King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 313 The Flame of Creation

Chapter 313 The Flame of Creation

The blue ocean covered the sleeping Ruotuo and rushed towards the desolate land.

The ocean that was originally enough to cover the sky became shallower and shallower as time went by, and eventually turned into a tidal flat that filled the entire land.

Under the sunlight, the water flow composed of these souls reflects blue light.

The mist rises, and the barren land is full of life.

But unfortunately, although they are alive, they have no "weight".Both because they have no bodies and because they are not complete beings.

Soul and body, both are indispensable for life.

"There are so many..." Yi Yan looked around. At this moment, he was already in a dense jungle.

Countless creatures ran past him, and then penetrated directly into his body.

"Huh..., you have to be more careful next time." Yi Yan took a deep breath. The reproduction of life takes time.But just now, he seemed to have exerted too much force.


The sound of rolling flames sounded in the ember's body.His entire body radiated a huge amount of light and heat.


The ember instantly flew into the sky.He looked at the prosperous land below and took a deep breath.

"You idiot, give me some strength!!!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The raging flames reverberated within Ember's body and hit his breastplate like hammer blows.

Tongues of fire rolled out of Ember's body and soon enveloped his whole body.At this moment, the embers were as if they were pierced by flowing lava.


Ember shouted, and both the lava on his body and the flames wrapped around him suddenly burned more fiercely!
The figure floating in the sky seemed to disappear, leaving only a burning flame.

The light of the flame was very soft, and it made a lazy "beep" sound.

Then the light of the flame began to expand, and the soft orange-red light expanded slowly like a curtain falling from the sky.

As the light swept across, the monotonous and transparent spiritual bodies under the earth had their own colors and bodies that belonged to them.

The chirping of all things exploded, and the vitality that only existed in the eyes of everyone but was extremely frivolous finally came to the real world.

The source of all light and heat, which divides all things, is the first fire.

"Creation and destruction... are equally good at it." Zhongli saw the scene of everything reviving in front of him and looked towards the sky without leaving a trace.

"Flowing Water Sword Technique..." The young master looked down, and his mind kept replaying the sword technique that turned water droplets into a vast ocean, as well as the "flowing" and "sticky" feeling that hit his face.

None of Ruo Tuo's attacks actually hit the embers, because when the first water wave hit, Ruo Tuo was destined to be tightly entangled by the water flow.

The impact from the soul constantly hindered Ruotuo's movements, making him unable to attack at all.

Even if Ruo Tuo really launched an attack, Young Master felt that it would be of no use.Under that "flow", Young Master felt that any attack would be dodged.

"Flowing Water Sword Technique... Demon King's Arms..." The young master looked at his palms. In the past, he had always been proud of his skill called "Demon King's Arms".

But now, can the Demon King's weapons defeat the ever-increasing swordsmanship?
The answer was no. The young master took a deep breath and said, "He is a god... What should I compare with him?"

"Yes, what do I compare to him..."

The young master did not realize at all that the emotion called "escape" appeared in his heart for the first time.

"Why is this guy so fierce?" Osel saw the leaping beast not far in front of him, and even though Yu Zhang was blocking him, he still shrank back.

Who knows if these animals will turn into a wall of flesh and "reshape" him again?
"How dare you call yourself senior if you are not fierce?"

The fire burned in the sky and made the sound of embers.Then the fire light subsided, and the flame burned directly through Zhongli's jade Zhang. It seemed that it wanted to fly straight to the Jade Pavilion.

However, Yi Yan still knew what was going on. When he was about to arrive at the Jade Pavilion, the flames dissipated, and then Yi Yan directly "smashed" to the floor. "Don't talk to me, I'll take a break."

Glancing at the crowd gathered around him, Yi Yan made them hold back their words with just one sentence.

After saying that, the embers were lifeless, as if they were dead.

The wordless silence lasted for a long time. Ember didn't speak, and neither did anyone else.

After all, no matter how you think about it, performing the miracle just now consumes a lot of money and is still being cleaned up. You have to let Ember take a good rest.

Just when everyone was thinking this, they suddenly saw Yu Yan's body move.Then he suddenly stood up.

"Okay?" Osel asked in disbelief when he saw Ember stand up from the floor like a carp.

How long has it been?An hour?Are you standing up now?Fortunately, Ossel still thought that if it didn't work out, he would go to the sea to catch some seafood for Ember to supplement his food.

"Okay." Yi Yan patted his chest, acting as if nothing had happened.Well, it actually has some effects. For example, Yi Yan’s whole body is very sore now.

It’s similar to how ordinary people feel after strenuous exercise.

"Okay, you're awesome." Osel said nothing more and started drawing circles with his tail.

Why is there such a big gap between humans and snakes?

"Brother Yu Jin is in good health. I don't know about Ruo Tuo below..."

Before Zhong Li finished speaking, Yi Yan threw back his Rainbow Sword, waved his hand and said, "It's okay, I just fell asleep."

Looking at Ruo Tuo who was breathing evenly, Ember nodded.Unexpectedly, Ruo Tuo slept quite quietly. If he was still grunting at his size, he would probably not have to sleep in Liyue.

"When he wakes up, everything should be over. Of course, that's assuming your relationship with him is good enough."

"If it's the same as Osel, there will probably be another fight. Let's see then!"

Yu Yan suddenly felt that there was some trouble. What if Ruo Tuo still harbors ill intentions toward Li Yue after he wakes up?
"Don't worry about this, Morax and the fat dragon wear the same pants." Ocel said with some disdain as he looked at the sleeping Rudo below.

Morax is already powerful, plus there is Rudo who wears the same pants as him.The war between demons and gods in Liyue is really sad for those who hear it, and sheds tears for those who see it.

He was so strong and still wanted thugs. For Morax's behavior, Osel wanted to raise his middle finger to express his disdain.

"Good relationship? Then why was it sealed?" Yi Yan scratched his head. The way Ruo Tuo came out was somewhat similar to Osel.

But without his help, Osel would probably have been able to release his own projection through the crack in the seal and wait for an opportunity to defeat the seal from the outside.

And Ruo Tuo..., Ember's memories first appeared to be the chaotic rock elemental power in the world.It is estimated that Ruo Tuo found a flaw in the seal and tore it into pieces with all his strength.

"Because of wear and tear." Zhongli changed back to the appearance of wearing a long gown, and the Rainbow Penetrating Palm in his hand disappeared.

"Wear and tear makes people crazy. Former friends can turn against each other with the help of wear and tear." He shook his head and looked at the people behind him.

"So, Emperor..." Ningguang and Zhongli looked at each other, and she could see deep fatigue in Zhongli's eyes.

"Well, the wear and tear has affected my sanity. If I don't 'retire', I'm afraid that like Ruo Tuo, I will forget... or even hate Liyue."

Zhongli sighed. Wasn't faking his own death a way to save himself?

"Stand still, stand still! Just let me give you a few blows." Yu Yan drew out the flowing water curved sword again, eager to try it on Zhong Li.

From time to time, his eyes glanced at the young masters and skirmishers on the side.Ember's Water Sword Technique, although it becomes more and more powerful when used, requires the original soul as the source of power.

As it happens, there are two right here.

Although these two are both male, it stands to reason that they cannot reproduce more lives.But, the boundaries between men and women are as if they don’t exist here.

and so……

Seeing Yi Yan sharpening his sword, both the young master and the skirmishers felt a deep sense of malice.

(End of this chapter)

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