Chapter 317
"Okay... okay." Yi Yan didn't know what to say. He didn't expect Wendy to act so badly.

Menggert on the side heard Tevalin's complaints and glanced at the unknowing Ember.

In fact, he really wanted to say that Yi Yan was very similar to that "Wind God" and didn't do anything serious all day long.

But fortunately, there are many people in the border area, so it won't be as busy as Tevalin every day.

Zhongli looked at Tevalin's crazy rants and suddenly thought of Osel.Among the people in Qunyu Pavilion, he seemed to be the only one who had nothing to do.

"Oser, are you interested in settling in Liyue?" Zhongli raised his head and looked at the huge Oser beside him, inviting him.

"Haha, what made you have the illusion that I have a crush on Liyue?" Osaier sneered a few times. For Yu Yan's sake, he would not think of doing anything to Liyue.

But if he integrates into Liyue like Zhongli said, Osel still can't accept it for the time being.

"Is this so..." Zhongli's expression froze, and then he shook his head with some regret.

Zhongli was forced to participate in the Demon God War. He had no hatred in his heart for the defeated generals like Osel.

Unfortunately, Osel didn't think so.He had an idea, and Zhongli understood it.After all, he was the one who sealed her under the sea for more than 2000 years, so the resentment in his heart is hard to get rid of, which is normal.

Now Zhongli just hopes that Osel will not be hostile to Liyue.Otherwise, even if Osel is much weaker, it will take a lot of effort to suppress him.

"Speaking of which, you are so kind to take me in, so you are not afraid..." Osel pointed to the sky with his tail.

"Huh..." Zhongli sighed and smiled lightly: "I don't think you need to worry about this."

"Those people in the sky are probably almost half dead."

"Who is so fierce?!" Osel shouted out loudly, but he soon became quiet.

I was really making a fuss, wasn't there someone so fierce in front of me?Osel looked at the embers climbing up Tevalin's back, and felt extremely emotional in his heart.

Why is this world becoming increasingly unclear?He is a demon god, why is he always being hit one after another?

"So, if you're not going to Liyue, where are you going?" There were so many people here that Zhongli didn't want to continue this topic.

"Dark beyond the sea."

"Dark beyond the sea?" Zhong Li frowned.It's a shame Osel could imagine such a dangerous place.

"Osair, if you can't save your face, I can set aside a sea area in Liyue for you to live in."

"Liyue is very big. Even if you are a demon, I can still accommodate you."

Zhongli advised Osel.In any case, Osel also played a great role in stopping Ruotuo.Zhongli felt it was rude to let him hide in a quiet place.

"Have you forgotten something?" Osel said calmly, looking into the distance.

Zhong Li thought about what he had just said, and there was nothing wrong with it, so he shook his head and said, "You can make any requests."

"Morax, have you forgotten that I have a wife?" Osel's five snake heads suddenly became visibly excited.

What Liyue?Is it important to have a hair?
"Morax, although I am far behind you in terms of priesthood. But in terms of life, you are destined to live a relatively failed life."

There was finally a place that was better than Morax, so Ocell decided to show his show off to Morax without any secret.

Looking at Osel who kept twisting and turning, Zhongli felt for the first time that this guy deserved a beating.

"Going to the dark sea?" Yi Yan became more energetic after hearing this.He knocked Tvarin on the head from the back and said to him:
"Didn't I say before that there is a member of your race outside the dark sea? Do you want to go?"

"Dark beyond the sea?" Tevalin muttered a few words, feeling a little guilty.

The dark sea is synonymous with evil, danger, and taboo in Tevalin's mind.

"Can you be a little more confident?" Yi Yan felt helpless when he saw Tewarin's guilty look.

"There's me, Ossel, and you, by the way! Ruo Tuo over there, are you going?" Ember clicked on all the people who might go, and finally asked Ruo Tuo below.

"Me? I'd better forget it. I just woke up and understand that Liyue is more important to me now."

"As for fellow dragons..., my lifespan is almost endless, and I will still have plenty of time in the future." Ruotuo shook his head. Ruotuo didn't have much interest in other dragons.

Maybe this is the difference in personality between dragons and dragons!
"Brother Yu Yan, are you going too?" Zhong Li looked at Yu Yan, a little surprised.

"If you have nothing to do, let's go chat. By the way, Menggert, forget it. Just keep an eye on those two boys." "They are still pretty good at it. Don't let them run away without paying attention!"

Ember glanced at Menggert who was about to follow him, and immediately interrupted his movement.

As he said, although the executive officer is nothing to him, it is really a big trouble for the Seven Stars and even the Immortals.

If someone accidentally lets them escape, it will be a big loss.

Moreover, the dark sea is indeed not a good place.The concentration of elements there was too high, which would be somewhat harmful to Menggert.

What's more, Ember is a little unsure about the outcome of this trip.

Because he thought of a very bad possibility.

Tevarin is a dragon, and a newborn dragon.Kutri is the first generation dragon, the first generation dragon that experienced the original war.

When such an old dragon knew that the current wind dragon was a descendant of the Wind God and was still protecting humans, he didn't know what to think.

Ember could only hope that Kutli's temper wouldn't be so bad.Judging from previous experiences, Kutri should have a good temper.

Rather, even if you had a violent temper before, you will become calm under the erosion of so many years and the erosion of the abyss.

"Yes." Mengt didn't say much, just nodded and agreed.

"Let's go! Tvarin!"

Ember stood on Tvarin's head again and pointed into the distance.

"Just leaving?" Osel asked in surprise.

"Nonsense, do you have something to prepare?" Yi Yan looked at the naked Osel and asked.

"No, I just like a cheerful person like you!" Osel shook his head, and then with shock and laughter, Osel ran away into the distance.

Ember and Tevalin followed closely behind.

"This way."

"You're very annoyed. How do I leave is none of your business?"

"Are you asking for a beating? Do you believe I will drag you to the ground and plow you out of the river?"

"Okay, I didn't expect you to be able to build rivers."


Ember and Othel's voices grew quieter.Their figures quickly disappeared between heaven and earth, leaving only the winding traces of Ossel's walk.

The brown-black land exudes an earthy smell, and the water system that was originally chaotic due to Osel's mobilization began to gather in this ravine.

From the looks of it, a new river will appear in Liyue soon.

"I didn't expect that senior would be so knowledgeable about water conservancy?" Ying said in surprise when he saw the puddles in the high places gradually drying up.

"It's normal. Wang knows a lot of things."

"Rodel's sewer was renovated by him." Menggert's face seemed a little stiff as if he was thinking of some bad memories.

It was said to be a renovation, but in fact, Ember couldn't stand the labyrinth-like layout of Rodel's sewer, so he directly turned Rodel's sewer upside down.

Anyway, there were few living people in the whole world at that time, and the sewers were useless.

"He's still doing this?" Everyone present was shocked.A person as strong as Ember actually stoops to repair sewers?

Unknowingly, everyone admired Yu Yan even more.

Mengt knew without even thinking that they were thinking wrongly.However, he had no intention of correcting it. He just tapped the floor with the cursed sword in his hand and said with a helpless smile:
"King, I can do anything."

Although what he does is nothing serious.

(End of this chapter)

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