King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 324 Hope of mission completion

Chapter 324 Hope of mission completion

"Damn it! Why did it happen this time?!" Yuan Shang jumped back a step and dodged the unruly sneak attack behind him.

The sergeant saw that Fuchikami's movements were so clean and neat. Instead of stopping his attack, the sergeant called on his companions behind him to attack Fuchikami together.

"Brothers, come on! This thief must be the lone rebel commander. Take his body and get some reward!"

The sergeant raised his arms and shouted, and his companions swarmed forward with shouts.With such a ferocious look, he wanted to tear Yuan Shang into pieces right now.

Judging from Fuchigami's agility, he was at least the squad leader of the resistance.As for why Huihui came to the territory of the shogunate army?
who cares!Now that you're here, don't even think about leaving!

"Hu! Hu! Hu!"

There was a sharp roar through the air and the sword flashed. Yuan looked at the shocking gap in the trees beside him and wiped the cold sweat from his head.

These guys are really deadly.

What happened to Rice Wife?Isn't Kaiji Island Inazuma's territory?Why are the ashigaru people here still yelling at him to kill him?
"Damn it, you guy, why are you as slippery as a loach? You have the ability to compete with us openly!"

Hearing this, Fuchikami looked at the ashigaru behind the sergeant.Who was behind the sneak attack?Who is bullying the minority?Why doesn't this person have any idea?
"That's what you said." Fuchangami pointed at the group of people opposite. He really didn't want to run away now.

Flicking his wrist, Yuan Shang instantly turned into an afterimage.

The Ashigaru people only felt their eyes flicker, and then they found themselves flying.





The heavy objects falling to the ground were mixed with the painful groans of the ashigaru, which gave it a bit of a battlefield atmosphere.

"Pah! Pah! Pah!" Yuan Shang patted the non-existent dust on his hands, and a smile appeared on his face unconsciously. It turns out that it is so good to torture food.

No wonder the former apostles always gave him military training.

"Can you talk now?"

"Can you do it!"

The ashigaru with bruises on their faces nodded hurriedly. The guy in front of them was not only the captain of the resistance army, but also probably the owner of the Eye of God.

Without enough manpower or an ambush in advance, it would be impossible for ordinary people to defeat it.

It would be better for these three melons and two dates to know each other a little bit.

"That's right. If you had this awareness, you would have saved yourself a beating." Fuchikami shook his head, and then asked the people in front of him: "Do you know how to get to Haizhi Island?"

As soon as Fuchikami finished speaking, he saw the ashigaru looking at each other.

Is this guy really a rice wife?I really don’t know the location of Haiji Island.

The leading sergeant then began to carefully look at Fuchigami in front of him. He was wearing his yukata inside out, and his feet were not clogs but leather shoes...

The sergeant was shocked to discover that Fuchikami only looked like Inazuma at first glance, but the details were simply horrible.

Foreigner?He is still a foreigner who defected to Haiji Island, and more importantly, he is also the owner of the Eye of God.

With his eyes rolling rapidly, the sergeant came up with an excellent plan, a plan that could make the guy in front of him pay the price...

"I know! Of course I know!" The sergeant nodded immediately and turned into a very earnest look.

"Not only do you know, but there is now a boat bound for Haizhi Island. Sir, would you like to take a ride?"

The sergeant smiled so hard that his eyes narrowed into slits. While smiling, he put his hands behind his back and signaled to his companions behind him.

[Cooperate, wave boat, die! 】

With a few simple gestures, coupled with what happened on Baling Island in recent days, everyone immediately understood and hurriedly agreed:

"Yes, yes! There happened to be a wave boat going to Haizhi Island recently! It's a coincidence, sir!"

"And I remember that the time is almost up, sir, you have to hurry up." Several people were chattering, which made Yuan Shang extremely anxious. This is a direct voyage to Haiji Island. If you miss it, you won't know the next time. How long do you have to wait?

"You guys stand still and don't run! I'll go back as soon as I can! If I find you guys running away..."


A huge fireball flew out of Yuan Shang's hand, blasting a large charred crater on the beach in the distance.


The Ashigaru nodded, acting like good children.Now they are more certain that they can only deal with Yushang by outsmarting them and not attacking by force.

The owner of the God's Eye of Fire element can cause the greatest damage.

"call out--"

There was another burst of sound, and Yuan Shang disappeared in front of everyone in an instant.

In the distance, Yuan You was peeping behind a big rock. Looking at Yuan Shang running over from a distance, it directly asked three questions from its soul: "What's wrong? Why are you running back? Is there something wrong again?"

"'s not! I found a boat that leads directly to Haizhi Island!" Fuchigami took a brief breath, and then said excitedly.


"It seems you are of some use!"

After hearing this, Yuan Zuo and Yuan Xia's eyes lit up.Unexpectedly, not long after arriving at Inazuma, we would reach our destination right away!

This time, they will definitely surprise those guys who look down on them!
"What a coincidence..." Yuan's right eye also flashed.It recalls what it has seen and heard along the way.

It’s deserted, that’s normal.There are many places like this in Mondstadt as well.Because there are not too many monsters in Teyvat, let alone leyline nodes that produce monsters such as leyline flowers, many places cannot be inhabited at all.

But even monsters are very rare here. Among those things like Qiuqiu people and slimes that can be seen everywhere in the wilderness, Yuanyou didn't even see a few.

Glancing at the rusty sword stuck on the beach, Yuan You already had a guess in his mind.

Humans are the absolute overlords on the ground. When they gather together, no monster can stop them.

【War?It's such a blurry thing. Yuan You shook his head. The most recent war was 500 years ago. He didn't expect to see it again in Daozhu.

But Yuan You has nothing to worry about. It is very difficult to kill an Abyss Apostle who can teleport at any time.

"Follow them and open a small opening. If there is any accident, call us at any time." Yuan You told Yuan Shang.

"That's right! Then I can pick you up as soon as I arrive at Haiji Island!" Fuchikami patted his head, and a tiny fluorescent white light spot spread out in the open space beside him.

It is a super miniature version of the abyss passage. As long as Aisikami wants to, he can make this abyss passage large enough for one person to pass through.

"That's enough, go ahead." Yuan You didn't expose Yuan Shang's delusion. What if it was such a coincidence?

"Just wait until you get to Haizhi Island!" Yuan Shang held the same tiny abyss passage in his hand, waved his hand and left again.

"Are you going to Kaiji Island? I hope so." Yuanyou muttered a few words in a low voice, and then said to Yuanzuo beside him: "You two, show your strongest posture, don't slack off!"

After saying that, Yuan You took the lead in opening the shield, and it was surrounded by a large number of ice cones.


"Just follow it. Your brain definitely can't understand it."

Yuan Zuo slapped Yuan Xia's words back, and it also turned on the elemental shield, and huge blisters rose up one after another on the surrounding ground.

"Okay... okay." Yuanxia scratched his head and thought so, so he also opened the shield, and thunder followed.

As a result, the three prepared Abyss mages were staring at a single point of light with all their concentration, which looked quite strange.


"You are very good, please lead the way!" Fuchikami returned to the ashigaru, clapped his hands, and was in a good mood.

"Sir, please come with me!" The sergeant nodded quickly, and then led Fuchikami to the depths of Bazhong Island.

(End of this chapter)

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