King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 323 The "Friendly" Rice Wife

Chapter 323 The "Friendly" Rice Wife

"Hey, hey, hey! Brother, have I provoked you?" Fuchikami slashed when he saw the samurai draw his sword, and jumped back to avoid his attack.

"Hahaha, no need for a reason! My martial arts have improved a lot recently, and I'm worried that no one will try my sword!" The samurai swung his sword, and white marks appeared on the blade, which showed his superb martial arts.


Yuan looked at the crazy warrior's face and felt very puzzled.Why was Daozhi received with such "warmth" upon arrival?Is it possible that his identity has been discovered?

"Let me ask you, how to divide the three sunset fruits among the four Qiuqiu people?" Yuan Shang distanced himself and asked the warrior.

"Kill them all, even the sunset fruits!" The warrior's answer almost shocked Yuan's jaw.

Are all Dao Wife people so fierce?Not even willing to let go of the sunken fruit?

But this made Fuchigami sure of one thing, and that was that his identity was not exposed - how could a guy whose brain was all about muscles see through his seamless disguise?

"Huh..." The blade almost grazed Yuan Shang's neck, causing sweat to break out on his back.

After finishing the warrior's move, he looked at Fuchsami. Even a fool could see that Fuchsami was not simple.

"Who are you? Tell me your name!" The samurai raised his sword and yelled. Could this foreigner be a member of the Tianling Sect?
In that case, it will be troublesome.

The samurai looked at Yushang with an even fiercer look. He wanted to destroy the body and eliminate all traces of the trouble. He couldn't just cut and wipe the knife and leave.

"I am Uncle You!" Fuchikami's voice became hoarse, and with a burst of light, Fuchikami's true form, which was much higher than ordinary people, appeared in front of the samurai's eyes.

"It was so fun to fight, now it's my turn!" Fuchakami looked at the samurai, lowered his arm, and floating fireballs appeared behind him.

"Boom boom boom!"

The fireball summoned by the Abyss Chanter is so fast that even a person with the Eye of God must be careful to deal with it, let alone an unknown warrior with some martial arts.

The blazing fireball hit the warrior, immediately burning his purple armor to black.

"Cough...cough!" The warrior knelt down on one knee. He used his last bit of strength to look at the terrifying abyss and said intermittently:
"I...I am Iwazo-ryu..."

"Bang!" Before the warrior could finish his words, he was kicked away by Fuchikami, and there was no movement.

"You are already so old, your grandma has probably passed away to the west. Come down quickly and pay her filial piety." Yuan Shang changed back to his human form and said seriously.

You still want to use the background to suppress him. Is he the kind of villain who is afraid of power?Not to mention his grandma is a "Iwazo-ryu", even if she is a "Thunder God-ryu", he will still kill her!

"What's going on? Someone died when you came up. You can't be used like this!" Yuanyou ran down from the tree and said looking at the warrior who was almost reduced to charcoal in the distance.

It looked at Yushang and quickly asked him to change his appearance.Killing people would be a big obstacle to their mission of finding the "Before the Sun and the Moon".

"If I don't fight back, I will be the one who dies." Fuchigami explained.

"What's going on?" Yuanyou asked. In fact, it was also a little confused.Because from a distance, it seemed that it was the samurai who made the first move.

"What else could happen? I met a madman." Fuchsami glanced at his mouth and said.

"Madman? Could it be that he also absorbed the power of the cult?" Yuanxia also ran over, and an unpleasant possibility arose in his mind.

The Abyss Cult uses the power of the abyss, so naturally some people are inevitably swallowed by the abyss.

Abyss couldn't help but shudder when he thought of his companions who were turned into an indescribable mass by the power of the abyss in pursuit of power.

"I don't think so." Fuchikami shook his head and continued, "He still chanted his grandma's name before he died."

"It seems to be called 'Iwazo-ryu' or something like that."

Yuan Shang scratched his head, had he done too much?Not even giving others a chance to say their last words.

