Chapter 325 Disaster

A bolt of thunder pierced the gloomy sky, bringing a ray of light and reflecting the group of people on Ba Ling Island.

Unknowingly, the sky became even gloomier, which put the entire Ba Ying Island in darkness.

The thunder in the sky also became more frequent, making everyone walking a little accustomed to it.

The opaque clouds dropped heavy rain, making the already difficult path even more difficult to walk.

Fuchshang frowned, not because of the bad weather on the island, but because the place was filled with a strange force.

"Huh--" Taking a deep breath, Fuchshang felt like countless small needles were pricking his mouth, causing a numbing pain.

"Hey! Do you know what happened on this island?" Fuchshang felt the strange power everywhere.It seems that he belongs to the abyss monster. It is estimated that if he is under this kind of power for a long time, he will not get a good end.

"Cough...cough! To tell you what, it must be the 'Shen Shen' that broke out." The sergeant coughed a few times and responded.

"Haunting God?"

"It's just the remnants of the Demon God's resentment and power. I don't know why, but it was originally well sealed on Ba Ling Island, but it broke out overnight."

The sergeant pointed at the huge snake bone in the distance and said.

Yunkami looked in the direction pointed by the sergeant, only to realize that the "big mountain" in the distance turned out to be the skeleton of some kind of big snake!

"Is the evil spirit breaking out? Then why are you still walking here? Don't tell me. People who drive boats like excitement." Fuchangami nodded, then changed his attitude and started questioning.

"Of course not!" The sergeant smiled, as if he had been prepared for this problem.

"The ship you are going to is for transferring patients. Do you think the island is like this, can it be inhabited?"

"Hey, that's right." Fuchikami smiled and nodded. This was the "official person" he knew. It seemed that it was all a misunderstanding before.

There are still many good people in the world, Yuan Shang thought.

Under the influence of the evil spirits, Ba Ying Island's vitality was withered.As far as the eye can see, everything is yellow and withered. The few remaining trees are twisted and with a few wilted leaves hanging on them, which makes it look even more eye-catching.

"We're here!" The sergeant pointed to the camp not far away and said to Fuchikami.

"Let's go!" Yuanshang nodded and strode towards the camp.

However, the sergeant on the side was one step ahead of him. He smiled flatteringly at Yuan Shang and said, "Sir, please let me inform you. It would be bad if there is a misunderstanding."

"Uh..., okay, but don't try any tricks." Fuchikami looked at the size of the camp and agreed.

Judging from the size of the camp, it is estimated that the garrison inside is not enough for him to fight alone.Of course, if there is someone with the Eye of God among them, it will be counted separately.

But Yuan Shang is not empty, at worst, just open it up.Anyway, he didn't think anyone could kill him directly.

"Okay!" The sergeant nodded and ran towards the camp without looking back.


"Cough cough..."


"it hurts……"

Although the camp was not large, it was packed with people.

Because it was raining heavily, the ground at the camp was muddy.A few dead branches picked up from nowhere were simply built into a scaffolding, covered with a layer of rags, and it became a "shelter".

Cardboard, wood chips and the like laid on the ground cannot stop the penetration of muddy water at all.Lying in the yellow muddy water were moaning patients.

In severe cases, the eyes are tightly closed, the face is distorted and crazy, and the mouth is muttering intermittently that no one can understand, as if it has seen something horrifying.

In the milder case, the person was forced to stay on the ground, breathing heavily, and looked like he was about to collapse.

No matter the situation is good or bad, everyone is covered with a layer of faint black mist - this is the resentment left by the evil spirit and the devil.

Ever since the evil spirit broke out on Ba Ling Island, countless people have died under the evil spirit. The dark sky seems to reflect the fate of the people on the island.

"Mom...Mom, uncomfortable..."

"Child... just be patient, you can go to Narukami Island soon." In the camp, apart from groans, the most common thing was mutual encouragement like this.Under such harsh conditions, everyone still has hope.

Because the ashigaru of the shogunate found them and said they wanted to send them back to Narukami Island.

There is Inazuma's main island. Not only is Inazuma's largest shrine, Narukami Taisha, it is also home to Raiden Shogun.

The little evil spirits should be just a small problem on Narukami Island.

With this idea in mind, many patients from Yaojima Island come here even if they are far apart, just to ride on the wave ship that the Ashigaru people say is sailing to Narukami Island.

"Noise, noisy, noisy, no one will be able to leave! Be quiet!"

It seemed that the moaning was too loud, which aroused the dissatisfaction of the garrison.A Hatamoto warrior wearing armor and a Prajna mask walked out of the tent reflecting the oily light and roared from a distance.

"Yes... yes! My lord!"

"Ming...understand, let...let the adults worry."

"Shh..., okay, okay, you'll be fine after a little sleep."

As soon as General Hatamoto's roar came out, the noise in the chaotic camp instantly became much quieter.

"Huh... what a bunch of bastards." General Hatamoto waved his nose and walked away immediately.

Who knows if this evil spirit is contagious, but now he just hopes to finish dealing with this group of people and leave this ghost place as soon as possible.

Just as he opened his arms and walked back to the dry and warm military tent, he saw an ashigaru running towards him outside the camp.

After taking a closer look, it turned out to be the captain of the last patrol team. The general was immediately happy and it seemed that he was ready to set off.

"Shimada, why are you so slow? How many have you found?" The general looked at Shimada, who was alone, and frowned slightly.

Could it be an accident?Shouldn't this be true?The base camp of the resistance army is some distance away from here, and evil spirits have broken out here. Even the army has to go around it.

"Sir, I found... one." Shimada took a breath and replied.

"One?" The general was a little surprised, but then he shook his head and said, "Just one, take it with you and get out of this hellish place!"

"Sir...sir..." Shimada listened, looked around, and lowered his voice unconsciously.

"That person is the owner of the Eye of God, and his strength is not low."

"He is a foreigner and is not familiar with Inazuma. He is going to Haizhi Island and I coaxed him to come over. When the time comes, let him get on the boat. We don't need to do anything. When the time comes, we just need to dig the bottom of the boat..."

Shimada didn't say any more.Originally, they were ordered by the head of the Kujo family to deal with those infected with the evil spirit. It would be even better if they could frame the resistance again.

And the person behind him almost met this condition.Foreigners, God's Eyes, go to Haiji Island. This is a characteristic of many God's Eye owners in the resistance.

As long as he changes his clothes after drowning and does some Spring and Autumn calligraphy, he will definitely be able to greatly damage the reputation of the resistance army.

"Oh? It seems that you are very thoughtful?" The general had obviously thought of this. He looked back at the military tent behind him. With such a small manpower, it was better not to have a direct conflict.

Let's first see if we can coax him onto the boat. If we can, that would be best. If not...

General Hatamoto looked at the half-collapsed rag tents in the camp. There were so many people, and some of them were used as hostages and some as shields. They should be able to eat him.

"Bring him here, are you sure he doesn't know anything?"

"I'm sure, my subordinates, he can't even tell the difference between the rebels and us!" Shimada looked sarcastic, but soon he thought of something else and said quickly:
"By the way, sir, the reason I lied to him is that there is a ship to Haizhi Island, and these dying people..."


The general waved his hand impatiently, then walked into the camp and shouted: "Let's set off immediately! Everyone be quiet. If anyone says a word, get off the boat!"

There was another burst of noise and panic, but it soon stopped.

"That's enough!" General Hatamoto came back and said to Shimada.

"Yes! Of course!"

Shimada nodded quickly, as if he had already seen Fuchikami drowning.

(End of this chapter)

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