King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 318 Return to the Dark Sea

Chapter 318 Return to the Dark Sea
The sea at the edge of the world is still rough, but to the former overlord of the sky, Tvarin and the "Whirlpool Demon God" Osel, these are nothing.

"Is this the dark sea?" Osel poked his head out and glanced at the shining strip of light.

"After this light belt, that's it." Ember sat on Tvarin's head and nodded.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go!" Osel just looked at it for a while and then swam in excitedly, as if he wasn't worried about the danger at all.

"Follow me, Tevarin." Ember patted Tevarin on the head, and the latter followed Ocel and flew into the junction of the dark sea and the mainland.

The scene with the seven distinct elements that they saw at the beginning emerged in the vision of Osel and Tvarin.

But because of the presence of Osel and Tevalin, there was some new information this time.

"Why do I feel a little relaxed?" Tewarin shuttled through the world of elements.

The elemental power that was directly visible to the naked eye swept around Tevalin's body, unexpectedly making him feel a little comfortable.

This was a feeling I had never experienced in Teyvat.As the pinnacle of elemental creatures, Tevalin is extremely immune to elemental power, and he has indeed been to some places in Teyvat with abnormal elemental concentrations.

But those places did not bring him any sense of relaxation and comfort.To be honest, when staying in a place with a high concentration of elements, Tevalin always feels like there is something crawling on his body, and he always wants to scratch it.

Of course, danger is out of the question, but it definitely has nothing to do with comfort.

But why does he feel comfortable at the edge of the dark sea where the concentration of elements is so high?

"Are you a dragon? Like a fat dragon like Ruotuo?" Osel asked with squinting eyes while bathing in the ocean of elements.

This dark sea is quite sour.

"Well, it should be." Tewarin nodded.

"That's it." Osel took a deep breath, then choked and coughed a few times, "Cough cough cough! It's such a powerful light realm power!"

"Light realm power? What is that?" Yi Yan scratched his head, as if something new had appeared.

"Huh? Is there anything you don't know? Then let me, Osel, explain it to you!" Osel was very excited when he saw the confused looks on Tevalin and Ember's faces.

Haha, there is another opportunity to show off.

"No, actually I still know a lot of things." Yi Yan shook his head unhurriedly.

Then he took out several pieces of white paper filled with words from his arms.With a shake of Yi Yan's hand, several pages of paper flew to Osel's eyes.

"Tevarin, close your eyes! Don't look!" Ember said, lying on Tevarin's dragon head and covering its eyes.

Tevalin felt the palm on his eyelids and rolled his eyes helplessly.Just Yu Yan's little palm, trying to cover his eyes?Some are quite annoying.

However, Tvarin still closed his eyes obediently. Anyway, he was not interested in the little secret between Ember and Osel.

"What is it?" Osel used his tail to take off the paper stuck to his face, squinted his eyes and looked at it carefully - the paper was too small for Osel, and he couldn't see anything clearly without squinting.

The first line of the white paper read: "[The earliest tyrant] Phanes..."

Osel closed his eyes, and the white paper on his tail was soaked with elemental power and turned into a part of the sea.

"Ember, if you want me to die, you can just tell me. There is no need to go to such trouble." Osel opened his eyes again and said to Ember with a look of death on his face.

"Wow, is this thing really that powerful?" Yi Yan was extremely surprised to see Ossel looking like that.

Originally he thought Andrius was trying to scare him, so he tried it on Osel today, but he didn't expect it to work.

"Is this a question of whether it's powerful or not? This is a question I should bury in the ground!" Osel's five heads began to twist, as if he was suffering from a sudden illness.

"What's wrong with you?" "What's wrong with me? I'm going to die! Give me my essence again later and say I love her." Osel twisted for a while, but no fart came out.

"What's going on? Where is my power?" Osel looked shocked. Could it be that Sky Island took action so quickly?
"Think about it carefully, where did your current strength come from?" Yu Yan pointed at Osel's red body seriously, and then continued:

"Besides, this is the sea outside the darkness. If people in the sky can see me, just take my last name!"

When Osel heard this, his body that was twisting in panic suddenly froze.It seems that this is really the roar!
"Are you sincerely trying to scare me?"

"Smart, I still have it here. Do you want to take a copy and show it to Bashi?" Yu Yan said, holding a thick stack of white paper in his hand.

What was densely written on it was the "Before the Sun and the Moon" which was absolutely prohibited by Sky Island.

Osel's ten eyes immediately stared at the boss. Where is this blank paper?These are obviously big nails!
As long as you leave the dark sea, with this piece of white paper, you can receive a nail of cold sky. Who can withstand this?
It seems like no one on the ground can withstand it.After Osel figured this out, he suddenly took a breath of cold air.

"Go, go, go! Give this to whoever you like, but I don't want it anyway!"

Osel was still thinking of taking Basha on a trip to Teyvat, but he couldn't get involved with such a terrifying thing.

"So, what is the power of the light realm?" Tevalin had opened his eyes long ago, but he had been watching Osel and Ember talking nonsense just now, and now he couldn't bear it anymore and interrupted.

"Yes! I'm curious too, I really don't know about this." Yi Yan nodded, put the thick "Before the Sun and the Moon" back into his bag, and agreed.

"Well... I don't know much about this." Osel thought for a moment, then explained as he walked deeper:
"There are roughly three types of power in the world, the power of the human world, the power of the light world, and the power of the virtual world."

"Um..., can it be roughly divided like this?" Osel said and scratched his head with his tail, looking uncertain.

"Human Power is related to human beings, such as consciousness, belief, memory... these are all parts of Human Power."

"The power of the light realm is the most primitive, most desolate, and most violent elemental power."

"As for the power of the virtual world, I don't know much about it. The abyss, the taboo, the power outside the's all there. This thing is very evil. It's best not to touch it at all."

After Oser finished speaking, he glanced at Ember, paused and added: "Ember, you can do whatever you want, I mainly said it to Tevarin."

"Hmm? Then this is the original light realm power?" Yi Yan looked at the elemental power permeating the sky and understood.

"Yes, isn't Tvarin a dragon? He is the pinnacle of elemental creatures, and of course he feels close to the original light realm power."

Osel looked at Tvarin and speculated.

"Then why isn't Tevarin's elemental power like this?" Tewarin's doubts arose again in his heart.

"The elemental power in Teyvat? It was mixed with the human world." Osel chuckled a few times.

"Think about it carefully? Where did the Eye of God come from? Why do all demons love people?"

"Even the elemental power dissipating in the atmosphere circulates through the earth's veins. The earth's veins are what store all memories."

Osel crossed the light belt and entered the dark sea.

Countless huge waves and elemental ocean currents bombarded Osel's huge body one after another.However, the five-headed sea dragon did not waver at all.

Coupled with Osel's calm tone, she finally looked a bit like the Whirlpool Demon God at this moment.

"So, how are you going to find your wife?" Yi Yan looked at the turbulent sea and asked Osel, who was dressed in 13.

"I can't make it?"

Osel's head was raised so high that it was a pity that not even a hair could be seen.

(End of this chapter)

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