King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 320 The current situation of the old dragon

Chapter 320 The current situation of the old dragon

The sky above the dark sea is always colorful.A bright cyan stream of light passed through the large colorful spot without causing any waves, as if this light was also part of the spot.

"Did you see that?" Ember stood on Tvarin's head and asked, rubbing his eyes.

The light pollution in the dark sea was too serious. For just a moment, Yi Yan felt that his eyes were a little sore.

If it had been anyone else, he would have been blinded.

Tevalin also rubbed his tearful eyes with his dragon claws, and said angrily: "You didn't even see it, can I see it?"

"What you said is true, but now I seem to have seen it." Yi Yan nodded, and then he looked far into the distance. At the edge of his sight, there was a piece of land that could not possibly exist outside the dark sea.

It was a fiery red and barren land, a peaceful and motionless land in the dark sea.

"I feel it too." Tevalin exhaled a seven-color airflow, which was the wild elemental power pouring into his body.

Because there were too many, Tevalin was overwhelmed.

Tevalin expelled the elemental power escaping from his body and took a deep breath again.

What entered Tevarin's body this time was no longer the turbulent flow of elements like a wild horse, but the extremely hot and pure air.

At most, the fire elemental power is somewhat full.

It seems that the comrades in the distance forcibly "pressed" the violent elemental power, forming a small normal land outside the dark sea.

Although by the standards of Teyvat continent, the environment of this land is still very harsh.

As Tevalin approached, the fiery red earth in the distance gradually became clearer.

The rolling lava, the pitch-black earth, and the trees growing like charcoal.

This land is filled with fire everywhere, and the pungent smell like sulfur reverberates in the air, making it look like a dead place.

Although this land seems unsuitable for life, there are still many creatures living on it.

Jumping slimes, countless fiery red dragon lizards of different shapes... They add a touch of life to this land that is only red and black.

"Kutli, where did you go?" Yi Yan looked at the dragon lizards running hastily in the lava below, feeling full of contempt in his heart.

These dragon lizards really judge a gentleman with a villain's heart. Is he the kind of person who peeks at other people's baths?

Having said that, this dragon lizard is really a strange creature. The body structure of the fire dragon lizard is actually different from that of the rock dragon lizard. I have learned a lot about it.

"Right below you~" A half-dead roar sounded from below, and it looked like someone was woken up.

"Below..." Yi Yan looked down, and he had a guess in his mind.

As a result, Ember jumped so hard that Tvarin's head almost stiffened and he flew high into the sky.

Higher up in the sky, Ember's field of vision becomes wider.This time, he saw the "continent" hovering like a giant dragon lying on the sea.

"Why have you grown so big?" The embers fell back on Tevarin's head, and he asked in shock, ignoring the white eyes of Tevarin below.

It turns out that dragons can change in size wherever they go?


The dark earth below cracked, revealing a terrifying big eye.But the look in those big eyes was full of worry.

At the edge of the crack, large streams of magma spurted out, and Yu Yan suspected that it was Kutli's eye droppings.

"What a fuss, I can be even bigger!" Kutli's slightly arrogant voice came from under the sea. It seemed that his mouth was still sinking at the bottom of the sea.

"Did you grow so big to make room for your dragons and grandsons?" Yi Yan looked at Kutli at this time and felt that they were inseparable.

Except for the fact that Kutli's voice was the same as when they first met, the rest was completely the same.The flames that originally rose outside the body shrank into the body, and the eternally burning fire scales also extinguished into continental plates.

With this look, Yu Yan felt that Kutli should be called a rock dragon.

"What else? Can you hold up after eating enough?" Kutri's exposed eyes closed slightly, and the lava from the corners of his eyes gushed out even more fiercely, as if he was yawning.

"Now Teyvat belongs to humans, and I am a surviving dragon. If I don't find a place for them, who will?"

Kutri said this in a very calm tone, as if he was talking about an unrelated matter.

"So your method is to turn yourself into land?" Yi Yan looked at Kutli who only opened his eyes and remained motionless, feeling that this was too uncomfortable.

The whole person was soaked in water and couldn't move. It was torture, absolute torture!Same torture as three dogs on a lift!

"Well, I'm ashamed to say that I am a good dragon fighter. But when it comes to protecting my family members, I can only think of this method." Kutri sighed, thinking of a guy - Apep.

I don't know if this old woman is dead. If she is not dead, she can still stuff all her family members into her body.

But when he thought of his current state, Kutri sighed again.Even though he is so good at fighting, he has become like this, let alone Apep, who is more of a support player.

[Hey~, when will you find out where the trees grow most densely in Teyvat? I'll burn some incense. 】Kutli thought sadly in his heart.

He was probably the only one left of the original seven dragons.

"You're so miserable." After hearing Kutri's words, Yi Jin felt that this guy was a little miserable.

"Actually, it's not bad." Kutli chuckled a few times, and the ground below shook as if an earthquake had occurred.

"If I sleep, it will last for tens to hundreds of years, enough for them to reproduce for several generations."

"Besides, I haven't had a good night's sleep for a long time since I was trapped by something outside the world. I can take this opportunity to catch up."

"So, I just closed my eyes and you came back. What's the matter?" Kutri changed the topic and asked Tevarin who was looking under the ember with his big eyes.

It seemed that he had already guessed something.

"I would like to introduce you to a good friend, Tevarin. The wind dragon should be the second generation." Ember pointed at Tevarin and introduced him enthusiastically.

"Haha, I can see it." Kutli laughed a few more times, and then he joked: "Little guy, you are much worse than your predecessor, you have to work hard."

"I know... I know." Tevalin looked at the giant eyes below, feeling not only nervous but also horrified.

He originally thought that Ruo Tuo's strength was already so terrifying, but he didn't expect Kutri to be even more terrifying than Ruo Tuo?
Although Kutli's aura is now much worse than Ruoduo's due to serious injuries, the sense of superiority deeply imprinted in his blood is stronger than Ruotuo's!

"A dragon born under the new order..." Kutri's eyes rolled, as if he wanted to see through Tvarin.

"Tell me, what is the order of the world now?"

"Is it order? The continent of Teyvat is now ruled by seven..." Tevalin pondered for a moment and slowly spoke of the current order.

"Seven rulers..., seven dragon kings..." Kutri muttered a few words in a low voice, and then said mockingly: "Will the new order also have the shadow of the old order?"

But soon Kutri stopped thinking about this. He looked at Tevalin's body, which was a ball of flowing wind.

Above the cyan breeze, there is also a higher level of power lingering.It was the aura that belonged to the wind dragon, but it was intertwined with Tevalin's appearance at this moment.

The power of wind did not disappear from Tevarin, nor was it taken back by Tevarin, but?A protective gesture wrapped around him.


Mountains and rivers collapsed, lava flowed into the sea, and in the countless evaporating water vapor, Tevalin was completely enveloped by a huge figure that covered the sky and the sun.

"Little guy, can you tell me your position under the new order?"

(End of this chapter)

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