Chapter 326
"My lord, this way."

Following Shimada, Fuchikami walked into the crowded camp.The first thing that caught my eye was the painful yet curious eyes.

To be treated with such respect by the shogunate soldiers, he must be some kind of big shot.Although there is no servant holding an umbrella next to this big man, he looks like a drowned rat.

"These people..." Yuan looked at the large and small shacks in front of him. He raised his feet, and there was accumulated yellow mud under the soles of his shoes.

They are obviously some kind of patients. Can they really cultivate well in this kind of environment?
"These are the patients infected with the evil spirit on Yalu Island." Shimada said, and stepped back. The evil spirit can be contagious, and he didn't want to go crazy and die like the people on the island.

"Are you all here?" Hearing the movement, General Hatamoto walked out of the tent. He just glanced at Fuchikami and didn't care.

This caused Fuchigami, who was about to explain something, to stop immediately.If he had known that the management here was so lax, he wouldn't have to rack his brains to think of excuses.

Fortunately, he also made up the identity of a light novel writer for himself - in fact, he didn't use much brain, it was mainly Yuan You who gave him advice.

However, what Fuchikami didn't notice was that after General Hatamoto saw Fuchikami's retreating steps, his grip on the handle of the sword immediately loosened a lot.

It seems that this guy named "Fuchikami" is really innocent to the extreme.

"We're all here." Shimada winked at the general.

"Whew, everyone, get up! Let's go!" The general took a deep breath and then shouted.

With his roar, the originally quiet camp suddenly became noisy.

Regardless of whether they were serious or not, all patients managed to stand up.Perhaps because of the heavy rain or the war, the patients did not have much to bring with them, so within a short time, everyone in the camp had finished packing.

Of course, it may be that the hope of a new life gives them greater strength than before.

Seeing the scene in front of him, the general nodded with satisfaction. He waved his hand and said, "It seems you still have some strength. Let's go! No one will care if we fall behind!"

After saying that, he strode to the front.

Commander Hatamoto's actions were like a signal.Following his movements, a large group of people set off to the beach in the distance.

The generals were in front, the ashigaru were on both sides of the team, and the patients were in the center.

The Ashigaru are already faster than ordinary people, not to mention that most of the people in the camp are infected with the evil spirit.

It won't be long before someone can no longer hold on.


The woman held her child in one hand and carried a rain-soaked cloth bag in the other.Feel the burning pain in your throat.

She knew her physical strength was about to give out.

Biting the handle of the bag with her teeth, the woman took out handfuls of grains from the bag with her free hand and stuffed them into her worn pocket.

Every place on the clothes that could be used to put idle things was stuffed to the brim by her.Then she felt cruel and let go of her mouth.

The grains that had been swollen by the rain were poured all over the floor. The woman didn't pay attention to this. She just ran away, pulling her child and running wildly.

The man in the family used to be a miner, but there was no news about him a long time ago.

The grains and other grains were all used up when she suffered from paranoia, and the grains she saved were the only "family property" she had left.
But she doesn't care about this anymore. As long as she can step on the boat on Narukami Island, everything will be fine.So you must keep up and not fall behind!

"Cough!" His chest heaved violently, and the pain that was originally just in his throat spread to his lungs.

After a violent cough, the woman felt as if her legs had suddenly been stripped of bones and muscles. They suddenly softened, and then her eyes moved uncontrollably downward.

"Are we here yet?" The woman muttered in a daze.She has nothing to fear about death.

All she fears is that her death will bring about the death of her ungrown children.

"Not yet."

The woman suddenly felt someone hugging her.When he opened his eyes, he saw that it was the "adult" he had seen in the camp before. "Your stuff." Fuchigami hung the dry cloth bag lightly on the branch, then turned around and shouted to the ashigaru in the distance:
"Those losers in front of me!!! Stop!!!"

Fuchikami's roar was louder than that of General Hatamoto. The sound wave even shook the raindrops to flip over. The reflected light that was completely different from other raindrops formed silvery white waves, causing the footsteps of the ashigaru in the distance to stop.

"Hu-, hu--"

"Cough cough cough..."

The footsteps stopped and were replaced by loud breathing.

"What do you want to do?" The general walked out and looked at Yuan Shang with his whole body tense.

"It's nothing." Yuan Shang took off the bag and handed it to the woman who had recovered a lot. Then he spread his hands and said:
"I'm a little tired. Can we go for a while?"

At this time, Yuanshang didn't have the aura he had before, and he looked like an ordinary person.

The general fumbled with the handle of the knife. He recalled the roar that had just erupted from Yuan Shang, and the malice in his heart weakened a bit.

"As you said." The general made a gesture to indicate that he would slow down and then walked slowly to the front of the team.

He is a dying person anyway, so there is no need to argue with him.The general comforted himself in this way.

"Thank you... thank you, sir." The woman held the cloth bag in one hand and pressed the child's head with the other hand and bowed deeply to Fuchikami.

"Haha, if you have the time to bow to me, maybe you can follow me." Fuchikami patted the child's head, holding the back of his head and following the team as if on an outing.

After Yuan Shang's roar, the team that originally seemed to be marching in a hurry suddenly became as slow as an outing.

It's a pity that the weather and road conditions on Balu Island almost reduced the score of this "outing" to the [-]th floor underground.

The camp was far or short away from the coast. As everyone walked, the rain became lighter and lighter, and the thunder gradually stopped.

The turbulent sea in the distance appeared in front of everyone's eyes, making everyone excited.

Almost all Inazuma people have seen the sea, so naturally they will not be excited about seeing it.What really excited everyone was the two ships anchored by the sea.

"We're finally here!" Fuchsami almost jumped up with excitement when he saw the ship in the distance.

There was no other reason. This was the smoothest mission he had ever done.

In the past, the religious group assigned the four Fuchsami missions, but they always failed at the beginning due to various inexplicable accidents.

Being able to take the first step so quickly is a big step forward.

"Everyone, get on the ship." It seemed that due to the influence of Yuan Shang's roar, the general's voice became much softer unconsciously.

Under his greeting, many patients boarded the so-called ship to Narukami Island with smiles they had not seen for a long time.

Of course Fuchsami was among them. He stood on the deck and stretched out his hand to look at the moss on his hand.

Although he didn't know much about the situation in the shogunate, the deck of this ship was creaking. Can it really be used?
Why is the shogunate so poor?
But Yuan Shang quickly shook his head and threw away the random thoughts in his mind.Maybe Inazuma's boat is just different?

Didn’t you see a few Ashigaru also boarding the ship?
Those ashigaru should have some sailing skills. After a lot of work, the sails that smelled of staleness were raised, and the rickety-looking wooden ship sailed towards the sea driven by the sea wind.

Yuan looked at the wave boat that followed the wooden boat. It was the vehicle of General Hatamoto.He just looked at it for a moment and then turned his head away.

The sea is beautiful, but these guys are a bit of an eyesore.

"Haijijima, I'm coming!!!"

Facing the sea breeze, Yuan Shang could no longer hold back his inner excitement and roared loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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