Chapter 321

"Gulu..." Tewarin looked up at the figure rising in the sea.Lava, black stone...these have completely filled Tevalin's entire field of vision.

In his eyes, except for Kutri's huge body, Tvarin could no longer see anything else.

"Stop! I said stop!" Ember flew between Tevarin and Kutri, pressing down his palm and saying.

Fortunately, he had the foresight, otherwise, he might have seen the tragedy of cannibalism.

Kutri's body twisted, and his eyes squinted towards Ember, and then he saw Ember holding a staff in both hands and beating gongs and drums.

"Boom, boom, boom!" The sound was loud.

Kutli recalled the torrent of starry sky engraved in his mind, and felt that he should not be able to withstand two salvos, so he consciously retracted.


The waves rolled and the land returned to its original appearance. Even the position where Kutli opened his eyes did not change at all.

Ember wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead, feeling somewhat relieved.It seems that he still has some face.


A somewhat dazzling gaze came to him. When Yi Yan looked down, he found that Kutri's eyes were staring at Tevalin.

He just watched quietly without saying anything, making the atmosphere fall into a strange embarrassment.

"Actually, Tevalin is not what you think. The main reason is that he was born alone and doesn't know anything." Ember was speaking for Tevalin.


"Look, the God of Wind got close to Tevarin without knowing anything. Doesn't Tevarin get close to the God of Wind?"


"It wasn't that he got close to me, it was that I was attracted by his singing voice and poetry." Tewarin, who had been silent, spoke up.

He took a deep breath, nodded and continued: "I am a descendant of the Wind God."

"The songs and laughter of human beings made me happy, and the poets' chants and melodies made me think deeply, so I became the guardian of the four winds. I am also a dependent of the wind god."


Kutli's big eyes closed, followed by a burst of self-deprecating and unwilling laughter.

"Hehehe..., Wind God, Wind Dragon, Wind God's retinue..."

The laughter was filled with a sense of desolation.As if he had laughed enough, Kutri's big eyes reopened. He looked at Tewarin and said lightly:

"Little guy, let's go. You have your own place under the new order. Too much contact with an old immortal like me will not end well."

After saying that, Kutri's eyes closed again.

"Kutli..." Twarin wanted to say something to Kutli, but was stopped by a wink from beside him.

Don't ask how Ember winked, anyway, Tevalin could see the meaning of "Quickly!" from the peephole of Ember's helmet.

After thinking briefly for a while, Tvarin flew away.Since Kutli doesn't want to see him now, he is asking for trouble by forcing himself to stay here.

Tevalin flew very fast and disappeared after a while.Seeing Tevarin leaving, embers fell from the sky and stepped on Kutli's skin - if there was no dirt on Kutli's body.

"Hey, hey, hey! Get up!" Yi Yan stepped on the ground and shouted loudly.

Kutli made no move.

"If you can't get up, then I'm going to start drilling!" Yu Yan said, raising his staff.

A blue-green magic drill appeared in Ember's hand. It was the necessary magic for miners in the junction - blasting the rock plate!
"Stop, stop, stop!" The ground trembled again, and Kutri opened his eyes. This time it was his turn to say stop.

"Hey, aren't you pretty tough? Why did you open your eyes?" Yi Yan took back his staff and said jokingly.

"If you have anything to say, tell me!" Kutli rolled his eyes. He just wanted to get Ember out of here quickly.

Kutli was in a depressed mood and wanted to take some rest. "It's nothing, I'm just worried that I can't think about it." Yi Jin sat on the ground and patted Kutli.

"What can happen to me? I'm not that fragile." Although he felt very uncomfortable inside, Kutli still acted very tough.

He glanced into the distance, which was the direction Tvarin had just left.Tevalin is a second-generation dragon, and now he has completely integrated into the human order.

For Tevalin, this is naturally excellent; but for Kutri, this means that the era of elemental dragons has completely disappeared.

The pinnacle of elemental life is the dragon. Once they also fall to humans, the order belonging to the Seven Gods will no longer be able to be subverted.

Obviously this situation is enough to make any elemental dragon angry. In fact, Kutli was indeed furious at first.

But when reason returned to his mind, Kutri felt a strong sense of sadness.

What right did he have to accuse Tvarin?Tevarin has been living under a new order since his birth.

The ones you know are humans, the ones you love are humans, and the ones you protect are humans.It can be said that he and Tvarin are the same only in that they are "elemental creatures".

For the rest, not to mention his thoughts, even his appearance is very different from Tvarin.

There is nothing more tragic than this when the wheels of the times run over the remnants of the old era.

Thinking of this, Kutri felt even more depressed.Even the sight of human-shaped embers is a bit unpleasant.

"Let's go, let's go! Come back later. Now I'm upset when I see you humans. Come back to me when I feel better!" Kutli issued an eviction order irritably. He just wanted to take a good nap now.

If he didn't have a lot of dependents with him, he would probably follow in the footsteps of the Dragon King [Nibelung].

"Seeing humans so annoying?" Yi Yan touched his chin, as if he was thinking about something.

"Yes! I'm annoyed when I see you, so go away!" In fact, Kutri doesn't really hate humans. He knows better than anyone else that the real culprit is the trespasser in the sky.

But who keeps those people in the sky from coming down day after day, and the ember happens to be right in front of Kutri's eyes?
To say it was annoying, but more to vent the resentment that Tevarin had just aroused.

"Okay, in that case, let me tell you a secret." Ember ran to Kutri's eyes with a mysterious look.

"What?" Kutli was confused.

"Actually, I'm not a human being." Yi Yan gestured, as if telling some shocking secret.

"I know." Kutli turned into dead fish eyes.


"If you were a human being, I would immediately surrender to Fanes with both hands and feet." Kutri sneered.

With the strength of Ember, coupled with the terrifying "arm" he showed before, Kutli would have to have a broken brain to believe that Ember is a human being.

"Then you're still angry at me?" Yi Jin waved his fist. He was now thinking about what kind of "tattoo" he should give Kutli.

Ember brand tattoos are applied purely by hand, ensuring that they will not burn when exposed to fire or drowned in water.

"Who told you to be so similar to a human body? You are in a bad mood, please be considerate." Kutli also felt a little embarrassed. Instead of looking for those seven gods and people in the sky, he was discouraged by Ember. He even wondered if he had changed. .

Rather, after finally finding a new friend, Kutli finally had a way to vent his emotions, so he vented his frustration to Yu Ember.

"So, who are you?" Kutri's curious voice came from under the deep sea. He was really curious about what the ember was.

Could it be someone from outside this world?

"You put it like that..., I don't know." Yi Yan spread his hands, and before Kutli cursed, he continued: "In the past..., should I call him 'little man' or 'dwarf'?"

"Uh..., I'm confused, I don't know."

As Yan Yan spoke, he took off his armor, revealing the shriveled, skinny "dead branches" inside.

"This is my essence."

"As for the human appearance mentioned before, it is false."

Putting the arm armor back on, Ember shook his head.Who would have thought that the essence of human beings is living corpses?
(End of this chapter)

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