King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 312 Germination of life

Chapter 312 Germination of life
"Life sprouts from death, and life sprouts from life." Ember muttered a few words in a low voice.

This is what the King of Ancestral Spirits often talks about.In fact, when the golden trees on the ground were extremely luxuriant, the body of the King of Ancestral Spirits had decayed to the point where only the skeleton was left.

He has many rotten divine bodies. These large deer-like skeletons were placed throughout the underground forest by the people of the ancestral spirit.

Birds, beasts, insects, fish, everything in the world.When the living beings die, new life will be born in their bodies, and their souls will flow into the decaying body of the deer, waiting for the next reincarnation.

This is the sprouting of life from death.

Creatures in the border area, whether human or beast, will sprout horns.People on the ground are extremely disgusted with it, but people underground are flocking to it.

The people of the ancestral spirit are always looking forward to the moment when new sprouts sprout, both from their bodies and from their souls.

In countless germinations, even an ignorant deer beast will become stronger and stronger, and the distance between it and the King of Ancestral Spirits will become closer and closer.

The King of Ancestral Spirits has no body, he is everything in nature.Therefore, everything in nature can become Him.

This is the germination of life from life.

"Why do you inexplicably think that ugly deer is a bit good-looking?" Yi Jin recalled the giant green deer he saw in his consciousness space and couldn't help but chuckle a few times.

"Huh..., sprout! Little guys! Use your own power to wash away the dragon that destroyed you!" The curved sword in Yi Yan's hand once again stood in front of him.

The green world disappeared instantly, and they returned to the sword of embers.

"Watch it! Only destroying is not a skill! Creation and destruction are equally easy for gods!"

"Eat my flowing sword technique!!!"

Along with Ember's loud shout, the blue water blade rippled out from the sword again.Compared with the "heavy rain" last time, this time it was more like a continuous waterfall.


Ruoduo plunged his limbs deeply into the earth again.The rising purple lightning instantly climbed over his body.

Its tail stood high, and the nearly endless elemental power in the earth's veins gathered at the tip of its tail.

The whole world turned into a brilliant purple color.In the sky behind Ruo Tuo, countless flashing purple thunder balls condensed out.

Looking from a distance, it looks like there are many more dark purple stars in the sky.

"Cough cough cough..." The stunned young master suddenly felt a sweetness in his throat, and in the hoarse cough, bright red throat blood spattered out.

The young master looked at the scene in front of him, his eyes trembling.Just the leaked elemental power has already eroded him into this state, so what about the ember in the center?

He squinted his eyes and looked into the distance, and found a leaping figure in the lightning.

With every leap, a waterfall of green water flows out.The waterfall rippled in the air as slowly as a turtle crawling. It was hard to imagine that an attack of this magnitude could cause damage to a dragon that was bigger than a mountain.

He turned to look at the straggler beside him. As a puppet and sitting much higher than the young master, he was naturally much better than the young master.

The skirmisher stared at the bright purple sky, with an expression on his face. It was the first time that the young master knew that this doll had such a complicated expression besides being arrogant.

"Quick, quick, quick, Morax, hurry up and use that move of yours! I can't stand it any longer!" Purple lightning exploded on Ocell's body.

At this moment, he was constantly squeezing towards Qunyu Pavilion, as if he wanted to use Qunyu Pavilion to protect him from harm.

"Huh..." Looking at the still active embers below and Ruo Tuo opposite him, who was absorbing the power of the earth's veins, Zhongli took a deep breath.

The rock dragon has been buried deep under the earth for thousands of years, and its body is deeply connected to the earth's veins.Today's Ruo Tuo seems to be more ferocious than before!

"Stand still, don't move!" Zhongli shouted, and then he opened his hands, and the jade Zhang, which was flickering in and out, suddenly burst out with a light as thick as corundum.

Then the light expanded and stopped until it also enveloped Osel.

"Why are you so strong?" Osel shouted out immediately when he saw the indestructible Yuzhang in front of him.

"Haha, is it strong?" Zhongli sighed a few times, "With this last bit of light left, I am no better than you, you have already been reborn."

"Absolutely, although I hate the color." Osel scratched his body with his tail, leaned against Yuzhang's shield and yawned.

He looked into the distance, where Ruotuo had already made new moves. "Bah!"

All the lightning balls suspended in the sky fell.

The purple stars were as fast as the thunder and lightning that composed them. The purple light flashed and struck the rippling water waterfall.


The lightning ball passed directly through the waterfall without causing any ripples.Soul and matter cannot interact at will without a special medium.

The purple light exploded, covering the ground with scorched black.Amidst the thunder and lightning, a waterfall of water poured over.


The waterfall of water poured down on Ruo Tuo's body, causing his swaying giant tail to stop moving immediately.

The moment the water falls on Ruo Tuo, a cool feeling penetrates from the outside to the inside.

Most of the soul water in the waterfall sprayed on the ground again and started another round of germination, and some of it poured into Ruotuo's body.

The rushing torrent of souls jumped within Ruo Tuo's body, leaving Ruo Tuo's soul on the verge of collapse blank.

The water of the soul flows in a circle, turning into mist and rising up, and at the same time, it also soaks the soul in it.

After a brief daze, the anger in his heart surged into his heart again.But what Ruotuo didn't notice was that the anger came a little slower this time than the last time.

Just when Ruotuo, who had regained his anger, was about to attack again, he saw a new waterfall rippling in front of him.


The green water droplets splashed everywhere, and wherever they poured, countless creatures were born.

Then the water flow became endless.Ruo Tuo was furious and trembling in the mist.

However, his movements became extremely stuck.When the soul current hit Ruo Tuo, he inevitably fell into a daze.

It took longer and longer for Ruo Tuo to wake up, and the torrent in his soul became more and more violent.

The initial death is the source of the soul current, which derives its power from death.

The germination of every life can always protect the growth of more lives.As a result, the soul current becomes more and more agitated, which is gaining strength from life.

By the end, the initial heavy rain had sprouted into a vast ocean that submerged everything.

"Hiss——, it's so lively." Yi Yan lowered his head and looked at the dazzling curved sword in his hand, and suddenly felt a bit of toothache.

"Haha, it's almost done, let's do it again!" Looking at Ruo Tuo who was shaking his head in confusion in the distance, Yu Yan swung his sword again.

The light from the curved sword poured out, and the light bloomed, turning into a huge rolling ocean.

"Rumble!" The blue ocean spread across the land, but it did not destroy anything.

The blue ocean flows past, and in the tidal flats it leaves behind, vegetation, birds, beasts, insects, fish... countless creatures spread across the sky and the earth.

"Bang!" The turbulent ocean covered the sky and the sun. It was obvious that the torrent composed of souls had no weight, but Ruotuo's body involuntarily retreated.

The familiar feeling of coolness came so fiercely this time, and the water rushed through Ruotuo's body, making him feel bloated.

His mind became blank again, and Ruo Tuo's crazy eyes closed tightly.Then his entire body collapsed to the ground, causing the earth to tremble again.

"Take a shower and then go to bed. I feel so energetic." Yu Yan took back the curved sword and stretched.

Under the torrent of soul, Ruotuo's soul on the verge of collapse was like a rock in the river.All the sand and impurities in those souls will be washed away by this torrent.

What remains will be the most tenacious and profound part of the soul.

(End of this chapter)

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