King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 327 Abyss Rescue Team

Chapter 327 Abyss Rescue Team
"Sir...Sir, you really know how to joke. This ship is going to Narukami Island."

As the ship sailed into the sea, a man finally stood up tremblingly and smiled at Fuchikami.

It seems that this adult is not only strong, but also has a first-rate ability to tell jokes.


Yuan Shang's head is full of questions, what's going on?Didn't Shimada say that this ship was going to Kaiji Island?

"Haha, that's right. The shogunate and Kaijijima are currently fighting fiercely. How can we go to Kaijijima?"

"Indeed, I also heard that the cargo ships between Kaiji Island and Narukami Island have stopped!"

"Hey~, I don't know how the war will end."


The man's words seemed to open everyone's chat boxes, and they could finally talk to each other after holding it in for a long time.

Under the excitement, even the pain on his body was reduced a lot.In a rare move, everyone started chatting about their new lives in the future, the impact of the war, and when they would be able to return to their homeland...

The more cheerful they chatted, the darker Abyss's face became. Later, it looked like the power of the abyss stored in the cult.

Abyss is now 99% sure that he has been deceived. As for the other [-]%, it can only be said that the apostle of the abyss is still a little delusional.

What if those patients were deceived?
With this thought in his mind, Fuchsami strode into the cabin.To his surprise, those Ashigaru who were supposed to ensure the operation of ships were gathered here at this moment.

"Hey, let me ask, where is this ship going?" Fuchsami crossed his arms with an unhappy look on his face.

This boy Shimada is dishonest. If I had known better, I should have given him a good beating!
The Ashigaru looked at Fuchang who suddenly barged in, with a little surprise on their faces.But soon, this surprise disappeared.

"Where to go? Of course, to the underworld!" The ashigaru laughed ferociously, and then a talisman appeared in their hands.

This is a summoning talisman made by Inazuma Shrine. It has the power to allow ordinary people to use elemental power.

For example, the Kairan ghosts wandering around Inazuma's territory use incomplete summoning talismans to attach lightning or fire to their swords.

And this complete summoning talisman...

Fuchikami suddenly felt that the elemental power in the air quickly gathered towards the paper charms in the hands of the ashigaru.

"Hahaha, I hope your corpses can feed some Thunder Immortals. Those big shots really like this precious fish!"

The Ashigaru waved the summoning talisman in their hands, and the talisman was placed on the rotten and moldy wooden board, and a dazzling light suddenly exploded.


Thunder and fire intertwined, directly opening a large hole in the fragile bottom of the ship.With seawater pouring in and other after-explosions, this dilapidated wooden boat was on the verge of falling apart!

"Damn it!!! The people in the cult are not as clever as you!" In just a moment, the wooden boat tilted.

More seawater seeps out from the cracks in the hull. If this continues, it won't be long before the wooden ship will turn into a wreck on the seabed.

Yuanshang didn't have time to think about anything and ran directly out of the cabin.

The wooden boat half submerged in the water was a desperate scene.

Some people were lying on the torn deck, blood seeping from their fingers; some people had sunk to the bottom of the sea and were struggling; and some people had closed their eyes and were floating on the surface of the sea, their life or death unknown.

"In the end what happened?"

"I...I don't want to die!"

"mom, Mom, Mom!"


"I... what should I do?" Fuchshang held his head in panic, and while waving his hands, he caught a glimpse of a light spot in his hand from the corner of his eye.

"Yes... yes, Yuan You, it's smart! Call it!" Yuan Shang immediately had a backbone, activated the power in his body, and the light spot in his hand suddenly became the size of a person.

Before Yuan Shang could say anything, the three people on the right and left of Yuan, who were waiting in full formation, walked out of the abyss passage.


"What's going on? Tell me!" As soon as Yuan You came out, while observing the situation, he did not forget to ask Yuan Shang. "The ship has sunk, we need to save people!" Fuchsami also reacted and immediately told the whole situation.

" people..." Yuan Youhei's small eyes kept turning, bursts of light erupted from them - his head was working overload.

"Yuan Zuo, the bubbles are covering everyone!" Yuan You said to Yuan Zuo, who was surrounded by bubbles.

"Understood!" Yuan Zuo nodded, waving the staff in his hand, countless water bubbles rose up from the sea surface, from the bottom of the sea, and from the hull of the ship, wrapping everyone.

The fluff on Yuan Zuo's neck became soaked in just a short period of time. This was not due to the water element, but the sweat flowing from his body.

Wrapping dozens of people in water bubbles is still too strenuous for an abyss mage like him.

If it weren't for the fact that this place was in the sea and there was readily available water, it wouldn't even be able to condense dozens of blisters.

"Abyss Fire, blow this ship to rubble! Sweep out a flat sea surface for me!"

"Be careful, be fast and be accurate, if you don't want anyone to be burned to death by you." Yuan You warned.

"Huh..." Yuan Shang took a deep breath, and then the power of the abyss in his body surged, mixing with the external fire elemental power.

“The grace of the abyss!!!”

A hoarse voice exploded, and a rising wall of fire started from Yushang and spread to all sides.

Under this flame, the rotten wooden boards could not escape the fate of being reduced to ashes even if they were soaked in sea water.

However, as Yuan You said, while Yuan Shang was releasing his power, he also did not forget to control it.

The wall of fire was naturally extremely fierce when faced with the wreckage of the ship, but when faced with the blisters surrounding the patient, it restrained a lot.

Coupled with the protection of Yuanzuo's water polo, the best he could do was take a relatively hot bath.

The spreading wall of fire directly cut off a layer of this small sea area. When the wall of fire dissipated, what appeared was a flat surface of water with blackened ashes floating on it.

And the Abyss Chanter whose whole body is burning with unquenchable flames.

"Cough, cough, cough! Chanter, you are still strong!" Yuan You sighed and waved his staff.

Now, it's time for it to do its part!

Rotating ice picks appeared next to Yuan You, and the cold air blew across the water, bringing out pieces of thick ice.

Under Yuan You's full exertion, the ice cone rotated extremely fast. Not only that, there was also extremely cold hail falling from the sky, making the sea's ice area even wider.

"Quick... Yuan Zuo, put these people on the ice!" Seeing that the open space was big enough, Yuan You immediately ordered Yuan Zuo to put the humans on the ice.

"Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!"

The sound of water bubbles bursting was heard, and the humans soaked in the water fell onto the ice one by one. The remaining seawater on their bodies touched the ice, and there were immediate signs of freezing.

But Fuchikami took action again, and rising fireballs rose up from behind him and spread evenly on the ice.

The water and ice melted at the same time, but the water was not replenished, but the ice was always replenished by Yuan You.

Wisps of steam rose from everyone's bodies. Yuanshang saw that everyone no longer showed signs of ice, so with a flick of his finger, fireballs blasted towards the wave boats not far away.

Since Yuan You didn't speak, the fireball just exploded on the sea next to the wave boat, causing only a violent shaking.

Yuan You looked at the swaying ship in the distance, nodded to Yuan Shang, and said: "Go, this ship is too small to fit everyone."

"Haha, just wait for your words!" Yuanshang's whole body was burning with flames, suspended above the sea.He clasped his hands together, and the Abyss Chapter in front of him moved automatically.

"Although I don't like to show off, for you... it's better to die like a scum."

Aukami took a deep breath, and then raised the chapter open in front of him above his head.

"Feel it, the burning truth!"

In the sky over the sea, a falling star wrapped in lava appeared out of thin air.

Falling stars fell from the cracks in the dark starry sky and rushed towards the wave boat swaying under the waves.

(End of this chapter)

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