King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 322 Ina Wife’s Travels in the “Abyss”

Chapter 322 Ina Wife’s Travels in the “Abyss”
"A villain? A dwarf?"

Kutri's big eyes were filled with questions. How could this sound like a subspecies of human beings?
Is it possible that humans also have categories such as fire dragon lizards and water dragon lizards?
"Hey, why are you thinking so much? It's most likely that the name is different anyway." Yi Jin waved his hand and no longer dwelled on the issue of his own race.

"Haha, I didn't expect that apart from those monsters, you would be like this..."


After being stirred up by the embers, the depression in Kutri's heart seemed to have dissipated a lot, and he was now joking directly.

Originally, Kutri had a rough guess about the current Tevarin, but the arrival of Tevarin made the cruel reality appear directly in front of Kutri's eyes, making it difficult for him to accept it for a while.

Slow down and that's almost it - Kutli is tired anyway, so it's good to lie down like this and wait for death.

"I also want to be like ordinary people, even if it is false." Yi Yan looked up at the stars and stretched out his hand.

"What do you mean?" Kutli was confused.

"It's not interesting. It just means that if I don't find an idea, I will go crazy and bite whoever I see." Ember said with emotion.

Human beings are essentially living corpses, wandering souls, and irrational beasts.

The black soul fragment of the Dwarf King, the fire seal of Gwen, the King of Light, the death given by Nite, and the life created by the old witch, together constitute "human beings".

Even if this is a false human being.

The black soul fragment gives humanity, the fire seal binds humanity, death brings reincarnation, and life brings form. In this way, the living corpse becomes a human being.

But human nature will be lost and it will inevitably crawl outward. When death or loss of goals occurs, this loss of humanity will be even more violent.

The seal of fire is to restrain the loss of humanity.

As for the embers, he had been burned by the first fire, not to mention that the first fire was smoldering in his body now. If the humanity wanted to drain from him, not to mention it would be easy, but the chance would be slim.

Because of this, Yi Yan was also approached by Rondoer's group of bad guys.

First, he respected Ember as the King of Wandering Souls, then enhanced his strength, and finally found him a partner.

Three, three full! Hey!Except for Anli who turned over, the other two are still sisters!

Who can withstand this?Sorry, the embers are really holding up.

After knowing that Rondoer only regarded him as a tool to seize the fire, and also made long bets, and deceived Anri into "selling himself", something terrible happened to Rondoer.

Anyway, there are two more sets of women's clothing in the small warehouse of Last Ember.Thinking about it now, it’s really a sad past.

What we need to pay attention to now is the goal.The undead must have a goal. Undead without a goal will all turn into living corpses without exception.

Only on this point, Yi Yan didn't dare to gamble. If he lost his goal, the world would probably become ugly, and then his work would be in vain.

Therefore, Yan Yan was looking for an idea, so he simply found an impossible goal of "making everyone pain-free".

"Uh..., very good. It's a good thing to have hope. Don't learn from me and become a salted fish." Kutli looked at the embers of Feng Qingyun, and sweat broke out on his forehead.

If those things inside Ember's body escape... Kutri thought for a while and felt that Teyvat, who is now controlled by humans, is quite good.

"Salted fish? Have you finally calmed down now?" Yi Yan looked at Kutli who was joking and said with a smile.

"Calm down. What if you don't calm down? Go to the mainland and fight with those 'Seven Consuls'?" Kutri accepted his fate.

"Besides, even if I do this, will you watch?" Kutli looked sideways at Ember. If his guess was correct, Ember also had a good impression of humans.

"Of course I won't just watch." Yi Yan nodded, and then encouraged: "I will clean up all the people, and then cheer you up, what about it? Do you want to try it now?"

"I won't try." Kutli drooped his eyes. If he was at his best, he would definitely give it a try, but now, it's too much.

"Let's try it. I really want to see you guys fight."

"Don't try."

"Hello food."

"You are so annoying."


The wind was very noisy. In front of the beach where the waves were lapping, a crack in space suddenly opened, and four staggering figures walked out of it.One of them is tall and tall, and the other three are short and bloated - they are the Yuan Shang group who came across the sea!


Yuan Xia lay on the beach and kept retching.

"Yuan...Yuanshang, your teleportation skills are really bad. When...when I advance, I must...let you see what a real abyss passage is."

Yuan Xia lay on the ground for a long time without spitting out anything. Instead, the purple fluff on its body became messy, as if it had been messed up by some big hand.

"Hey, you became an apostle? I will probably become a baptist by then." Yuan looked at the dizzy Yuanxia and immediately mocked.

"Yuan... Yuan Shang, your skills do... indeed need to be improved." Yuan Zuo on the side put his head into the water, hoping that this would make his consciousness clearer.

"What? Yuan Zuo, you said that too?" Yuan Shang fell into deep thought. Is it possible that his skills are really that bad?

"It's just that bad!" Yuan Xia nodded decisively and affirmed.It's not like they have never followed the apostles before, but this is their first time experiencing such a thrilling abyss passage.

Have you ever seen a teleportation channel that is all holes?If they hadn't reacted quickly, they might not have known where it had been transmitted to now.

"There is someone! Stop talking and hide! Yuan Shang, transform into a human form and go find out the news!" Yuan You looked far into the distance and saw a figure walking on the beach.

So it made a prompt decision and quickly thought of countermeasures.

Yuan You looked around and found that the beach was so empty, with not even a single exposed rock.

"Climb the tree!" But that didn't make sense. Yuanyou said a few words to his companions behind him, and teleported to the violet melon tree.

"call out!"

"call out!"

The sound of the air tearing came. Yuanyou looked around him and found Yuanxia and Yuanzuo on the same tree branch as him.

"Why did you come up here!" Yuan You yelled in a low voice. This tree is not big to begin with, but now it has three Abyss mages squeezed into it. I am afraid it will not be easy to tell that something is wrong.

"Hey, Yuan You, you don't want to be discovered because Yuan Zuo and I are too stupid, right?" Yuan Xia is very self-aware, and he understands that if it weren't for Yuan You, he would probably be discovered soon.

"Yes! What's more, Yuan Xia and I can't pretend at all." Yuan Zuo nodded and agreed.

"You..." Yuan You was just about to say something when he saw the innocent eyes of his companions, which turned all his countless words into a sigh.

"Hey——, forget it, just follow my actions." Yuan You sighed, then shrank his feet and said.

It looked down, where the changes in the abyss had been completed.

At this time, Fuchikami turned into a blond man from Mondstadt. He was a passerby whom he had glimpsed from a distance. Now, it should be no problem to borrow his appearance.

Anyway, Yuan Shang didn't think he could cross the sea to cause trouble for himself.

After tidying up my clothes to make sure there were no flaws.Fuchikami walked straight along the beach and approached the figure in the distance.

The man seemed to be a warrior, wearing a purple warrior armor that was quite characteristic of Inazuma, and on his head was a somewhat broken bamboo hat.

"Hey! Hello, big brother!"

Yuanshang smiled, said hello and went up to him.

"Huh? Foreigner?" The samurai heard Fuchikami's voice, turned his head and looked at Fuchikami, with some excitement in his tone.

"Yes, yes, I'm a foreigner. I'm new here. I want to ask you something." Fuchikami smiled and rubbed his hands.

"Are you just here?" The warrior became even more excited.

"Just here." Yuanshang nodded, his smile even brighter.

"That's great, foreigner, let me try the knife!"


(End of this chapter)

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