"I didn't expect him to be a man of love and justice." Yuan Zuo also came over, looking emotional.

"What you said seems to be true. Did I go too far?"

"You are just too harsh. If it were me, I would never be like you."

Seeing the sighs on the faces of the three Yuan Shang, Yuan You jumped up and gave each of them a brain-destroying blow. It couldn't help but complain: "Is there something wrong with your brains?"

"That guy sounds like he has declared himself a sect! I remember the Inazuma warriors have this tradition." Yuan You looked at the charred corpse in the distance, waving the staff in his hand, and a thick layer of ice condensed on it. .

Then it waved its staff, and the body wrapped in ice was thrown into the sea.

"Anyway, pay attention to the sect called 'Iwazo-ryu' in the future. They should be the kind of sect that uses people to test swords."

Fuchishou's eyes were flowing, and based on the performance of the samurai, he gave a summary of the so-called "Iwazo-ryu".

"What? Is there still such a school? Inazuma doesn't care?" Yuan Shang was shocked after hearing Yuan You's summary.

"I don't know. Maybe they have a backing, or maybe they are acting in secret. Who can understand human things?"

Yuan You briefly mentioned a few possibilities, then shook his head and threw those that were not available behind him.

"Yuan Shang, you go ahead and be careful." Yuan You nodded to Yuan Shang, and then pulled Yuan Zuo Yuan down into the bushes.

"Okay... okay." Fuchang looked at the empty ground around him, was stunned for a while, and then continued to move forward.



Walking along the beach, there are thick thunders in the dark sky from time to time.


A strong gust of wind mixed with raindrops hit Yuan Shang, making him shiver.

Yuan Shang looked around and unknowingly wondered why the weather had become so bad.
Stretch out your hand, and raindrops fall.Yuan Shang looked at the hills in the distance and was glad that he was on the beach.

Otherwise, thinking about that kind of muddy ground makes Yuan Shang's scalp numb.

Although the weather is indeed bad, it is not so inaccessible, right?Why can't anyone see this?

Just when Fuchshang was wondering that he had walked for so long without seeing a single person, there was a burst of noisy footsteps in the distance.

In the rain and fog, a group of neatly dressed sergeants came out.This made Fuchikami happy for a moment. He finally saw someone, and it seemed that he was an official member of Inazuma.

Judging from Fuchikami's experience in Mondstadt, although not many of the Zephyr Knights can fight, they are really enthusiastic, and I guess Inazuma's is about the same!

"Huh? Is there someone?!" Before Yushang could react, the sergeant in the distance was the first to react.

"Hello, brothers, I'm lost. Can you ask me the way?" Fuchikami learned the lesson from last time. At this time, he turned into Inazuma's appearance according to Fuchishou's instructions.

"Lost?" The sergeant looked at Fuchikami, who was wearing a yukata in front of him. On the edge of the battlefield, was he wearing a yukata?

It's a little strange, thinking so in his mind, the sergeant's hand unconsciously touched the handle of the knife.

"Yes, may I ask..." Fuchikata paused for a moment, then turned his back, glanced at the small piece of paper in his hand, and continued: "May I ask some of my brothers how to get to Haiji Island?"


The sergeant looked at the footprints behind Yuanshang and remained silent for a long time.Because Kaiji Island is in the direction behind Fuchikami.

"What's wrong? Don't you know how to get to Haizhi Island?" Fuchikami scratched his head, feeling that this mission was too difficult.

In fact, his real destination is Yuanxia Palace, which I heard is still under Haiji Island.

But now that Haiji Island is so hard to find, wouldn't it be even more difficult for Yuanxia Palace?

Fuchikami sighed, walked around the sergeant's position, and prepared to move on.

"Haiji Island? Of course I know how to get there." The sergeant's voice came from behind, making Fuchikami feel happy.


"Eat my knife!"

"Fuck, my wife will be like a dog when I come again from now on!"

(End of this chapter)

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