of course, this is short-lived. When Mengt's physical strength is exhausted, he will die.

Just as Menggert wanted to get out of the way, he suddenly found that the vibration behind him had stopped.

Afraid that Ruotuo would use any other moves, Mengget immediately turned back to watch.

In front of the huge dragon head, stood a small figure.At this moment, he was leaning against Ruo Tuo's body - it was the ember that jumped from the Jade Pavilion.

"Fat Dragon..., you...are so fat!!!" Massive sparks suddenly burst out from Yi Yan's body.Molten burns crept up his armor again.

As the sparks splashed out, the burning marks on the ember became larger and larger, and his power gradually increased until he could shake mountains!
"You also...take off for me!!!" Sparks flew, forming a pair of big fiery hands that held Ruotuo's body firmly.

Then Yan Yan made a throwing gesture with his hands, and Ruo Tuo's body flew out along with Yan Yan's movement.


Ruotuo's body is larger than the mountains, and his mass is heavier than the mountains.

The huge body fell from the air to the ground, immediately smashing a huge crater into the ground.It looked like a star had just fallen.

"it is good!!!"

When Osel saw this, the five heads immediately cheered.If he hadn't had no hands, he would probably have clapped by now.

"I knew that Ember was not an easy guy. He just lifted Ruotu up. What do you think of this power, Morax?"

"I thought only dragons had the power to shake mountains." Zhongli responded to Osel's words, and unknowingly, his tense body relaxed a lot.

The tremendous power that Ember had just shown was enough to give Ruo Tuo a run for its money.Together with him, it’s stable this time!

"The king is not just powerful." Menggert flew to the Jade Pavilion without knowing why. He looked at the embers shaking hands below and added: "Although he is really strong."

Yi Yan flicked his wrist. Ruo Tuo was really a weight that he couldn't bear in life. How could there be such a heavy dragon?
After sighing, two more curved swords appeared in Yi Yan's hands.This curved sword is different from ordinary swords. Its end is not a sharp edge, but a ball of rolled ripples.

The Curved Sword of Flowing Water - exists in the legend of the swordsman in blue, and is said to be a curved sword made with reference to the image of flowing water.

Heavy attacks can unleash dancing combos, offering glimpses of what's described in the legend.

In the legend, a flowing water swordsman in blue obtained the flowing water sword from a fairy, and the swordsman was able to seal the ancient god - Scarlet Corruption.

Why is corruption the worst?Because He was really sealed by mortals. "Huh..." Yi Yan took a deep breath.

Dwelling will lead to precipitation, and precipitation will lead to corruption - remember to keep moving and avoid lingering.

This is not only the warning of the flowing water swordsman to future generations, but also the core of everything about the flowing water swordsmanship.

and so……

Ember glanced at the devastated land. He let go of his restrictions and recalled everything he had seen underground in the junction.

Suddenly large areas of green and clear "water droplets" appeared in the sky and the earth, turning the collapsed earth into a blue color.

Then, countless water droplets seemed to have found their direction, rushing towards the curved sword that flowed like water waves in Ember's hand.

The hazy green color goes as quickly as it comes.They disappeared between heaven and earth, but attached to the double-curved sword of Ember.


The earth trembled, and the huge dragon shadow covered the sky and the sun.Ruo Tuo's eyes were still crazy, and his body was still tough, as if he would never feel tired.

Looking at the menacing Ruo Tuo, Ember swung his swords across each other like dancing.

The green color wrapped around the curved sword also poured out.They grew bigger and bigger, and by the time they approached Ruotuo, they were like a heavy rain falling from the sky.

"Crash!" The green "water drops" poured on Ruo Tuo's body, making a surging sound like real water drops.

Heavy rain is naturally fierce and dangerous for ordinary people; but for Ruo Tuo, the heavy rain cannot even make him feel the touch.

But this weak rainstorm suddenly stopped Ruotuo's advancing body.


The green rain flowed down from Ruo Tuo and spread across the earth.

As soon as they touched the ground, they turned into mist.


"Whoa! Whoa!"



The sound of all things singing together burst out, and the dead earth was filled with countless vitalities in an instant.

The big green tree sprouts from the ground, breaks the ground, sprouts, grows, bears fruit, and withers...

Green birds and beasts come into the world, grow, multiply, grow old, and die in the mist...

Green swimming fish are born, prosper, migrate, grow old and die in the turbid water...


In the mist, it seems like an independent world.Countless creatures seemed to have pressed the fast forward button. In one breath, countless souls completed their entire lives.

When their souls dissipate, they will return to the curved sword of embers again.But this time, the green color was even brighter.

Under the junction, there is a harmonious scene that is completely different from the ground.

There is no sunshine there, because the starlight leaking out is enough to breed life under the earth; there is no contradiction there, because everything is a child of nature; there is no golden tree there, because God is in everyone's body.

Memories of the King of Ancestral Spirits - The Ancestral Spirits are the mysteries that exist outside the golden tree. Life sprouts from death, and life sprouts from life. This is His nature of life.

People on earth will hate the horns, because the horns are a symbol of bad omen.The people underground will rejoice in the growth of horns, because it is their germination.

The King of Ancestral Spirits, the god of nature, is in the sprouting little bud.

Feeling the extremely powerful aura of the two swords in his hands, Ember grinned.

The dancing of the body, the changes in sword skills, and even the rotation of will... How can all of these compare to the germination and aging of life?
This is the real "flow" and the real flowing water swordsmanship, a state that even the original swordsmen could not reach.

(End of this chapter)

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